Miracle Plant

Unlock The Secrets To Your Children’s Future

Episode Summary

Unlocking Young Minds: A Week in Cancun with Kid Entrepreneurs Justin Benton provides an update from Cancun, Mexico, where he attended "Unlock the Secrets," a biannual event organized by Russell Brunson. This event focuses on fostering entrepreneurial skills in young people, with participants ranging from ages six to eighteen. Justin, along with his family, stayed at the all-inclusive Moon Palace resort, enjoying its various amenities and activities.

Episode Notes

Unlocking Young Minds: A Week in Cancun with Kid Entrepreneurs

Justin Benton provides an update from Cancun, Mexico, where he attended "Unlock the Secrets," a biannual event organized by Russell Brunson. This event focuses on fostering entrepreneurial skills in young people, with participants ranging from ages six to eighteen. Justin, along with his family, stayed at the all-inclusive Moon Palace resort, enjoying its various amenities and activities.

He emphasizes the importance of encouraging children to become producers rather than consumers on social media and highlights the interest his children have shown in social media content creation and funnel building. The event featured several prominent speakers, including Russell Brunson and Eileen Wilder, and provided opportunities for kids to engage in mastermind sessions, fostering collaborative thinking and entrepreneurial development.

Justin reflects on the value of personal development and the mental aspects of success, sharing insights on the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and continually learning. He discusses the evolving nature of education and career paths, suggesting that traditional models are outdated and advocating for exploring various options, including entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial roles.

Episode Transcription

Welcome back to the Miracle Plant podcast where we discuss this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways.

Well hey, you can probably hear the wind. I'm in Cancun, Mexico wrapping up an amazing experience called Unlock the Secrets. It's an event that Russell Brunson puts on every two years And it's features,

kid entrepreneurs, you know, basically kind of shooting for like age 12 to 18, but there's a lot of younger kids down here, like six and seven and up as well.

So it's just such a cool event. It's like a week -long event, usually in some great destination. And this year it was in Cancun, Mexico.

We stayed at the Moon Palace which if you've never been to before it's an all -inclusive resort. I recommend checking out and feel free to reach out to me Moon Palace if you want to sponsor the show.

It's got a lot of great kid activities and pools and I brought our four kids down, Zoe, Shay, Faith and Grace and you know it's just such a cool thing.

My oldest is you know thinking about you know what she can do possibly with social media. I always say you want to be a consumer excuse me you want to be a producer and not a consumer on social media which is meaning you're producing content not just consuming content and so she's showing some interest in that.

My son Shay is showing some interest in You know funnel building which is like building websites that have a point and a very, you know focused straightforward logical step -by -step process to them walking your You know prospect or lead into You know,

they're buying decisions. So anyways, just such a cool thing I got to hang out with a lot of my friends down here from the inner circle and Russell's world and Secrets of Success and and from the ClickFunnels team and just such a cool It's like I got to bring my biological family down to meet my what I call chosen family Down here in Cancun,

Mexico. So that's what is up. That's what I wanted to share with you and just encourage you to I'm not sure how the because it was really it's a it's a It's a it's an event of about 500 people and I remember you know I've been talking to Russell about this and just like you know,

how do we get this out to the masses? So my my end goal would be to help get distribution out So all the kids around the world will see this and Russell,

you know All the camera crew was there and everything was professionally recorded So we'll have all that footage and we'll have recordings of it for those that are inside of, you know,

Russell's mastermind. But my goal is to get this content out to the world. So other young entrepreneurs, so it's not just about how to make money online,

which is a big part of it with this new world that we live in now that, you know, from 17 % of the average Americans primarily shopping online back in 20 before 2020 and now that number quadrupling is really having to understand how do I make money online or how do I have an impact online and that includes social media you know in this new world that we live in you know with the phones and the screens and and

everything and Russell's obviously cracked that nut and you know he's dedicated over 20 years of his life to understanding how best to do that. So that's part of it. But the other part of it that I really love is it's the mental game,

the mental gymnastics. They say success in anything is 20 % tactics and 80 % the mental game. And that's your personal development,

that's getting out of your own way, that's modeling things that work, that's surrounding yourself with books and people and podcasts that, you know, actually lift you up and give you inspiration and give you guidance to the right next thing to do.

