Miracle Plant

The Untold Story of Cannabis in the Bible: A Healing Journey with Jesus

Episode Summary

"Healing Beyond Faith: Cannabis in the Miracles of Jesus" Justin Benton  discusses the plant known as cannabis and its historical use in healing. He explains the term "cannabosum," referring to cannabis, and its significance in religious scriptures, particularly in relation to Jesus Christ. He highlights how cannabis was used in anointing oils for healing purposes, emphasizing its potential for physical and spiritual healing. The conversation delves into the resistance faced by cannabis in modern medical practices and societal perceptions, advocating for research and understanding its benefits. Produced by PodConx

Episode Notes

"Healing Beyond Faith: Cannabis in the Miracles of Jesus"

Justin Benton  discusses the plant known as cannabis and its historical use in healing. He explains the term "cannabosum," referring to cannabis, and its significance in religious scriptures, particularly in relation to Jesus Christ. He highlights how cannabis was used in anointing oils for healing purposes, emphasizing its potential for physical and spiritual healing. The conversation delves into the resistance faced by cannabis in modern medical practices and societal perceptions, advocating for research and understanding its benefits. 

Justin shares personal stories of individuals, including pets, who have experienced positive effects from using raw hemp oil derived from cannabis. He emphasizes the mission to spread awareness about the healing potential of cannabis and invites listeners to explore the topic further.

Produced by PodConx  

101cbd - https://101cbd.org/



Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Welcome back to the Miracle Plant Podcast, where we discuss this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways. Well, hey, you can hear it's me again, live in Ventura, California, or live recording anyways. You can hear the waves crashing behind us. I was down at the, uh, our store, uh, in Seward Avenue in Ventura, California.

And, uh, as I walked out I could hear the waves crashing. And so I was like, well, I'm going to go down there and record a podcast. And, uh, it was funny. We've got some clients that we've sent out some newsletters. And, uh, the newsletters were about our, uh, Cannabosum. So, it's a topic we've talked about before.

Uh, but we had sent out like, there's a part one and a part two to the newsletter. And, uh, you know, feel free to reach out to us at, uh, info at 1 0 1 [00:01:00] cbd.org. And if you want a copy of the newsletter, we'll be happy to mail you one. Anyways, so we had sent part two out, um, and the one of our clients was like calling us like, I need part one, I need part one.

And then we, so we, with our next order, we sent out the, uh, part one of the Canum newsletter. Um, and you know, we've had a bunch of newsletters on different topics, but uh, we did two parts on Canosa. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, cannabosam is cannabis. And it's actually written in the Bible, uh, in the scripture.

Uh, I forget how many times, I think it's like 50 plus times. I have to look, I have it in, I'm looking at the newsletter right now, I remember I mentioned it. But anyways, so cannabosam, uh, it stands for canna, which we all know means hemp. Like, if you think about cannabis, canna, it was actually spelled K A N E H, means hemp.

And BOSOM stands for aromatic. So, aromatic hemp. And Sona, uh, uh, [00:02:00] Sula Bonet, who is a Polish, uh, uh, you know, professional who works with all types of, uh, language and linguistic expert, um, did all the studies through the Hebrew language, which, you know, the first Bible, uh, was written in, uh, in Jewish tradition.

And so anyway, Uh, to me, it was mind blowing that we have this, this miracle plant that, you know, obviously helped heal my son and thousands and thousands of other families we've seen directly, um, and, uh, that Jesus was using cannabosum in his anointing oil. And just kind of a refresher, uh, number one, uh, Jesus real name in, in Hebrew was Yeshua, and they didn't come up with the word Jesus until they trans, uh, transcribed, or they changed it from Hebrew to Greek, and so they didn't have J in Hebrew, and so that's, Jesus comes from the [00:03:00] Greek translation.

Well, also, they, they translated. The word cannabosum, which we now know in Hebrew means cannabis or aromatic hemp, which hemp is cannabis. It's just high in THC. Excuse me, hemp is high in CBD and cannabis, or in our country it's called marijuana, is high in THC. Same plant, one's high in THC, one's high in CBD.

Anyway, so cannabosum was translated when it went from Hebrew to Greek. To say Obviously it was cannabis, and then they changed it to mean calamus. So they literally wrote the word calamus in the Greek translation. They changed his name from Yeshua to Jesus. And Christ means anointed. So the anointing oil that Jesus used in his healing mission, to heal the lepers and the paralyzed, and all of the things that he had done, the blind, uh, he used an anointing [00:04:00] oil, and it's just Disciples used the anointed oil, and in fact, that's why they called him Jesus Christ.

