Miracle Plant

Two Things We All Need To Make Us Healthy & Happy!

Episode Summary

Worm away your garbage Vermicomposting, or worm composting, is an excellent way to convert household garbage into nutrient-rich fertilizer. Composting with special composting worms is an efficient and environmentally friendly way to save tons of waste from going to landfill. Cathy Nesbitt the founder of Cathy's Crawly Composters is a Health and Wellness Advocate and a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, she joins Justin Benton, Janet Benton-Gaillard to talk about the importance of laughter and worms. Produced by PodConx Justin Benton - https://podconx.com/guests/justin-benton Janet Benton-Gaillard - askjanet.org Cathy Nesbitt - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathynesbitt/ Cathy's Crawly Composters -https://www.cathyscomposters.com/ cathy@cathyscomposters.com https://101hempinnercircle.com/ www.themiracleplant.org info@101CBD.org Join Our #HealTheWorlders Messenger Tribe at https://bit.ly/TheMiraclePlant_Messenger

Episode Notes

Worm away your garbage

Vermicomposting, or worm composting, is an excellent way to convert household garbage into nutrient-rich fertilizer. Composting with special composting worms is an efficient and environmentally friendly way to save tons of waste from going to landfill.   Cathy Nesbitt  the founder of Cathy's Crawly Composters is a Health and Wellness Advocate and a certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, she joins Justin Benton,  Janet Benton-Gaillard to talk about the importance of laughter and worms.

Produced by PodConx  


Justin Benton - https://podconx.com/guests/justin-benton

Janet Benton-Gaillard - askjanet.org

Cathy Nesbitt - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathynesbitt/

Cathy's Crawly Composters -https://www.cathyscomposters.com/






Join Our #HealTheWorlders Messenger Tribe at https://bit.ly/TheMiraclePlant_Messenger







Episode Transcription


Welcome back to the Miracle Plant Podcast, where we discussed this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways. Well, today we have a guest with a combination you will never hear again. I could have promised you that. Laughter and soil an expert in both. And I tell you what, we need more laughter and better soil now more than ever.

So Kathy Nesbe is joining us. Uh, it's actually the 2120 first anniversary, uh, of her incredible warm farm. And welcome to the Miracle Plant Podcast. Kathy, how are you, Justin? Thank you, . I love that. In, uh, introduction, you . Absolutely. Well, tell us a little bit of, let's start with the 21st anniversary and then we'll get into some laughter.

Yoga too. Right on. Yeah. It's the 21st anniversary of Cathy's Cly Compostor selling worms by the pound. Woo. Can you imagine? So this is indoor composting with worms. Worms in the house. Who doesn't want it? ? [00:01:00] So, I'm in Canada for winter. It's, it's a way that we can continue composting year round and for California or Texas when it's, where it's really hot indoor, where it's cool.

and the worms are, uh, they don't cook . Uh, so it's food scraps and paper and the worms eat it all and convert it into nature's sinus fertilizer so we can grow more delicious, nutritious fruits and vegetables. I love it. I love it. So do most people they buy the, the, the compost and then you kind of send it to 'em?

Or how do they get, how do they get their hands on this, this fine. Well, my, uh, my goal when I started my worm business, , because I didn't have business savvy , was to put worms in every living space. So I'm selling the workers, I'm selling worms instead of the, so the byproduct for me is the compost. It's not my focus.

So I'll make, I produce, produce very little compost. Gotcha. So people [00:02:00] can buy the worms and they use them to put the worms in their soil, not on their fishing line. ? Nope. The worms are in the house. The worms are in a container. They're like spoiled, spoiled, uh, worms that get all your food scraps and your paper and then the worms turn it into nutrient rich soil so we can, um, yeah, so it's a way.

So for me, it's a way for us to manage, like I really believe worms are gonna play an ever increasing role in waste management, full production, and therefore food security. And I started my business because the landfill closed for the greater Toronto area. Biggest city in Canada, and we started to export our garbage to the US even though Canada's so big, right?

Second largest, um, yikes. So I had a solution, indoor composting, and it's huge. And I thought that was why I started my business. And I quickly realized, oh my gosh, it's for the soil, like for the fertilizers that the worms produce. They're poop. is is [00:03:00] the black gold. So, um, yeah, they're just these one. And so now I'm like, what if we had worms in every living space, every house, every school, every business.

Worms everywhere. Now we don't have to truck around our organic matter. We all eat. Absolutely. I love it. Yeah. And especially out here in California, we. , uh, break out our organic waste and put it with our like, um, you know, leaves and, and um, grass clipping. So yeah, we we're already separating it out and we compost at our house, but, uh, I, yeah, I've never, I've never knew that this was a thing.

