Miracle Plant

The Miracle Plant Podcast State of the Union

Episode Summary

Heal the World: Our Vision for a Healthier Future with Hemp Justin Benton delivers a State of the Union address on the progress and updates concerning the miracle plant, hemp, and 101 Hemp. He shares exciting news about his new product called "Shiny Object Focus Potion," which features CBGA oil. CBGA, or cannabigerolic acid, is a compound in hemp that can turn into either THCA or CBDA based on genetics. The product is designed to help with focus, ADHD, and mental clarity.

Episode Notes

Heal the World: Our Vision for a Healthier Future with Hemp

Justin Benton delivers a State of the Union address on the progress and updates concerning the miracle plant, hemp, and 101 Hemp. He shares exciting news about his new product called "Shiny Object Focus Potion," which features CBGA oil. CBGA, or cannabigerolic acid, is a compound in hemp that can turn into either THCA or CBDA based on genetics. The product is designed to help with focus, ADHD, and mental clarity.

Justin emphasizes the importance of using raw, whole-plant extracts rather than processed CBD isolates, which he believes are less effective. He discusses the benefits of raw CBDA and CBGA, highlighting their higher efficacy compared to isolated CBD. He also touches on the challenges and successes of re-engaging in-person meetings post-COVID, the importance of educating people about the differences in CBD products, and the ongoing efforts to promote and expand their reach.

Additionally, Justin updates listeners on the "Secrets of Success" initiative, including the Think and Grow Rich Challenge, upcoming events, and partnerships. He concludes with a motivational message, encouraging listeners to enjoy their summer and focus on healing and happiness.

Episode Transcription

Welcome back to the Miracle Plant podcast where we discussed this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways.

Well, hey, I'm Justin Benton, the host of the Miracle Plant podcast, and I'm live, giving you a live state of the union of the miracle plant and 101 hemp and secrets of success and just everything that's going on here in the summer of 2024.

I actually just got off a call with Russell and the team, and he had a State of the Union address. So I was like, well, you know what? Why don't I have a State of the Union address of the Miracle Plant podcast and everything that's going on?

So with that, you know, we had the exciting new launch of the shiny object Pocus Potion, which is CBGA oil, which you probably have never heard of before.

You may have heard of CBG, which I would be impressed. Obviously, if you're listening to this podcast and you're a long -time listener, then you certainly know. But if this is the first time you've heard of CBG or CBGA,

don't feel bad. It's a very new concept. Essentially, it's the plant when it comes out of the ground as a seedling, it's comprised mostly of CBGA or cannabis gerialic acid.

And based on the genetics of the plant, it'll veer to the left and turn into THCA, which is what we know in our country in the U .S. as marijuana. Or it turns to the right based on genetics and turns into CBDA,

which in this country we call hemp. All of its cannabis, it just depends what's the predominant cannabinoid for it to be considered hemp or marijuana. And we have a strain of cannabis that stays as CBGA.

And it's a great cannabinoid. It has all the other cannabinoids in there as well, of course. CBC, CBD, and all that good stuff. But predominant cannabinoid is CBGA.

And so That is the plant that we use, the cold press, the raw organic, which is up to a thousand times more effective than the other isolated stuff that's out there, which is why everyone's like, why do your products work so well?

I've tried so many different CBDs and yours works. It's because it's raw and it's organic. It's just the way Mother Nature intended. And our bodies know how to interpret it and how to absorb it and how to get the most out of its incredible powers that it has.

So That is a fun one that we released, the shiny object focus potion. So for those of you that have been diagnosed with like ADHD, or you have a hard time focusing,

or you're looking to clear the brain fog or mental clarity, you'll just boost your brain power, check that one out. You can reach out to me personally.

That one's kind of, It's in pre -release right now, so there isn't like a website I can send it to you, but you can reach out directly to me at J. Benton, B -E -N -T -O -N at 101 -C -B -D -O -R -G,

and I can get you a sample or whatever we got cooking at the time. So that's a really fun one. I know there's a lot of people out there, especially entrepreneurs, and sometimes children as well,

but CBGA is a very, you know, powerful and helping a lot of people, just people don't know about it yet. So if that's something that you want to try,

shoot me an email. I'd love to send something out to you or we can chat a little bit more about how it works and all that good stuff. So that's one thing that's been going on.

We also have noticed that there's been, You know, now that we are officially out of the COVID world, but we are now,

you know, in this hybrid world, the Zoom meetings and, you know, the physical in -person meetings are coming back. And I think a lot of us missed, you know, because, you know, two or three years there,

we missed the social interaction. So now when we're having like events or experiences or hanging out with other humans in the physical world, it's much more meaningful and I think we just really appreciate it.

So we've been, you know, reaching out and and sitting up lunch and learns and meetings and going to events in the physical world again. We've been helping out, you know,

like med spas and different industries that really could use our products. And, you know, because now people know about CBD and chances are they've tried one or know someone who's tried one.

And the results are about 50 -50 from what I hear. Just 50 % of the people that tried it or know someone who tried it had a good experience. And about 50 % of the people that tried it or nor someone who tried it had a,

you know, not so good experience or didn't really notice anything. And so the reason because the reason for that is that all CBD is not created equal. CBD stands for cannabodial.

And in fact, the plant itself does not make cannabodial or CBD. It makes cannibalic acid, which is the raw form of CBD. That's the precursor. So that's what the plant makes.