And so that's what I think is so cool. I know we have some really great speakers. I actually got here a little bit late. It started earlier in the week, but my oldest Zoe had her graduation on Wednesday.

So she graduated from eighth grade, which is such a class are going to St.

Bonaventure which is a great high school out here in Ventura, California, really well known for athletics and academics and you know teaching kids and helping them connect spiritually as well,

having faith which I think is a huge component to give our children to have faith and and just so happy that she's going there and so of course we had to go to that we couldn't come down if we couldn't miss that so after that was over we hopped on a jet airplane and and flew over here to Cancun and it's been crazy weather like right now it's starting to rain it's been like a monsoon season it's just been wild

which I'm cool with because like obviously living on the beach in southern We were a little spoiled when it comes to weather. So when we got here the first night,

it was a little hot, hot and sticky. Like at night, like at nine o 'clock at night, it was hot, hot and sticky. And I was like, whoa, I'm not sure if I can make it a week here, otherwise I'll just have to be in air conditioning the whole time.

Anyways, I'll take the rain and the wind and everything else besides the hot, humid, sunny stickiness so the rain is a welcome guest not an annoying pest as Dan Kennedy would say.

Anyway so I digress. We got here and we got to see some of these great speakers. The last day of the speaking we had Eileen Wilder was on stage and obviously Russell spoke as well and just such good stuff And like,

you know, I had probably heard 95 % of what they had spoke on. And there was about 5 % that was new, which was great for me. I'm always looking for new frameworks and insights for myself.

And sometimes when you're hearing something for the second or third or fourth time, you're a different person or you catch a different thing that's more applicable to what you need to hear this time around.

So I always love hearing great speakers and watching them live. But the thing that's the coolest is that You know at the one of the other sessions Russell was like inviting kids up to ask questions to him and like 30 kids raced up on stage And like Russell's you know,

he's a very famous You know internet celebrity and you know these kids didn't hesitate to run up on stage and Ask Russell a question so then I had Shay come and because it was getting late and that's who any of my kids wanted to come and he was you know she's always a gamer he's just like he's up for anything so he's like yeah I'll go and so we want it went and and he got to catch a little bit of that as

well and and after that they released all the kids to go to to go to mastermind of themselves and And if you're not familiar with what a mastermind is,

it's basically one plus one equals 11. So it can be just two people, but two minds focused on, you know, the one goal or one,

it's starting to pour right now. This puts a mastermind. So you're trying to synergistically work together and you can come up with a better you know, incorporating another mind or mindset for it.

So anyways, after the talks with Russell, there was the opportunity for the kids to go into another room with just the kids and they could master mine.

So like most of them were, you know, probably 10 to 17 somewhere in that neighborhood. And it was just cool. They got to go to their own private room,

maybe there was 75 or 100 or maybe more of them that went there and they had some facilitators, meaning there were some adults in there that were helping lead the conversation and talk about what kind of things that they liked,

what if they were to start a business, what would it be, you know, and then what are some of the questions that they might have, how to get started, and then they could get feedback from their peers on understanding their business and really flesh it out and it's crazy to think about these kids are launching businesses at like 10 years old and they really are like some of our friends the Browns their kid was doing

Josh and Paige Brown they are their kid was making some cool like decals for t -shirts and one was like a poop dragon I was like oh my gosh I know we'll have to buy you know one for each of us and the family.

