Miracle Plant

What's 1 Thing You're Grateful For Today?

Episode Summary

"Teaching Through Actions: The Impact of Pursuing Dreams on Children" In this heartfelt podcast episode, Justin Benton  expresses deep gratitude and admiration for Russell Bronson. He recounts a moment when Russell's integrity in high-stakes business negotiations left a profound impact. Justin shares how he knew he wanted to partner with Russell and emphasizes the importance of doing the right thing for its own sake. He reflects on the journey of their business and its success, with the number of members growing significantly. The conversation also touches on the concept of child abuse through neglecting one's dreams and the idea that parents need to set an inspiring example for their children by pursuing their own dreams. The episode includes messages of hope, hard work, and the importance of health and gratitude, concluding with expressions of appreciation from his team, who share their personal stories and gratitude, highlighting the genuine and caring nature of the group. Produced by PodConx

Episode Notes

"Teaching Through Actions: The Impact of Pursuing Dreams on Children"

In this heartfelt podcast episode, Justin Benton  expresses deep gratitude and admiration for Russell Bronson. He recounts a moment when Russell's integrity in high-stakes business negotiations left a profound impact. Justin shares how he knew he wanted to partner with Russell and emphasizes the importance of doing the right thing for its own sake.

He reflects on the journey of their business and its success, with the number of members growing significantly. The conversation also touches on the concept of child abuse through neglecting one's dreams and the idea that parents need to set an inspiring example for their children by pursuing their own dreams. The episode includes messages of hope, hard work, and the importance of health and gratitude, concluding with expressions of appreciation from his team, who share their personal stories and gratitude, highlighting the genuine and caring nature of the group. 

Produced by PodConx  

101cbd - https://101cbd.org/



Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] That's how it works. And that's how it worked with Russell. So to see the integrity from him in those high stakes games, I can count on one finger, two fingers. Maybe how many times I've seen that in business and high stakes negotiation business, that someone's willing to do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing.

Not saving face, not doing it for ego. You're not trying to get a good deal. So anyways, that's when I knew right then and there that that was, that was it. I was like, when the opportunity comes. Whether it's my opportunity or his opportunity, I'm going to partner with this dude because he's going places, he's going to do things, he's going to change the world.

Like I'm telling you, like a lot of people don't know who he is. Molly was talking about him and you know, one of her girlfriend's husband, some, you know, celebrity hotshot, he buys cars for whoever he's a jerk. And he's like, I don't know who Russell Bunchard is. Of course you don't because you're not [00:01:00] an internet marketer.

You're not a digital marketer. You're not selling things online. And as I'm out here, signing deals with all these influencers and stuff to get them to promote our affiliate program or offer. Everybody loves Russell and I mean everybody and people are bending over backwards of whatever he wants, whatever he needs to do.

He did this for me 10 years ago. He did this for me five years ago. He's taught me so much about marketing, yada, yada, yada, yada, yada. And so, I mean, of course I knew it already, but it's, it's always fun to like, like I kid with Russell, dude, my favorite thing to sell is you. I mean, everybody loves you, man.

And he, but here's the crazy thing. This is where I fit into the equation. He's a total introvert. A sweet, introverted, grew up in a small town in Utah, Mormon. Right. And, and I, I've said it before. I love Mormons. I love Canadians and I love Midwesterners, hard work ethic, good values, [00:02:00] honest, give me a, give it to me all day.

Uh, and I just want to surround myself with people I can trust that I can count on, you know, that those were the two words, kind of the same thing, right? Trust and I can count on and hardworking. And so anyways, and it's, it's been a heck of a fun journey. It's been a long journey. That's why I was so emotional on Thursdays, like my, and I look back and I'm like, when I really stopped and think, I thought about all the sacrifice and all the work and all the commitment that, you know, me and Molly and all of us have, have put our chips in on this thing.

And it's, it's here, it's here, it's happening. It's really happening. We've got 2000 members already. We'll probably get 10, 000 by Thanksgiving. We got a launch in a couple hours. Another launch straight to a sales page, no video, no confusion, click on the button and, uh, and basically all our, all [00:03:00] of, you know, my dreams come true.

So, and I hope it's an inspiration for you. I know it'll be. an inspiration for my kids.

They say the, there's a, and this is a strong comment, but this is from a guy that, um, what's his name? Ed Milette. And he spoke at FHL last year, which was very powerful. And he says, there's a form of child abuse goes unnoticed. And that's when parents don't chase their dreams,

because if you don't chase your dreams,

[00:04:00] how will they be inspired to chase theirs? How will they know that they can chase theirs?

So, like I said, it's been a journey, a rewarding journey, a lot of hard work. As I keep saying, the train's pulling in. And like I started the first call we had this year, 2023. Is the year of the harvest. And let me tell you it's harvest time. All right. Who's next? Hey, a quick comment. Uh, thank you for sharing at such a personal and inspirational level.

