World Premiere of the Kaneh Bosm Connection YouTube Channel! Today we delve into the fascinating history and transformative power of cannabis, also known as cannabosom. Did you know that Jesus used cannabosom in the holy anointing oil during his healing miracles? This misunderstood plant, with its many names, holds secrets that could transform your health, wealth, and connection to the divine.
Today we delve into the fascinating history and transformative power of cannabis, also known as cannabosom. Did you know that Jesus used cannabosom in the holy anointing oil during his healing miracles? This misunderstood plant, with its many names, holds secrets that could transform your health, wealth, and connection to the divine.
In this episode, we explore the ancient wisdom of cannabosom, tracing its roots back to biblical times. The holy anointing oil, as described in Exodus 30-23, included cannabis, which was used by high priests and kings. Jesus, known as "the anointed one," used this oil in his healing missions, making it accessible to the common people.
We discuss the etymological journey of the word cannabosom, which has been mistranslated over centuries, obscuring its true identity as cannabis. This revelation could change the way billions of Christians perceive cannabis today.
I share my personal journey of discovering the healing power of cannabis while searching for a cure for my son's severe autism. Through holistic approaches and the use of raw hemp, my son has made a remarkable recovery, and now I aim to share this miracle with the world.
Our mission is to reach one billion people by 2025, educating them about the benefits of this miracle plant. We want people to think of cannabis as they do aloe vera—an accessible, natural remedy for various ailments.
Join us on this journey to rediscover the lost and hidden keys to a better life through the wisdom of cannabosom. Subscribe, share, and engage with us as we explore the transformative power of this sacred plant. Thank you for tuning in, and I look forward to sharing more insights and stories with you on the Cannabosom Connection.
his healing mission and his mission on this earth and helped heal the blind, the sick, the lame, the lepers, you name it, using this holy anointing oil. Now if you think about the billions of Christians that are on this earth right now, If they knew, if you know, if you knew that Jesus was using cannabis on his healing mission, would that change the way you perceive cannabis?
: Welcome to the Miracle Plant podcast, the show that inspires, promotes, and gives you a daily dose of inspiration from the people who have used cannabis to change their lives in extraordinary ways. Here's your host, Justin Benton.
: Did you know Jesus used cannabosom, also known as hemp, in the holy anointing oil during his healing miracles? This misunderstood plant with so many names holds secrets that could transform your health, wealth, and connection to the divine. Welcome to the Cannabosom Connection. My name's Justin Benton, and I'm on this channel so we can uncover these ancient wisdoms of cannabosom, also known as hemp, found in the holy anointing oil. From biblical references to modern holistic healing, we explore how this miracle plant can transform your health, which leads to a happier life and deeper connection to your purpose and what you're meant to do. Here, you'll find stories, teachings, and actionable insights on health spirituality, and prosperity designed to help you live your fullest life. Whether you're curious about ancient traditions, modern uses, or just looking for ways to elevate your daily life, this is the place for you. So if you're ready to rediscover these lost and hidden keys to a better life, make sure you hit that subscribe button, tap on the bell, and join the Cannon Bossom Connection. Together, let's explore the wisdom of this sacred plant. Welcome to the Cannabossum Connection. My name is Justin Benton and I'm here to teach you all about cannabossum, what it is, where it came from, how we lost the word through translation, and things that are going to blow your mind about how this miracle plant has been hidden from us for hundreds of years. So it dates back to about 2,800 years ago. There was this thing called the burning bush in Exodus 30-23. Moses was given a recipe to make a holy anointing oil and in that recipe there was 250 shekels of cannabis. Well, That's how they made it back then and the holy anointing oil was for the high priests and for kings eventually and they would make it with cassia and cinnamon and they would make it with cannabisum and olive oil. and what would happen is they would anoint someone from like head to toes with this oil and use roughly six or seven pounds of cannabosum. Well, guess what? Cannabosum is cannabis. Sounds pretty similar, doesn't it? Well, let me tell you from a book. This one right here is Chris Bennett's Cannabis, The Lost Sacrament of the Ancient World, and there is a woman called Sula B'nai, who is a Polish epitomologist, who's someone who studies, you know, languages and understands them, and she was an expert in the Hebrew tradition. And so, in her essays, tracing one word through different languages, Sulu B'nai and Cana B'asem, and early