Miracle Plant

Unlocking the Secrets of Success: How Justin Benton and Russell Brunson Are Revolutionizing Personal Development

Episode Summary

"Unlocking the Secrets of Success: A Movement in Personal Development" Justin Benton joins Sean Osborne to talk about the Secrets of Success movement and the upcoming Think and Grow Rich Challenge on the Thinking Big: Mindset, Habits, and Hacks podcast. Justin highlights Russell Brunson's transition from marketing to personal development, emphasizing the movement's focus on timeless wisdom from past thought leaders. They discuss the challenge's lineup of speakers, including Dean Graziosi, Sharon Lechter, and Trent Shelton, and the significance of Napoleon Hill's unpublished works. The conversation underscores the transformative potential of the challenge and encourages listeners to join the movement. To learn more about the Think and Grow Rich Challenge www.thinkandgrowrichchallenge.com

Episode Notes

"Unlocking the Secrets of Success: A Movement in Personal Development"

Justin Benton joins Sean Osborne to talk about the Secrets of Success movement and the upcoming Think and Grow Rich Challenge on the Thinking Big: Mindset, Habits, and Hacks podcast. Justin highlights Russell Brunson's transition from marketing to personal development, emphasizing the movement's focus on timeless wisdom from past thought leaders. They discuss the challenge's lineup of speakers, including Dean Graziosi, Sharon Lechter, and Trent Shelton, and the significance of Napoleon Hill's unpublished works. The conversation underscores the transformative potential of the challenge and encourages listeners to join the movement.

To learn more about the Think and Grow Rich Challenge www.thinkandgrowrichchallenge.com

Episode Transcription

00:00:00] You know, Secrets of Success, if I were to define it in one word, I would say it's a movement, uh, would be the word and, and really, you know, for those that don't know much about Secrets of Success, uh, basically Russell Brunson for the last 20 years was focused on marketing. He wrote three bestselling books, like for real, like New York Times bestselling books, not just Amazon, but, you know, and he gave everything he could, every mastermind business meetings.

Uh, he's helped thousands of people become millionaires online, and then he wanted to shift gears.

Welcome to the miracle plant podcast, the show that inspires, promotes, and gives you a daily dose of inspiration from the people who have used cannabis to change their lives in extraordinary ways. Here's your host, Justin Benton.[00:01:00]

Welcome to the thinking big podcast. I'm your host, Sean Osborne. And today we have an incredible guest, Justin Benton, co founder of secrets of success, Justin and Russell Brunson are all on a mission to change the landscape of personal development by bringing timeless wisdom from the greatest thought leaders of the past into the present.

And I am so happy to be able to partner with them. So get ready to discover how these lost secrets can transform your life. So let's dive in. Welcome to the thinking big podcast with Sean Osborne. The show helping you think bigger into your life and potential. Sean believes by equipping you with the tools, strategies, and philosophies required to be successful in all aspects of your life, you can achieve anything you believe in.

Empowering our own growth makes a deeply positive and lasting impact on our lives, community, and our world. Now here's Sean. Well, thanking big nation. We have a fantastic [00:02:00] guest on with us today. I'm Mr. Justin Benton and he is. I would say you're the co founder of Secrets of Success. I mean, you're one of the, you know, you're you and Russell started the Secrets of Success, which is, which is such a fantastic platform, such a fantastic venture, you know, it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it is because it's such a big vision.

And it's such a huge thing that you can't just pinpoint. It's not a, it's not a mastermind group. It's not a platform. It's not, it is a, to me, what you guys are doing is going to change the way people look and take in personal development, uh, in the future. So Justin, thank you so much for being on, uh, being on the show today.

Well, thanks for having me. And, uh, man, we've, we've become fast friends. Haven't we? We launched a secrets of success back in October of 23, about six months ago from recording this. And, uh, it was amazing. And, and your audience is just was blown away by the [00:03:00] content. They loved it. They jumped in whenever we have similar audiences, you know, secrets of success.