The anointed one Christ means the anointed one. His real name was Yeshua. Um, you know, son of Joseph or Yeshua from uh, Nazareth. And so we call him Jesus Christ, which. is, like I said, the Greek translation of the name Yeshua to Jesus and Christ is what they told him because he was the anointed one. Well, the anointing oil, we actually got the recipe from Moses and the burning bush.

The burning bush told him. 250 shekels, which is like a dollars, uh, of cannabosum should be in this anointing oil. Along with other things like cinnamon, and they should use olive oil as the carrier oil. Uh, whereas we use hemp seed oil for our products, but back then it was olive oil. And so, they used the Anointing [00:05:00] oil, that was the recipe given to Moses, you know, 3, 000 years ago from the burning bush, but then the anointing oil was only meant for like high priests and pharisees of the Jewish tradition and then later on to kings and royalty were the only ones that would have access to this anointing oil.

This recipe given to Moses from God. Well, when Jesus came around, he's like, Hey man, that's not cool. Jesus was a man of the people, right? And that's part of the reason why a lot of people didn't like him, especially the Pharisees who are, you know, in their ivory towers. Because Jesus would sit down with Gentiles and Jewish, lame, uh, lepers, prostitutes, tax collectors, anybody.

Everybody was welcome. at Jesus's table and that really riled the feathers of, of, you know, the powers that be back then. So he started using this anointing oil, uh, in his healing mission and when he would give it out to, uh, his disciples to go heal. [00:06:00] And so, and back then the anointing, the oil Was much more than, than just like putting a little dab on your forehead like an anointing of the sick In Christian traditions, especially in Catholic traditions.

It was really you could be submerged It would talk about that your entire body Would be covered in this oil, you know, they talk about in the Bible how that applying this anointing oil for Kings and royalty Who were the only ones that had access to it back then, you know, they would literally be covered in the oil And so we talked about you know, here it is 2023 and You know, I still come across Major resistance from hospitals, major resistance, um, you know, from some doctors, um, and from people out there that are healers, [00:07:00] right?

You take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm and, and, and they, and they have a complete wrong understanding of cannabis and it's, it's not their fault. Per se. Uh, but you know, now they should be doing their research and doing their homework and understanding, um, having this tool in their tool belt for healing.

And, you know, we see now that this cannabis miracle plant, especially in the raw form, has so many amazing power. You see this huge wave crash probably here to help heal our bodies and our mind from, from sickness. And, you know, the healer of healers, Jesus Christ himself used cannabis in his healing mission.

And, you know, we see it where people will come to us in the last, last possible moment for a loved one. Could be a child or a parent. Um, [00:08:00] and, and a last ditch effort to use cannabis or to use raw CBDA oil. and sometimes by the grace of God, it will have a traumatic, you know, or a dramatic impact on someone's life, especially for even dogs.

We see that all the time where people are about to put their dogs down and they start to take the, the raw hemp oil and the dog like bounces back and they've got energy and they start to walk and they start to eat and they, and they enjoy, you know, more time on this planet and their golden years and people will come by and drop cards off.

And thank us and tears in their eyes and tears in my eyes, you know, thanking me for, you know, this product that helped their dog so much or their loved ones with Children especially. And you know, that's the mission, right? The mission is to reach a billion people by 2025. And I'm just trying to figure out how can I do it?

How can I get this message out right? [00:09:00] That Jesus Christ that everybody knows. I mean, we're talking about the most popular person on the planet. Um, you know, the most written about person on the planet. He's in every, uh, religion, uh, spiritual, uh, book out there, all refer to Jesus. And, and here it is that he used cannabis in his healing mission.

Now, have you heard that before? Now, if you've listened to the podcast and you've heard the previous episodes, then you have. But then. The other 99. 9 percent of the world, the other 8 billion humans on this planet, never have heard that. And so what are we going to do with that information? Right? Now you know.

Go do your own research. Go look up Sula Bonet. Uh, you know, We have some blogs on it. You can go to our website and read about it more. You can listen to the previous podcast. But find out for yourself that Jesus, the healer of [00:10:00] healers, used cannabis in his mission, here on this planet. And obviously it was much more than just healing The blind and the lame and the lepers, you know, it was a spiritual healing and, and, you know, obviously much more in the spiritual realm and salvation and the Christian beliefs.

But could you imagine if 1, 700 years ago they didn't change the word and they left it as is? Now whether or not that was done on purpose, I think we'll, I don't think we'll ever know. But because we found the Dead Sea Scrolls in the 1940s, which were the testaments of the other disciples, the ones that didn't make it in to the Bible, like Philip, talking about how important the anointing oil was.

How critical to the mission. The anointing, the healing, the oil, the ingredients were to Jesus mission and their mission in, [00:11:00] in following Jesus. Uh, it's, it's, you know, some, if you read the context, if you read the passages, you know, they say the baptism was the cleansing. So, for those that are of Christian faith like myself, the baptism, according to Philip, was really a cleansing to be ready to receive the anointing, the anointing oil.