So you learn something every day. I have to ask, have you seen the movie Dumb and Dumber? Yes, I have , the Worm Farms, right in the living room. Oh my gosh. You brought it to reality. You made it. You made it happen. I don't remember when that. First aired, but it was probably right around the same time when you started your business, so I know.

Good for you. It was [00:04:00] very close. Yeah. Yeah, right. It was like, oh, that's awesome. Maybe I got it from the movie now, . Oh, well I would play off, I would figure out a way to play off of it. Cuz there that is a, that is a, yeah, I've got word piece of a, yeah, . Well, it's just a, um, it's such an iconic movie and it's just hysterical and uh, anyways, I just thought I had to bring that up.

And for those that don't, Uh, Jim Carey and, uh, bridges. Not Bridges, is it Lloyd Bridges? That's not Lloyd Bridges's. Jeff Bridges. That's not Jeff Bridges anyways, uh, you know Harry and the, the two of 'em, they are, uh, they have a worm farm business in their living room. . And so anyways, it's just a hysterical movie.

So, uh, and you've turned it into, uh, such a beautiful project to help, uh, with all the issues we have with our soil. And, and before we shift gears into to the, the laughter yoga, um, you know, explain a little bit to people that don't understand what's happening to our top soil. Here in just, let's say our continent here in North America.

[00:05:00] Mm-hmm. North America, we've wrecked the soil. Oh my gosh. I mean, I'm so grateful for the worms cuz it is a hopeful solution because you can't have a solution without a problem. We have a, a massive problem because we've done monocropping, corn, wheat, toy acres and acres of this, um, of these crops, which are fine, but when we grow on.

how nature did not intend. We need to add a lot of chemicals. Um, and anything that ends with a side means death. Whew. So, um, yeah, so we're wiping out everything and that's what we've done. So we're destroying all the biology in the soil, um, for, you know, maybe one or two bugs. So, so adding the nutrients back in, adding the compost, it's, it's like a building, a building process.

You add. , it needs to be added and re-added and reapplied, and you keep on building and building and then you have this beautiful diversity of soil and we have healthy soil, [00:06:00] then our plants are healthy, and I, I talk about our immunity. If we have strong immunity in our bodies and somebody we're, we're next to somebody who's sick, we, we probably won't get sick or.

you know, only a little bit sick, and we recover quicker. Same with the soil. There's always pathogens, present pathogens in the soil, but they can't do any harm if the soil is healthy and has a great micro microbiome. Absolutely. And I was just gonna, you read my mind, it was like, and, and if with all this monocropping and pesticides and depleting the nutrients and basically the microbiome of the.

well then what is it that we are eating? If our plants don't have these nutrients, they don't have this microbiome, if you will, then how is it supposed to feed our immune system and, and make sure that we have all the bacteria and all the healthy bacteria that we need in our gut, which is really the, the home center base of our [00:07:00] immune system.

So, yeah, we, and, and I, I don't unfortunately, or I, I bet if you did a poll out there, if you did like a, you know, a Gallup pole, The conversation that we're having right now, I, I can almost guarantee what would you guess? Maybe five, maybe 10% of, uh, the re residents of North America know about this.

Oh, that makes me sad. Let's go on to laughter . We certainly can, but, but, but here's the good part. We're talking about it and the more we talk about it, so I, I, absolutely. Absolutely. And who's, who else gonna, I'm really, I'm really happy to share the message, you know, and I think it's, Justin, I have a psychology degree, and I believe the challenge is the worms.

The challenge with the super cool concept is the worms. People are afraid. They were traumatized as a child. Somebody chased them around a sibling or somebody at school after a, something happened. And, um, if you were traumatized [00:08:00] as a child by something, you're not looking to that as an, as a solution later on.

right? Cause you have that piece that is just like pushing it away. You don't know why. So, although I've been quite successful in attracting media over my 21 years, 300 articles, tv, radio, I have a documentary. But if you're afraid of worms, you're not even listening to that podcast or reading that article.

I mean, they're gonna listen to this one . Absolutely. What's the name of the documentary so people can check it out? Squirm, . Love it. It's called Squirm. The story of Kathy's Crawley Composers. Love it, love it, love it. Well, I know we have limited time, so let's get into the second chapter and, uh, laughter Yoga.

I've, I've been exposed to it a little, very little, but, um, but I want to hear more and, uh, I know the power of laughter is. has been documented as such a healing [00:09:00] mechanism and, and I don't know that I've ever heard it blended with yoga. We have beach yoga out here on the beach for free. Um, and we give out raw hemp CBD for people to, um, you know, relax and find their zen.

But explain to us laughter yoga. I don't think I've ever seen those two combined before. Let me give you a nice, let me worm my way until laughter . So it was 2012. One more person said, Ew, worms in the house, . And they'd sent it many times over the previous 10 years. I just didn't hear it. I heard it that day and it hit my heart.