If I were to define it in one word, I would say it's a movement, uh, would be the word and, and really, you know, for those that don't know much about secrets of success. Uh, basically Russell Brunson for the last 20 years was focused on marketing. He wrote three bestselling books, like for real, like New York Times bestselling books, not just Amazon, but you know, and he gave everything he could every mastermind business meetings, uh, he's helped thousands of people become millionaires online, and then he wanted to shift gears.

Uh, and it was actually, as we talked about previously with Tony Robbins, asked him what's next for you. If he sells his company for a billion. What's next and he thought about it long and hard and it was personal development and going to the source and uh, napoleon hill Uh was it was his favorite, uh author.

He went down that rabbit hole bought all these books And then he's like, you know what this is what i'm going to do for the next 40 years of my life is Teach these lost secrets from these books that have been written from the 1850s to the [00:04:00] 1950s and it's already been proven Generations have made money have gotten better health wealth Uh, relationships using these principles and we're not seeing these principles taught, uh, in school and mainstream media and social media for the most part.

And so, you know, Russell and I got busy doing this about three years ago, we started going back and forth. I'm, I'm kind of known as the Indiana Jones of the personal artifacts. I hop on the plane and go check the stuff out. And then Russell pops up and yeah, man, it's just been amazing getting to know you and I'm so excited to be introduced to your audience because they obviously love.

You know, and we're just so much on the same page, you know, it's it's that empowerment It's we call ourselves round pegs and it's just about there's more to life and you know it and you're a round peg because you don't fit in the square holes out there and And i'm just glad that we're partners and i'm happy to support you any way that we can And I know we got some really big news coming up.

Yeah, I think, you know, what you said, it's a movement. It truly is a movement. And as you said, you know, my, you know, this, [00:05:00] this thinking big audience that that's on with this now is, you know, we are in such alignment with what you guys are doing there. And that's, that's been my mission, literally for the past year.

you know, five or six years to really push this because, you know, as, as many of my listeners know, you know, these philosophies, you know, took me from homeless at 15 to, you know, selling a multimillion dollar company by 30 and it wasn't by accident. It wasn't a, you know, something, uh, it was the philosophies within think and grow rich and with not just think and grow rich.

You know, the funny thing is, is you look at all the books that are part of secrets of success and all the, the thought leaders from the 1950s, 1850s to the 1950s, they all teach. Kind of the same thing. If you look at him, it's, here's the thing. It's not a secret. It's just different people's way of saying, here's how it worked for me.

And this is what worked for me. But if you look at them, they're all so similar to each other. And that's what, that's one of the things I like about secrets of success. And that's why this community aligned so well with, uh, uh, with, with secrets of success, [00:06:00] because that's what we talk about. And it's like, I do not Affiliate myself with people.

I do not partner with people. Uh, there's just something that's just me. That's what I've, you know, what I've always done. But once, once I saw, you know, Russell and what he's doing, what you guys are doing, it's like, I have to align myself with this team because it is in such alignment with what I do that, uh, it helps me push my message further and faster using the secrets of success platform, uh, as well.

So again, thank you so much. What, what really. I look back and, and, or not look back, but I look at what Russell's doing and I try to, to try to put myself in his shoes. It's like, okay, what, what is he doing? I always try to mimic my mentors. That's one of the ways that I've gone as far as I have. It's because I, I find people that are successful.

I find people that I want to be like, and I will look at them. I will watch them. I will analyze them and I will do things that they do. And Obviously, he's, you know, he started ClickFunnels. Huge. That's, that's where he made his money. That's, that's his, you know, that's [00:07:00] his bread. I mean, that's where he, that's where he made it.

To me, the secrets of success is that's his legacy. This is what he's doing now. This is his legacy for people to, uh, really, uh, Get to again the secrets of you know, think and grow rich and in all these books is it's what he used to get ahead As well, it's like everybody you you look at yourself Russell myself If you take the steps that every all these successful people took you can lay them on top of all of these Books on top of think and grow rich and on top of these and it's really that's it's the law of success I mean you can't beat the law.