It just reminds me when you're a little bitty guy, like four or five years old. You told me I was born to be a Prince. So you're reaching that dream now. It was really inspiring and you brought me to tears and I love, [00:05:00] love, love. That comment that you just shared about a form of child abuse, if you don't go after your dreams as the parents, Oh my gosh, that was just, Oh, my heart.

It just like actually stopped and dropped. So it's very beautiful to hear that, Justin. Thanks. Yeah. Happy to pass on what I've learned the nuggets on my journey. Uh, and Ed, my lead is a monster influence influencer. He's got a podcast if you like more of that, but. Uh, yeah, I thought that one definitely resonated with, hit us all hard last year at FHL and, and any parent out there, um, because, you know, I say it a lot, like kids may or may not listen to what you say, but they always will watch what you do.

And if you show them hard work, if you show them that you had a goal

and you showed them you had a dream[00:06:00]

and you did it. And so they know they can have their troops come true if they work hard, you know, it's not just going to come to you. You got to work hard. Commit hard, believe hard, overcome adversity, overcome pitfalls,

because it's, it's not just where you get, it's the person you become that can get where you want to go through the hardship.

So, again, I'm just grateful and that's why it's emotional because it's, it's been a journey. So, like I said, it's, you know, obviously, the most important thing for me is family. My kids,[00:07:00]

of course, you want to protect them and provide for them. But ultimately, you want them to live happy lives with optimism and live the fullest life. And if you're doing that, if you're showing them that, then that gives them the breadcrumbs so that they can do it for themselves. So anyways, who knew it was going to be an emotional one today, but it is.

That's the best kind. Thank you so much. This has been amazing. Congrats, Justin. Um, and then I, I can go next with my share. I was actually going to say that, um, I'm grateful for you, Justin and your family, you and Molly and Janet and all of you guys. It's like from the very start, I, [00:08:00] I always hoped that this day would come for you because It's when you, um, and it's, I mean, you know, me when I'll meet someone and I'll be like, like, I'll say to you guys, like, no, there's something up with this one.

But from the very beginning meeting you, it was all just integrity, kindness, goodness. And, uh, and it's the same with everyone in your family. And, uh, I always, I always felt very close to you and Molly. And, uh, And like I said, I'm so grateful to be a part of this. You know, I will say though, what is funny, it's like, I still have very Irish ways.

It's like, I try, I ended up logging. I finally was able to sign up for that thing, but it took me, like I said, I was at the hospital with a friend. But I couldn't get into the nine o'clock session and it took me, uh, they never sent me the email and I'm like, Oh my God, what did I do wrong? I must've done something wrong.

And instead of thinking like [00:09:00] there was something wrong with the system, I was like, Oh, what did I do wrong? And then of course I was able to sign up. There was a second one. I think that I could get in at nine 45. And then of course I couldn't do the video. But instead of thinking there was something wrong with the system, I went that total Irish way.

Like, how did I screw this up? Anyway, Justin, I'm so happy for you. And I think maybe if we're going to do our breakfast meet next week, I think it should be a celebration. We should celebrate you and your family. I'm just, I'm so happy for you guys. Thanks. Definitely appreciate it. And, and, uh, you know, and, and these missions are intertwined, you know, they just are.

Um, we got to get to a billion people by 2025, you know, I won't be able to rest until I know that the world understands, um, you know, obviously hemp and, and the miracle plant, but there just has to be a shift in consciousness for plant based medicine and a better [00:10:00] diet. Uh, you know, we're just the worst, you know, here and it's not all our fault is Americans, you know, we're being, we're being force fed, you know, these addictive chemicals and horrible crap and all these commercials that are pushing us through us and drive throughs and like, you know, red and yellow make you hungry.

Like, literally, that's all the psychological stuff that I learned, you know, in this marketing journey and it's like, we're being. We're like, you know, cattle being led to slaughter, but being taxed the whole way. And so we just have to have a consciousness, um, cause no one's telling people this. Um, and so we have to, whether it's podcasts or conversations that we have, and whether it's organic or eventually if we do a video with Mr.

Beast, whatever it is at some point. There has to be a shift in consciousness and accuracy of information and I have a, I, through this journey, I've become friends with Chris work, who's the, you know, one of the best people on the planet about beating cancer through juicing. Has his own [00:11:00] huge movement, you know, his Jamie cross was the original raw honey, five minute person that Kristen recorded a video on her.

And I like best friends. Her son fell out of a tree, like three stories and almost died and she's giving him our CBD and he doesn't have to be on pain beds anymore and he's going to be fine and, you know, and she's a massive, massive influencer, you know, doing 10 And she was on the podcast too. And yeah.