And so he has a business, another friend, Damon Burton, to mine. His kid, last time we did this two years ago, started a sticker business and made a few thousand dollar selling stickers,

logo stickers, too. I mean, it's just awesome to show kids, give them self -confidence and just show them all the possible ways you know,

to make money and to do something you love and you did get paid for doing something you love and to learn it at such a such a young age. It's just like I told Russell the other day,

I was just like this is my absolute favorite event because of that and I don't see these kinds of events anywhere and so I would never miss it and I you can probably hear the rain pouring right now just out of nowhere started pouring this is crazy I love it we never see much rain in Southern California so that's what it's all about unlock the secrets it's been just an amazing week that we've been down there we're

gonna get ready ahead to fly back to Ventura here tomorrow but it was great hanging out with the family and you know we got to eat at all these nice little restaurants.

They have a lot of different types of cuisine and the kids got to play in these water parks. We went on this adventure, excuse me, on this adventure,

you know, ATV, zip lining, cenotes, which is at these underwater caves that you jump off like 25 foot cliffs. And so that was fun for the kids as well so it's just been a great experience and I encourage you if you ever get the opportunity to either catch something on unlock the secrets on YouTube or any of the social media to check it out if you ever get an opportunity to go you know especially if you have kids

you know from like 10 to 18 to go it to me it's To me it's priceless, to get into the coaching program,

it's not cheap, but what do we spend on our kids' education? What do we spend on our kids that are going to set their future up?

It's no more than that. I know that Zoe is going to St. Bonaventure and it cost about the same to send her there as it would for her to come to this and I would I would do it gladly to do you know to pay the same amount for both because these types of things aren't being taught in school not any schools that I know of about you know truly personal development and modeling things that are working from

entrepreneurs and and you don't have to not everybody's cut out to be an entrepreneur you know there there's another word called intrapreneur which is where you are acting like an entrepreneur within someone else's business and I think a lot of people that's probably almost for everybody the best way to start your your entrepreneurial journey is to to work for a company or a person that you admire or you know like what

they have like values or like minded and you like what they do and you can learn how a business works from the inside. We get paid to do it whether it's an internship or an entry level position or maybe something even higher up the ladder is to really understand how business works and get a better understanding of you know Is that something that you want to take on the risk and the higher reward to run your own

business? And, you know, I think that's a great path for so many people, and, you know, I just believe that this, you know, in this day and age, it's just such a different role.

You know, it's even when I graduated, you know, from college in 1999, the model had already been outdated, you know, get the good job,

you know, go to the, go to the good college, get good grades in high school, go to the good college, go to get the good paying job, and then you're going to, you know, work it for 25, 30 years and then retire with a good pension and a golden parachute,

right? Well, that doesn't work. That's not how it works anymore. I believe I saw somewhere that that was the last adults change career seven times.

And this was, I probably heard that stat like 10, 15 years ago. So it's probably more like 10 now or more these days. And so that is one model,

but it's not the only model. And I think with the access to information, the access to coaches, the access to mentors, the access to people that are doing what you want to do and that will teach you is unlike any other time in our history.

So I just encourage all the parents out there and kids to look at all the options put all the options on the table and maybe try a couple different options and see what works best for you just because like I said you know it used to be you'd either go to college get a job or go backpack around Europe.

That was kind of the options when I graduated. And now it's another option is to maybe take a year off and work for a company or organization or a cause that you believe in and see if is in alignment with that,

you know, because I know a lot of places like even Google I believe is what I was reading. They don't even look or ask for where you went in college. And I know like Russell, when he hires people, it's not a priority.

In fact, taking a personality profile test from a company he developed with all the personality profile tests called understand .me is the priority.

You know, of course experience as well, but the personality profile is more important than where you went to college or if you went to college.

So I just encourage you to think outside of the box and think what is relevant today. You know,

we shouldn't be running on an old system, on old outdated software. You know, this world that we want our kids to be successful or ourselves to be successful.

Make sure you are acquiring the skills and the experience that people are actually wanting to pay you for instead of just going through the motions because that's what your parents did or that's what your parents wanted you to do versus what's real out there.

And, you know, attending events like Unlock the Secrets is just a magical experience, you know. And maybe my kids won't become entrepreneurs. Maybe they will become intrapreneurs.