I mean Gravity is gravity. No matter where you are, you know, this is the, this is the law of success. And it's like, you can't get around it. So again, thank you guys for, for one starting that initiative. It's, it's going to be huge. It's going to change personal development and it's going to bring alive things that are forgotten, things that have been put on the bookshelf.

So yeah, it's huge. Well, yeah, I mean, and like I said, it's, it's so awesome that we [00:08:00] got a chance to meet and I know. Like you had never done a JV partnership like this. And, uh, you know, because our audiences were so aligned and your story's legendary, you know, I mean, it's like his first time he sends out some emails that we told him to send out to the audience because we knew our voice and your guys, you know, the audience, it was the same voice, the same people, and, and now we get to, uh, you know, align, you know, forces and, uh, it's just, uh, amazing.

And, and again, like you said, there's so many books out there that. You know, look how many books are there's more Netflix movies than ever more TV shows than ever There's there's more attention and everyone's coming after your attention But here's the thing nobody wants to play the telephone game like just because someone says they're an expert or says they do this doesn't Mean that they actually know what they're doing What you need to do is actually go to something that's been proven Obviously Russell has been proven with thick with click funnels and it's not just the software What Russell will go down as the greatest curator in the history of mankind that I've ever known.

And he spent 20 years on marketing and entrepreneurship, and that's what the results are, you know, a company valued at, you know, [00:09:00] around a billion dollars, literally helped thousands of people become millionaires online. And that's all documented, you know, with his two comic club awards and things of that nature.

Some of the best masterminds, some of the biggest names like Alec Hormozzi, those types of people came from Russell's world. Like, he's the one that taught them these secrets. And, and Russell literally said, I've given everything I can, I've read everything, I've done every mastermind, every person I could possibly join, I've spent every money, bought every course.

For 20 years, I wrote three books and I'm done! I got nothing left! I literally have gotten to the end of the rabbit hole and now I want to not just help entrepreneurs But I want to help everybody because it's kind of like what we call going up funnel A lot of us we get you go through college my story You know I went to high school college did what I was supposed to do got the good job Got a four percent raise in corporate america after year one and said i'm out Like that's not what I was put here on this earth to do.

And so, you know, and what happened, I had been exposed to a network marketing and he was called a quick star or am where some people in, and it was a [00:10:00] network marketing event and I've showed up in an event and they, and they showed me Zig Ziglar and, and they can grow rich and all of these books. And so now it's like, You have this way of thinking now.

It's like, wait a second. I can take control of my mindset. I can focus on the things that I want to have happen. Not the things that I don't want to have happen. I can live in abundance versus living in scarcity. We have these hardwired brains, 2 million year old lizard brains that are telling us, look for a saber, two tiger to jump out of a bush.

And it ain't there. They haven't been around for hundreds of thousands of years, but our hardwired programming. Is looking for what's wrong. And so now with the subconscious mind and with the, you know, the conscious mind, we can reprogram our subconscious mind. These guys figured it out. These were the original thought leaders or since we Martin, you know, Samuel smiles, uh, of course, Napoleon Hill, some of his contemporaries like Charles Hanlon, Elsie Lincoln, Benedict.

These are the people that figured it out first. So anything that you've heard, and we all love Tony and we love Brendan Brichard and some of the new guys that are out there. Jay Shetty. They're awesome, but I'm telling you, they all learned from these guys. [00:11:00] And so, and people aren't knowing. I mean, I didn't know who Elsting Lincoln Benedict was.

I didn't know who Charles Hanel was. And these were the these were the contemporaries and the mentors of of napoleon hill and thinking grow rich So we wanted to put all of them in one place And now russell's using those empower, you know, amazing curation skills and he's scouring 15 000 personal development books 15 000 He's scouring through them to find the true golden nuggets, and we're featuring them inside the membership site.