And the reason why you might have tried something that didn't work for you was because chances are they overprocessed the plant and they turned it into a white powder called CBD isolate and they just stripped everything else except the CBD and then they put it in a gummy or an oil or a topical and our body didn't know how to interpret it because it was single molecule basically pharmaceutical style so that's why those

people or you didn't have the experience that you hoped for So again, if you keep the plant raw, whole plant, squish it, just load the whole thing into a big squisher extractor and out on the other end comes like a honey -like substance,

that whole plant, raw organic honey, if you will, that's what it looks like, is that's what CBDA is and all of the other cannabinoids and all the other flavonoids and all the fatty acids and the amegas and everything that's in there,

that's the holistic power of the plant. It's full power, raw, whole plant. And that's why people have such great experiences and stories and come on the Miracle Plant podcast and share their stories is because that's the type of product they consumed.

And so that's why there's such a huge difference. So now it's about us getting out there and educating people about that. I was at a med ball this morning and explaining to them and she had tried CBD and she had tried CBD gummies with you know limited success and in fact she didn't have she didn't have the best of opinions of CBD and I asked her how she was consuming it and it was through a gummy and if you

think about how a gummies made and it's like you sprinkle in like sugar and that's what CBD looks like when it's CBD it when you cook it down and heat it into just this single molecule,

it's like sprinkling in white powder sugar, right? And that's not going to work. Our body doesn't know what to do with that. You know, there'll be some effect maybe.

But again, Dr. Raphael Mushulam, the godfather of cannabinoid medicine, who was the first to, you know, find CBD in the plant, you know, had a study that showed that CBDA,

raw whole plant, CBDA from the whole raw cannabis plant, was up to a thousand times more effective than isolated CBD.

I mean, we're not even talking about the same ballpark. So again, that's why there's such a massive difference. And that's what we're doing now as we're reaching out, you know, to different organizations and different niches to sit down with them and explain the difference.

Because look, you know, the vast, vast majority of medical doctors have no idea about the endocannabinoid system. They have no idea about the power of this plant to help with so many of the diseases that they are faced with,

you know, with their clients coming into them. You know, as I've said before, we've had doctors reach out to us and say, you know, I need to be trained. I need help. I'm losing patients because they're coming to me telling me that they're using cannabis products and it's helping them with the diseases that I'm writing prescriptions for and I sound stupid.

I don't, I'm not the authority anymore. They're telling me what they're using. It's working and asking me my opinion on it and I don't know what to say. And so they're reaching out trying to get education and understand this plant because they're losing clients and they're losing credibility because of the power of this plant.

So again, the main thing is, is us now that people know what CBD is to understand the plant and not just CBD. Like I said,

CBD is not CBD. It is very, very different how the product was made and how much, how closely resembling is the,

the product to the plant, right? And it can't get any closer than cold -pressed, cold -extracted, whole -plant cannabis. And that's what we have at 101Hemp .org.

And so that's why our products work so well. So really, I mean, that's the state of the union right now. You know, I guess a quick update with Secrets of Success, you know,

we've got some huge things happening. We've had the Think and Grow Rich Challenge, which if you've listened to the previous episodes, is now on demand. So you can sign up for it and participate in it right away.

And hear all the great speakers, myself and Russell, we host the VIP rooms, day one, day two, day three. There's an amazing offer and vehicle for those of you that don't want to just think and grow rich,

but think, do, take action and then grow rich. So check that out. You can sign up also to be an affiliate, so promote the offer and get paid 40 % commission if you go to think and grow dot com forward slash jv so check that one out as well i was just in boise a couple weeks ago and we got some really exciting stuff we've got the wise virginia mastermind napoleon hills hometown that's all squared away so we're

going to be heading out there in september with the affiliate award winners sean osborne was the top dog so it's going to be a lot of fun hanging out with russell and sean and all the other affiliates and Don Green,

all the amazing things that he's done at the Napoleon Hill Foundation. So that's coming up as well. So that's the state of the union. I wanted to chirp in. I know I've been, you know, putting other people's podcasts on here that have interviewed me to kind of give you some different perspectives and see some cool podcasts that I've been on and give you some insights as to what I've been up to.

A lot of it has to do with secrets of success, so I spend a lot of my time working on that. But I, you know, my heart will always be with this miracle plant. And so even as I'm,

you know, talking with, you know, JV partners and influencers around the world about secrets of success, naturally in conversation, there's going to be, if they come, if they have a health ailment or an issue that comes up in conversation,

of course, I'm going to have them try the miracle plant for themselves to see how much it helps and have them become a believer in raw whole plant cannabis hemp, just like you are if you're listening to this show.

So with that, that's the state of the union out here in sunny California, August, 24. So I hope everyone's having a beautiful day,

hope you're having a great summer, hanging out with friends and family, taking that vacation, taking that time for yourself to relax and charge those batteries and do the thing that you need to do to find peace and joy and happiness.

So at the end of every miracle plant podcast, we say heal the world because that's the mission, right? Reach a billion people by 2025 by the power of this miracle plant,

especially in the raw form. So on the count of three, let's say heal the world and get out there and do it. Ready, here we go. One, two, three, heal the world. Well,

thanks for swinging by the Miracle Plant podcast. Be a blessing, everybody, and happy healing.