All these pieces are coming together and we always want that shortcut, that quick win. Like, how can I just get it tomorrow? How can I get win now? You know? But sometimes if the long, if you never stopped, if you stop stopping, if you keep working, you can always get there. You just have to keep getting up.

You have to keep believing, just have faith, just keep believing, getting up. Just know like, today's a new day. What can I do today? You know, what could I learn from yesterday that I could apply to today and build the relationships and serve and care about people and give and you know, how many, I don't know how many tens of thousands.

Of samples that we sent out hundreds of [00:12:00] thousands, maybe by now. Right. And, and all of these influencers, all of these people in the marketing world, anytime they had a problem, which most people do, they get one in the mail. So what do they think about when they think about me? Right. So there's this thing and I didn't know about it, but I learned about it.

So this called gift ology. And this would be a great book for Linda. If you haven't read it, I know you could write your own book as well, but there's this thing, um, it's a psychological thing. It was written by Robert Chiodolti. I think it's called the power of influence. And there's this psychological, and I didn't know about this beforehand, but this is just how it is.

When we give somebody a gift, we, we, like, it's in our DNA that we, we feel indebted to them. Like we've like, and we can't not be indebted to them. And so if you're trying to like make connections with influencers or network, if you can find the right gift, which my mom and Linda are the best. If you can find the right gift for someone that creates an [00:13:00] emotional response, that's the fastest way that you can create a true connection.

The other way is through laughter, but you need to be in the same room and be funny or at least have them think you're funny to create a quick bond and quick trust. And so, you know, by us sending these gifts and these nice little package boxes, you might not see the ROI in the bank account today, you know, and then it wasn't ever done with that intention.

The universe pays attention to that too. If you're doing. The thing because you want to do the thing that's right for someone else and you consistently do it there. It comes back tenfold. That's how the universe works. It's like energy. It's like, you know, you can look at the quantum physics of it if you want or you can just believe in faith and God and many, many other people that have taught this that I've read over and over in these 15, 000 books that Russell procured.

So anyways, I know we're wrapping up here with time. I don't want to Keep hogging it up, but, uh, thank you everybody for all your hard work. And, and, uh, yeah, I, I've got to launch another product in an hour and [00:14:00] seven minutes, so I'll have to get out of here in seven minutes, but, um, thank you for everyone's support.

Any other grateful shares?

Well, I just want to say this is small, but I really appreciated Molly's costumes in the volleyball win.

Yeah, just, uh, this is Laura. Congrats. I mean, it's, it's just been awesome listening to this. call today. Uh, just feels really energizing and inspiring and congratulations. And it's just, yeah, continuing, you know, visually that that rocket emoji, um, that I know you've used, but it's like, that's what I'm visualizing.

It's like, it's already taken off and it's just continuing to. To fly high and that's, that's just awesome. And also [00:15:00] congratulations to Zoe and, um, and, and Molly and Justin for the, the awesome wins, um, on the team and, um, and yeah, I just wanted to quickly show yesterday I got to, uh, see my great. I went to my great uncle's birthday party.

He turned 94 and, um, I hadn't seen him since a couple of years before the pandemic. Um, and, uh, yeah, and part of that reason was my whole family was very pro vaccine and I, um, I, I, I wasn't. And so anyway, I didn't, I hadn't seen him in years and it's just, I'm just so grateful. I got to see him and my, my great aunt, his older sister.

Uh, my grandma was their oldest sister and she passed away in 2012, but. Uh, my great aunt I think is 97 and he's 94 and they're both just so with it and I was just sitting with them and at the party [00:16:00] there were a bunch of people and sitting at different tables and I just wanted to just sit with them and I just for a little while I was just holding my great aunt's hand and then she would just smile at me and she but they're and they're just They're just so withered and funny and smart and, um, and I just, I just so appreciated getting to hug them and, um, yeah, it was just really, really special.

So, yeah, I want to share that. Really grateful.

Love it. Yeah, it was, uh, so much to be grateful for. That's for sure. And, and having your health is, is, you know, priority number one. So if you've got your health, like, come on, like anything over that is gravy for real. So anyways, that's awesome. All right, Raquel, you got anything for us? Yes, uh, this is, uh, will be just very quick.

So, um, I'm grateful [00:17:00] to, you know, to experience all of those things. And I'm also grateful to meet you guys because, um, it's honestly, it's, um, for me, it's rare to meet genuine people like you guys, because I've, I've been through worst. As well, so, like, in working terms, so I'm, I'm really happy to hear all of this stuff from you guys.

I've learned a lot from this experience and hearing from all of your grateful shares. And this is supposed to be a secret, but okay, I'm. Also including all of you guys in my prayers, and I'm really happy that, um, like it's really working out well with Justin and with, uh, Secrets of Success. So, yeah, I really can say that prayers really work.