Uh, it's a, it's a free trial offer that we have as well, that you can kick the tires on it for 30 days. Russell sends you three books, one of them is Thick Grow Rich, it's his version with his forward with a cool cover, and two are unpublished Napoleon Hill, uh, you know, manuscript. And, and it's, what we called it, irresistible.

Offer. And so anyways, and just, we want people to kick the tires and see if this was the community, you know, another community like yours, you know, like our communities are the same and it's just, now it's a matter of like, let's get together and let's hang out [00:12:00] and, and kick some tires together and, and.

And I know we got something really big coming up to that. We want to talk about and, you know, it's funny you talk about, you know, his version of the finger. Just, you know, it's thinking rich and and to unpublished manuscripts. That's one of the things that is so so amazing about secrets of success is it's not just books from 18 50 to 1950.

These original thought leaders and people, as you said, that mentored Napoleon Hill himself. It's like it's stuff that's never seen the light of day. Russell is going out and buying stuff and acquiring things that nobody has seen and it's not because they weren't good. It's just because they just never happened.

They never got published. They it's I've got a, you know, a shelf back here full of the books from from Russell. And it's like some of this stuff is just so amazing. And I like his story. You know, if people, uh, you know, I'll put links in the in the show notes. But there's, you know, Russell goes through a story where when he was first beginning, He was first starting out, he was going to, you know, these workshops or these, you know, events and people in the, you know, [00:13:00] speakers would say, Hey, have you, have you read think and grow rich?

And I was, I'm just exact. That's exactly how I got. into think and grow rich as well. I was at these, some of these events, I was starting to get into, you know, personal development and they would, have you heard? No, no, I've never even heard of thinking or rich. I've never even done that. And it's like, so that's how most of us will get indoctrinated into it.

But think and grow rich is one of those books that is just absolutely valuable. And the funny thing is, it's really not about money. It's about thinking and growing successful in whatever the hell you want, whether it's your relationship, your career, money, uh, whatever it is, it's the same success is success, no matter what you're going after, and I think that's one of the biggest things about that book, and that actually brings us up, we are about to kick off, to me, the biggest Think and grow rich challenge ever.

You know, my audience is, is, is used to this. We've done, you know, think and grow rich challenges for the last five years. And let me tell you, thinking big [00:14:00] nation, you have not seen anything yet. This is going to be such an epic challenge that it's going to blow you away. It is absolutely going to blow you away.

So let's dive into the challenge just a little bit, because it is, it's going to be, it's going to be, well, first things first, you're speaking at it, which is amazing. I think we can tell the audience it's out there in the public. When you go check out the link, I'm sure that we'll have down there below, uh, for you to get signed up.

It's a free challenge. So you can absolutely get in for free. We've got some of those big names that we were talking about before the biggest names in personal development. Plus we're going to have the biggest names in Napoleon Hill. And then we're, we are going to have a VIP session, um, which Sean's going to be featured in as well.

I'll be actually hosting and we will be going deep, deep into Napoleon Hills, his legacy, the principles. And, uh, it's going to be amazing. Plus when you sign up for the, for the VIP session, you get the recordings and you get the access and all these great things, [00:15:00] plus you get the three books mailed to you.

You actually get the free trial as well with secrets of success. So you kind of kill two birds Uh, with one stone, but it's so exciting. It's a three day challenge. It's coming up on May 10th. If you're hearing this in the future, uh, there's a good chance that we might be able to get something where it's kind of on an ongoing basis.

So just still go check out that link and go there, uh, to check it out. But it's, uh, it's been about three years in the making. Um, we're going to have the president of the Napoleon Hill foundation, Don Green will be speaking there. We'll have relatives from. Uh, Napoleon Hill, his grandson will be there who has the full timeline of putting Napoleon Hill's life.