But maybe when they're 35 or 40 and they're out of time in life, where, you know, for whatever reason life shifted and, you know, new, you know,

chapters are being written that they'll remember some of these things that were instilled and some of these options of, you know, instead of working for a job you hate,

which I believe somewhere around 80 % of Americans do, that maybe there's another way. And it doesn't have to be all in entrepreneurial, you know, and to be a full -time serial entrepreneur is not for everybody.

There's a lot of risk, there's sometimes a lot of isolation, and there's a lot of doubt. There's a lot of, you know, it's the greatest personal development journey ever,

as I believe Steve Larson said, is start a business if you really want to develop your personality, your personal development. But you know anyways, it's just something that I'm so honored and blessed and grateful that I get to share with my kids.

You know, I was exposed to personal development when I took my first real job. So that was the best thing about taking my first real -world job in corporate America when I got out of college with a big expensive degree was that I had a three -day seminar on "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey.

And that book changed my life because it was the first book, the first exposure I had that gave me a blueprint, a framework for how to think and really take control of my thoughts and my life,

you know, not worrying about things I can't control and, you know, being focused on my response to the stimulus not the stimulus the external stimulus because that's something I can control I can't control life I can't control other people,

but I can control and work on controlling my reaction To those events that happen to us. So anyways, I just thought I'd give you an update document the journey as they say and That's what we're up to this week in Cancun,

Mexico Unlock the secrets is the event 2024 so great to see everybody so great to hang out so great to hang out with my family my wife Molly brought her parents down hanging in Linda and then we had a great time hanging out with them and we got our last day so we're gonna go do some more pool time they got some really crazy cool playroom with all these old -school like you know huge video games and Xbox rooms and

plays and comedy shows and I just I was really impressed Moon Palace down in Cancun, Mexico if you have kids it's a really it's the best resort I've ever been to as far as you know and the you know the food's great and the pools are great for adults too and all that but they do such a great job you know there's many golf course we're gonna go do today all on campus here.

So anyways, you know, just wanted to share and give you the insights as to what's going on here and just thank you for listening to the Miracle Plant podcast.

I know we've certainly delved more into the mindset of the five pillars of health, taking control of your health, you know, when we do these episodes. So I hope you like them. I hope it helps. I mean, who couldn't use some better mindset?

I haven't met anybody. Even the greatest people with the greatest attitudes, part of continuing to have that attitude is continuing to be a student of personal development,

continuing to surround yourself with people that lift you up and maybe, you know, cut out some of the people that don't. You know, reading books that put you in a good mental frame,

you know, practicing, you know, the five pillars, which is mindfulness, you know, exercise, hydration, sleep, and nutrition, you know, that are constantly doing those things.

And another big one for me is morning routine. You know, I think it's important, for me at least, and some people can do it differently and everyone is their own, but you know, I think it's important to get up and exercise, even if it's just 20 minute walk,

right? And that's it, just walk for 20 minutes. But 20 minutes is something To get your juices flowing to get your brain pumping, you know listen to a podcast or a book or call someone who lifts you up You know get yourself in that you know frame,

you know whether it's you know people pray meditate yoga walks on the beach journaling You know doing these things that get us in the right Frame of mind to start our day,

and I think that's that's one of those keys and one of those secrets that I've learned along the way so anyways at the end of every Miracle Plant podcast we say heal the world because that is the mission to reach a billion people by 2025 which is next year and attending events like this we brought down a whole bunch of raw relief samples and we had that new brand new shiny object focus potion CBGA oil that we

brought down here and gave out to a bunch of people to try and give us all their feedback on so there'll be more news for that to come but the raw renew is amazing for sunburn like people couldn't believe it and actually I got a little sunburn and so did my wife and it's we're still blown away how powerful it is just rubbing it on and the pain goes away almost instantly so anyways on the count of three let's say

heal the world get out there and do it One, two, three, heal the world. Thanks for swinging by the Miracle Plant Podcast.

Be a blessing, everybody, and happy healing.