And I really questioned everything. What am I doing? Why? Why do I care so much? Why don't others? ? And then I was introduced to laughter yoga. So laughter yoga is not about fancy pants or poses. It's not doing yoga and laughing. It's. It's just laughing for the health of it. Uh, started in 1995 by a medical doctor in India, uh, Dr.

Madan Aria, and his goal is world peace. [00:10:00] And it's, it's, uh, oh my gosh, it's in 120 countries I think now. Uh, it's, it's really literally just laughing. Um, but the, but as a laughter leader, um, there's clapping and chanting, you know, you lead the games. Um, it's just allowing yourself permission. . And when we laugh, um, as a group, it's contagious in a good way.

uh, we feel good. We're oxygenated, we're secreting the love drugs and we're totally present. Well, I love it and I think that's just fantastic. Can we do like maybe a little exercise for the audience? Absolutely. Yes. So let's do, uh, since it's audio, let's do cell phone laughter and pretend like somebody's saying something really funny.

So we're just gonna be laughing like, we're, like, we're holding the phone , because I literally am and we're just gonna be laughing like someone's telling us a funny story. Okay. You ready on time? I'm ready. I'm gonna start laughing. 1, 2, [00:11:00] 3.

Oh my gosh. Wow. . Wow. That was funny. . Um, exactly. Love it. Yeah, and there's. . I know, right? And there's a little, uh, clapping and you clap to a rhythm. 1, 2, 1, 2, 3. And the words are ho ho ha ha ha. And those, uh, that is to break the, the game. So you're doing, you know, these fun games. Imagine everybody milling around.

They're on their cell phones, like we're in a group or on Zoom. It works really well on Zoom, um, during these little, little activities. Um, so when we say, ho, ho, ha ha ha, or, very good, very good. And we throw our arms in the air. Yay. , then people know, oh, okay, that's the end of that activity. Now time to go on to the next thing.

So that's how you end the laughter. Um, that's [00:12:00] how you end that activity. And then people, uhhuh get present. Like once you're doing ho ho ha haha, and you're clapping, ho ho ha ha ha. Everybody joins in and then that gets you in sync again. And then, yeah, so it's about deep diaphragmatic breathing, you know, just connecting, secreting you.

Laughter, laughter's the best medicine. Have you had your daily dose, ? I know you talk about daily do for your, for your show. mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. Mm-hmm. versus cortisol and adrenal adrenaline when we're stressed. Mm-hmm. , it's a beautiful thing. Laughter is just I, and I believe it's something that was squished out of us because you can't control people when they're laughing.

Love it. And how can people, do you have videos or courses or how do you, uh, how can they, they, uh, take some lessons and courses and, and laugh along with you. Oh, yes, thank you. Uh, my website is [00:13:00] kathy's club.com. Um, I have a free club every Tuesday at 9:30 AM Eastern. It might be a little bit early for California, but I do have people from California come

It's online on Zoom. It's free 30 minutes. Super fun. Self-care. I incorporate tapping brain gym and other healing modalities to help people get out of stress and jump into joy. It's our, it's our birthright. Absolutely. I love it. Well, and, and I would love, um, , I would, uh, I would definitely love to send you some of our, uh, raw hemp oil, uh, organic made out here in Southern California to incorporate so you can try, like we have a chill.

which is, uh, a fun like zen, kind of just relaxing one. But then we also have a boost, which might be the one for you and for, uh, what you're up to, to all it is, is we just add a little, um, infused organic American Jin Z on top of the cold pressed organic, uh, raw hemp that we make. [00:14:00] And uh, it just gives you just that little extra jolt of an adaptogen and, uh, you know, people that, uh, are looking like to, cuz they're gonna be getting plenty of endorphins and plenty of good.

Uh, you know, chemicals popping through the body, through the laughter. And, uh, I think that's great. I just, uh, I really, really do Well before we wrap up, um, what, uh, any final message, uh, that you wanna leave for our audience? Yes. Giggle and chill or giggle and boost. Either is good . Exactly. And we'll mail you some to Canada.

Make sure we get you some more and uh, I just think it's fantastic. And at the end of every Miracle Plant podcast, we say heal the world cuz that is the mission here to reach a billion people by 2025. Be it podcast YouTube's products, teaching people how to grow this in their backyard with a bunch of, uh, great compost and worms as well.

And last. While they do it, and laugh with their plants, and talk with their plants, and enjoy the process of growing outside under this beautiful sunshine and beautiful earth that we have. So on the count of [00:15:00] three, let's say heal the world, cuz that is the mission and the count of three, whether it's through laughter or good soil, let's heal the world.

1, 2, 3. Heal the world. Heal the world. Yay. Woo. Well, such a treat to have you on and, uh, we'll definitely have to have you come back again. And thank you for joining us. Everyone else is well on The Miracle Plant Podcast. Make sure you be a blessing and happy healing,