diffusions and folk uses of hemp in 1975, B'nai demonstrated that the Hebrew term canna and cannabosom identified cannabis. So I'm gonna read you a little bit here. Ready for some education time? It's like sit back like you're in kindergarten, you know? You're about to get learned. Here we go. Both in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament and in the Aramaic translation. Now Aramaic is the word, is the language that Jesus spoke when he was around 2,000 years ago. The word kana or kena is used either alone or linked to the adjective bosom in Hebrew and bousma in Aramaic meaning aromatic. It is kana in Sanskrit Cunebu in Assyrian, Kanab in Persian, Kanab in Arabic, and Kanban in Shaldean. In Exodus 30-23, God directed Moses to make a holy oil composed of myrrh, sweet cinnamon, cannabosum, and cassia. In many ancient languages, including Hebrew, the root kan has a double meaning, both hemp and reed. In many translations of the Bible's original Hebrew, we find cannabisum variously and erroneously translated as calamus or aromatic reed, a vague term. Calamus, a fragrant marsh plant, The error occurred in the oldest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, in the 3rd century BC, where the terms canna and cannabosom were incorrectly translated as calamus, and in the many translations that followed, including Martin Luther's, the same error repeated. So again, in Exodus 30-23, cannabosom is translated as sweet calamus. In Isaiah 43-24, canna is translated as sweet cane, although the word sweet appears nowhere in the original text. In Jeremiah 620, Cana is translated as sweet cane. In Ezekiel 2719, Cana is translated as calamus. In Song of Songs 414, Cana is translated as calamus. In the course of time, the two words Cana and Bossom were fused into one, Canabos or Canabas, known to us from Mishnah, the body of traditional Hebrew law. The word bears an unmistakable similarity to the Scythian cannabis literally spelled cannabis C-A-N-N-A-B-I-S. Is it too far-fetched to assume that the Semantic word CANBOSSUM and the Scythian word CANNIBUS means the same thing? That's Sulu B'nai 1975 in The Early Diffusions and Folk Uses of Hemp 1975. So there you have it. Now is that like crazy, mind-blowing or what? The original holy anointing oil that was reserved for kings and high priests given divinely to Moses 2,800 years ago, and then given that same holy anointing oil. Now Jesus was a rebel. He was a man of the people. Gentiles, Jewish tax collectors, sinners, you name it, were welcome at his table. So he would take this holy anointing oil with six, seven pounds of cannabis, and he would give it to the people. When he was on these healing missions, he would use this holy anointing oil. Now we all know what Jesus Christ stands for. Christ literally translates to the anointed one. So that's how big of a part of this mission it was. It's part of his name. When he gave the unction of oil to his disciples, they went out two by two and they would perform the healing acts that Jesus gave them power to perform using the same holy anointing oil with the cannabosom or cannabis. Now, that's wild, right? Think about that. And what happened was 300 years before Jesus was born, the Greek version, which is for like the academics, they translated the Hebrew Bible, which came from the times of Moses and the Holy Anointing, well, like 2,800 years ago. So that's 800 BC. And then around 300 BC, they translated it from Hebrew to Greek. And then they changed the word for meaning what it meant, which was calabas or hemp, you know, the aromatic cane, the aromatic hemp, and they changed it to a sweet, sweet calabas. which is a marshy plant like a pussy willow. So there you have it. And the thing that blows my mind when I first heard this, and this might be the first time you've ever heard it, is that this plant has been used, you know, obviously it was a sacred oil for kings and priests, reserved only for them, the common folk were never allowed to use until Jesus came along as a rabbi in the Jewish faith and he went and spread his healing mission and his mission on this earth and helped heal the blind, the sick, the lame, the lepers, you name it, using this holy anointing oil. Now, if you think about the billions of Christians that are on this earth right now, If they knew, if you know, if you knew that Jesus was using cannabis on his healing mission, would that change the way you perceive cannabis? Of course it would. And my goal is to reach 20, by 2025, which is coming up here pretty soon, to reach one billion people about the power of this miracle plant, especially in the raw form. Now look, I found this miracle plant when I was looking for a miracle for my son. He developed a late, he was a healthy, happy boy, and then around three years old, he developed a severe autism diagnosis. He was, you know, reading and writing and talking and playing baseball and social and all the things that kids do. And then after a routine visit to the doctor, he lost language, ability to make eye contact. He went into his own world. Basically, he was in his own, like, coma. And I had to find something to help restore my son's health. And, you know, with food and diet and eliminating all of the toxins in