So, yeah, with, with Molly, with Janet, with Laura, Linda, and Kristen, [00:18:00] I'm, I'm just really happy to meet all of you. And I'm really grateful for that. So, yes. Awesome. Well, we're grateful for you and all the hard work. Having to try and keep up with me throwing crazy stuff at you and switching companies like socks and do all kinds of nutty stuff.

But, um, you know, I'll know they say, you know, another, another one from Russell here that I, his, his belief is that at the end of our time, we'll be able to look back on our life and we'll be able to experience, um, the ripple effect of all the people that we've touched, helped, um, and how they've helped others and experience all that joy and love.

That, that we were a part of, so that's why we're all here. I mean, you wouldn't be on this phone call unless you were someone who was really cared about people who really had a really a servant's heart who really was here for the right reasons because you really care about [00:19:00] people. Um, otherwise you wouldn't have lasted, you know, we don't pay the most money.

We don't have the most benefits, you know, we're, you know, we're a small family business that that has a huge dream and a huge heart and, you know, and but that comes back, you know, you can have, you can burn in turn. I've worked for companies that literally rip their clients off and, you know, it only took me a couple of weeks to figure it out.

But like. There, you know, there's the Ponzi schemes and all that kind of stuff that's out there. And then there's the polar opposite, right? I mean, obviously, yes, we want to apply marketing principles that work in strategies for social media so we can have impact. You know, we all have bills to pay. Uh, it's just a matter of like when you truly serve and care, like think about our clients, like some of the other companies that I've started in the last few years, just to kind of try new things.

In this digital world, like, and the customer services was just awful and I've had [00:20:00] bad experience with customer service, you know, working for other companies and so, and then you see our clients and like, you know, Laura, when was the last time you had like a, an angry person that was mad at us, you know, in, in, you know, you know, like a grouchy customer.

Yeah, I'm not. And long, long time. Yeah. And then, and how cool is that? I mean, you know, yeah, we've got 20, 000 customers or whatever it is. And it's like, they love us, you know what I mean? And so sometimes we do get a weird person every once in a while. We're like, like, you know, take a deep breath. We're here to serve, you know what I mean?

And, and it's, it's very rare, but. It's very, it's very, what an honor. Um, and that comes with only working hard, committing, serving, caring, listening, all that we've all pitched in on to create that. And that is our brand. You know, you talk about build a brand. That's our brand. Go look at our reviews. Go talk to anybody on the streets.[00:21:00]

In Ventura, it is crazy. Like, no one comes up to me much when I wear like, 101 CBD or the Miracle Plant stuff. It's rare. Sometimes they do. But, anytime I talk to somebody about CBD, people will come up to me and they're like, Are you the one that, the owner or whatever, CBD? I go, No, that's Laura. No, anyways.

Uh, and so, they come up to me and they... They say, you know, do you work at 101 CBD or do you own or whatever? And I say, yeah, they go. I just want to thank you so much. Our dog was in the worst way. And your CBD brought him back to life. He lived another two or three years and a happier, fuller life. We see, I see that a lot.

I see that more than other things. But the other thing that I see as I walk around town. When, when I bring something up about CBD, they say, I say, Oh, actually, uh, we have a store down in Seward and like, Oh, one on one CBD. I'm like, yeah. Oh my gosh. Your stuff's amazing. I hear that. I mean, I'm telling you nine times out of 10, when I [00:22:00] just bring up CBD and I mentioned one on one CBD in Ventura, nine times out of 10, that's exactly what I hear.

Oh, your guys stuff is the best. They already used it, you know? And so that's why we have to figure out this digital marketing game. We were going to plant franchises and independent stores in different States and cities. That was the plan. That plan got slaughtered. By COVID. And so we had to make a new plan and that's the digital marketing plan.

So we can go direct to customers. We've got the brand now we've got to attract the clients. And that's what I've learned. And the best way to attract the clients is what's called the dream 100, which is you, you find you list your top 100 people that already have your audience that already have your traffic and you do a JV partnership with them.

You can call it affiliate, whatever you want. And that's what I did with Russell. That's how I got him to become a partner with me was I put him on top of the list because I knew he was the big domino. He was [00:23:00] the big domino that would knock over all the other dominoes in my life and in my mission. And so, again, probably going to have to write a book on this.

I will once I go get this NFTY launched, which I got to run to. So, uh, anything else before we wrap up?

All good, Trewee. Perfect. All right. Well, the count of three, let's say heal the world because that is what the mission is to reach a billion people by 2025 about the power of this miracle plant, especially in the raw form and counter three. Let's say heal the world. So the vibe can find it. The energy can feel it.

And people that really need this miracle plant and they need, uh, hope, um, can find us. So on the count of three, let's say heal the world. Here we go. 1, 2, 3, 4.

Congratulations, Justin. Have a great week, everyone. Thanks. And thanks for everyone's shares. Bye. Bye bye.[00:24:00]