We're actually consulting with him on a screenplay for a TV series that will be coming out within a few years. Um, it's an amazing story. And, and, and, They Can Grow Rich, which is the name of the challenge, is just the tip of the iceberg. Um, and like you were saying, Napoleon never stopped writing. Some of his books were so controversial, he wrote!

Thing grow rich in 1937. He wrote outwitting the devil in 1938 His [00:16:00] publishers wouldn't let anyone touch it. His wife wouldn't let anyone touch it when he passed away in 1970 She held on to it for until 1984 when she passed away Annie lu and then the foundation had it and they held on to it Sharon lecter finally convinced him and don green that you know, maybe it's time that we release this one And so there was another book written after that called outwitting the beast that we have the rights to publish That's never seen the light of day And it focuses on Hitler and, and how the, you can use the, the think and grow rich principles for good or bad.

And then it also has a, you know, there's a Christian aspect to it for when you use it for good. Um, and we're still, you know, doing a little bit of a read, uh, make on that. But like you said, there was, It was much different. Like these days, the harder thing to do is to actually write the book. It's not hard to get it out there.

Now it might be hard to go New York times bestseller or things like that. But back then you wrote the book and you literally, you know, there wasn't really self publishing. So you had to like get a publisher to sign off on it, to get it into, into the networks out there. So. Napoleon has so many unpublished works and, uh, [00:17:00] that's, that was what kicked off the secrets of success.

I will be going into those deep principles at the think and grow rich challenge that, and, and, and for those of you that, that, you know, I, you know, I assume this audience, you know, you know, about thinking grow rich. And then there are people that mastermind on it year after year, but it's just crazy when you actually hear the stories behind the stories from Dr.

JB Hill, the grandson of Napoleon Hill. I mean, he's going to talk about like. You know how, how Blair Hill who was, wasn't born without the ears, how, how he will first came across, you know, he put his, his teeth down on a record player and heard music for the first time when he was five years old and. You know, these are the kinds of insects that are way, you know, pull the covers way back how Napoleon was up for 20 hours at a night.

The guy never slept pacing back and forth in New York, writing, thinking, grow rich. You know, some of the original letters that went back and forth with Edward C Barnes and Thomas Edison and Napoleon and on like everything like that. And, you know, I don't want to spoil it for everybody, but I'm just telling you like.

If you think you're a Napoleon Hill fan, then you need to be there because you're about to [00:18:00] find out stuff that you will not find anywhere else other than maybe in a TV series that we put on like the chosen in a couple of years. So it's free get signed up under Sean. If you do the VIP, you can get yourself the books.

You get signed up 30 days, a free trial for secrets of success. You get the recordings, um, you get the, like I said, the VIP access where you get to ask questions. It's going to be a pretty intimate. I imagine only a few hundred people will be in the VIP, maybe, maybe a thousand, but you'll, you'll still, we'll still make sure that you have zoom access.

You're not in the Facebook group. You're in the zoom. Your questions are being typed in, watched, monitored, and answered. And then we're going to do Q and a afterwards, and you're getting more lessons, more deep lessons like from Sean. So as you can tell, I'm fired up. I hope everyone else here is fired up.

Look in those show notes, click on that link and we'll see you on the inside. That's going to be, it is going to be fantastic now during, you know, so it's three days long and there's, you know, the people that are, that are listening right now, there's going to be some big speakers there. You know, obviously I'm going to be in the, in the VIP section, but you've got [00:19:00] Russell, you've got Dean Graziosi, you know, if people who followed, you know, uh, KBB or Dean and, and, and Tony Robbins, it's like Dean is, uh, he, Dean's great.

Pretty big guy. I mean, he's, he's, he runs Tony's company. He's pretty, uh, yeah, he's, he's pretty successful and you, you've got, uh, Sharon Lecter that you mentioned about, you've got Trent Shelton, Eileen Wilder. If you're listening, make sure you get the VIP. I'll be in the VIP section, uh, talking about, you know, my past and how this book, you know, Has really changed my life and how it can actually change yours as well.