our country, We were able to get him from a severe diagnosis down to a moderate diagnosis of autism, meaning we could reteach him to write, to talk, to look people in the eyes, to smile, to laugh, to re-engage, and just do the kind of the simple things that he had lost the ability to do. But he wasn't all the way back, so I had to go continue looking for something that could restore his health. And that's when I came across cannabis, or hemp, that was helping children who were having seizures or epilepsy. And then I found some research from Dr. William Courtney. I was flying all over the world going to all these conferences after I learned about the epilepsy and CBD. And then he had some research showing that juicing raw cannabis was helping people with late cancer. My mother, Janet Benton Gaylord, she is a holistic healer and she came out as well and she's a school psychologist. retired for 25 years and an integrative nutritionist, and she believed in the holistic, raw, organic power of plant-based medicine. And so when we couldn't find a product like that, a raw hemp product, I made it. I grew it myself and gave it to my son, and lo and behold, our prayers were answered. and my son no longer carries the diagnosis of autism. He's a healthy, happy boy. He's in sixth grade. He's excelling in academics and athletics and music, and he's just a great kid. So our prayers were answered. So we, you know, wanted to pay it forward and figure out a way to reach a billion people by 2025 about the power of this miracle plant, cannabis, hemp, whatever you want to call it. and to help teach people and my real goal is I want people to think about cannabis the way you think about aloe vera like aloe vera comes from a plant that you crack open and then you rub it on your skin and then it helps sunburns well cannabis is the same thing you can cold press it and it comes out like something like this and then you can rub it where there's pain and it can help with inflammation and it can help repair nerves. So that's where pain comes from is inflammation and nerve damage, you know, arthritis, those types of things. So my goal is for when you think of aloe vera and sunburns, you think of raw hemp and you think of the healing powers that it can have just with pain. And it does so much more, but I just want that simple thing for people to think about. And now that you know that cannabisum is cannabis, and was in the healing, holy anointing oil that Jesus Christ used, you know, Yeshua Christo, which means, you know, Joshua in Hebrew, which is Jesus, which is when they translated it to Greek, and Christ means the anointed one. So Jesus, the anointed one, using the holy anointing oil containing cannabis, and we're talking about, you know, here's raw hemp that you can use and rub on, is that this is hopefully the thing that grabs your attention. I want to have a conversation with the Pope and explain this to him. And the original Pope was Peter, St. Peter, and he was the first Pope in the Catholic Church. So he was one of those disciples that went out two by two and was healing with the holy anointing oil and the power that Jesus bestowed upon them. And so he knew back then that it had cannabis in it, but it was stolen from us or hidden from us. Now it's back, right? Now hemp is legal federally all over the United States and it has been since 2014 and 2018 the Farm Bill has passed. So now we have an opportunity and we've seen thousands of miracle stories. I have a miracle plant podcast you can check out as well. I might have some of the podcasts play here so you can listen to them again. We've interviewed incredible doctors including Dr. William Courtney and some incredible people that you'll hear their story of using this miracle plant especially in the raw form. So again, I wanted to come on here, explain a little bit more about Cannabossum, explain a little bit more about me and my story and our mission, and I hope you learned something. There's so much more to talk about, and I just want to have a conversation. And if you liked what you heard, you do me a favor and go ahead and subscribe or like this video or share this video. If you have any questions, put it in the comments. If there's any videos you want us, any topics you want us to do a video on, we're happy to do that. Put that in the comments as well. But again, I just want to have a conversation. And if this blew your mind today, Fantastic. And then if it blew your mind, I encourage you to research. Do the research for yourself. Sula Banay is, and I'll put that in the description so you can look her up. She's an etymologist that proved that cannabosum really is cannabis. They've been using it for over 8,000 years medicinally in oriental medical journals that we can date back to. You learned something new here at The Cannabis Connection. I look forward to sharing many more videos, many more insights. We'll have some interviews on here. We'll answer questions on here. And at the end of the day, if you want to try it, we'll even give you some ways to try it for free and see that it can help you, this miracle plant, the way it helped me and my family. So again, thanks for swinging by The Cannabossom Connection, and we'll see you next time. All right.