And just think about, if for the last 1700 years, when we thought of cannabis, we thought of Jesus using it for healing, right? And we thought of like, cannabis, even if we just thought of cannabis the way that we think about. aloe vera, right? The plant that you crack in half and you rub on for a sunburn.

You know, I think my, my work will be done if I can get a billion people to equate cannabis and, you know, helping people with pain and inflammation, just like people think about aloe vera and sunburn [00:12:00] because these are plants. That were put here by God for every illness disease that you have, there is a plant that can help you.

I truly believe that. I know that to be true. And it just happens to be that this miracle plant, this cannabis plant, this cannabosum. Helps our body find balance and homeostasis, which can help with so many ailments that we're facing in this world, this toxic world with pesticides and processed foods and refined sugars and unclean water and unclean air, you know, all of these toxins that are around us.

That's why this All of these diseases have popped up with these long names that no one had ever heard of before. They keep making up new names so they can prescribe you more pills. You know, rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathy, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, lupus. The list goes on and on. Did your, did your grandparents ever have that?

No. [00:13:00] Because they didn't eat the junk that we eat. You know, our food system is the most toxic food system on the planet. You know, and here we live in the most abundant country, with the most resources, financial resources, and yet, we are allowed, we have allowed our system to feed us absolute garbage. That is poison.

You know, addictive chemicals. Six or seven different kinds of salt and sugars with long names that with the whole soul intention is to get you addicted to eating them. And they're awful for you. And they're made as cheap as possible. So again, um, it's great to talk to you again. I've missed you. Hope you've missed me.

If this information is new to you, if this information speaks to you, if there's someone out there, a loved one, a friend, that could benefit from this information, [00:14:00] send it to them. Forward them a podcast. You know, I would love to, to, you know, have you help us and our mission to reach a billion people. I think this information is a game changer.

I think it could change the world. You know, the power of raw hemp. The power of this raw miracle plant, the fact that Jesus Christ used it when he was healing other people, that we should think about this plant like we think about aloe vera and not demonize it. There have been many people, especially in the United States, that have tried to push this plant down, make it a gateway drug, just say no, Cheech and Chong, reefer madness.

And at the end of the day, it's a healing plant that was put here for us. And it's healed so many. For thousands of years, dating back to medical journals in the orient, 8, 000 years ago, documented that this plant was used to help people, especially with pain or the afflicted. So [00:15:00] again, I just wanted to pop on and uh, it just was, it was in the ether that people were reaching out to get the newsletter and it's just a great topic.

You know, it's a powerful topic. It's a It's a topic that we have to, like, break through and, and, and have a discussion about. Can you imagine if the whole world equated cannabis and healing and Jesus Christ all together? What would that world look like? It would look like a lot better world than the one we have right now.

That's, that's people being forced to take pills that have side effects and are hurting people and, and damaging their internal organs and, you know, forcing them to take other pills. You know, the average Americans, you know, taking between four and five pills a day. And fortunately, after they use a great product like ours, studies have shown they go down to less than one pill [00:16:00] a day.

When you use raw, whole plant, cold pressed cannabis, it's just like eating it. just like juicing it. That's the difference. It's hard to find. Um, you know, a lot of people out there don't understand CBD. They get into CBD. The people that make it, they buy the cheap stuff. It's called an isolate, which is like a white powder, which is exactly like the the pharmaceutical models.

You just cook it down to one chemical, one molecule, and the body has no idea what to do with one molecule, one chemical. But it's just like cooking down vitamin C to a vitamin C tablet. The body doesn't know what to do with that. But if you bite into a fresh, you know, orange that you just peeled, organic orange, your body knows exactly how to process it and absorb it.

And that's the same thing with cannabis. So when you bite into this plant, when you juice this plant, when you cold press this plant, it unleashes this incredible potential to help our body find homeostasis and help you with whatever it is you're going through. Pain, stress, sleep. Severe autoimmune disease, uh, severe ailment diagnosis in general.

We've seen it all. And [00:17:00] so, again, our mission is to reach a billion people by 2025 about the power of this miracle plant, especially in the raw form. And, uh, I just thank you for listening. Um, at the end of every of these podcasts, we say heal the world. That is the mission. So those that are looking for a miracle like I was with my son and his neurological ailment that this miracle plant helped, uh, him overcome, uh, that they can find this podcast, that can find.

This plant that they can find these stories of this miracle plant and how it saved millions and Can help you and your loved ones too. So on the count of three We're gonna say heal the world and get out there and do it ready. Here we go. One, two, three Heal the world Thanks for swinging by the miracle plant podcast be a blessing everybody and happy healing