And as well, if you are even in personal development, like one of the reasons I got, obviously this is a very much in alignment with me, but I teach personal development. I teach, you know, thought leadership. And it's like, if you are in that industry at all, You have got to use Secrets of Success as a resource.

There is so much within this platform and so much within, you know, the Think and Growth Challenge that you can use. You learn it to use it and learn it to teach it that, uh, it's, there is no resource out there available. Anywhere for any cost that gets you what [00:20:00] you get within this, within this movement, within, within this, you know, this is, you said it, that's a perfect name it.

This is a movement. It's not a product. It's not a service. It is a movement that will help people forever. I mean, unless you've got time and money to collect 15, 000 personal development books yourself. And you've got, uh, 18 million dollars, um, just burning a hole in your pocket. If you have that, then yes, you can still, you can do what Secrets of Success is.

But then you also still need to read it. And that's what Russell's doing and the team to curate it. We have all of it on audio. We have all of it that's readable. We have unpublished manuscripts. We have authors you've never heard of. That were contemporaries and it's just, it's just going to be so fun.

And we just got started six months ago. We have an amazing JV affiliate program as well. I'm sure we can see some links here in the, in the show notes as well. Uh, it's just, uh, if you're in personal development, if you're trying to get the most out of your life, or if you were looking for like, I want to do something in personal development and I have the passion and [00:21:00] I have the drive.

Maybe this is a vehicle for you that will get you to where you want to go as well. So there are people that are certainly earning five, six, you know, soon to be seven figures, you know, really going all in on this. So we're just, uh, it's like I said, I'm just excited to be here on the podcast, brother. I'm excited to get to know you better.

And, uh, we've got so many great things ahead of us. So the future is so bright. We got to wear shades. Where's my shades? Yeah, we got to wear shades. It's going to be. So again, thank you so much for, for coming on. I know we're trying to kick off this, you know, thinker's challenge. It's going to be epic. So let's make this the biggest, baddest thing that anybody's ever seen.

Again, Napoleon Hill's, his family's part of it. It's like, this is not just a little whimsical thing that someone's putting on. This is, this is as legit as you can get when it talks, when we're talking about Napoleon Hill and thinking real rich. Absolutely. Man. Like I said, I'm so excited. Make sure you get in that link down there.

And like I said, if you're hearing this after May 10th, uh, there's a really good chance that we'll figure out a way that you can still watch it again, um, and, and [00:22:00] check it out. So just like I said, I'm so honored to be here. So honored to hang out with you. I know so many of your audience already loves secrets of success.

And, uh, we can't wait for, for you listening right now to join us over at, uh, secrets of success and sign up for that. Think and grow rich challenge. It's going to be amazing. It's going to be epic. And I look forward to seeing you in wise, Virginia. That'll be another episode, but Hey, exactly. Well, for those that don't know what he's talking about, the top 10 get into a mastermind at the Napoleon Hill foundation with Don green, with the grandson in wise, Virginia.

Uh, later on this year. So, and it's, it's wide open, but, uh, we got nine more spots. If you want to join us in wise Virginia for a mastermind with Russell Brunson, by the way, as well. Yeah, it's, it's trust me. I was at the last one and it is absolutely amazing. Uh, fantastic. And you cannot buy, uh, that type of, uh, influence when you're with people of that, of that nature.

And everyone there is just an amazing, amazing people. So learn more from [00:23:00] that mastermind than, than most things. So. Get in the room. Proximity is power, right? Get in the room. Yep. It sure is. All right. Well, Justin, thank you so much. And I look forward to seeing you in the challenge and everyone listening. I look forward to seeing you in the challenge as well.

And we will see everyone later. Thanks for having me. What an inspiring conversation with Justin Denton and the Think and Grow Rich Challenge is going to be a game changer. Make sure you check the show notes for the link and sign up. It's a free challenge. You will not be disappointed. And trust me, you do not want to miss this.

As always, keep thinking big and we'll see you next time on the Thinking Big Podcast.