Miracle Plant

Russell Brunson spending over $15M on old books but why?

Episode Summary

Secrets of Success: The Art of Serving and Seizing Opportunities Justin Benton is a guest on the "Interviews with Entrepreneurs" podcast with host RJ Ahmed speaks. Justin talks about his journey as an entrepreneur and his involvement with Russell Brunson and the "Secrets of Success" project. Justin shares how he became a part of Russell Brunson's inner circle by providing solutions and value, such as acquiring rare books and artifacts for Russell. He discusses his approach to taking action and serving without expecting anything in return, emphasizing the importance of mindset and optimism in entrepreneurship. Justin explains how his proactive efforts and willingness to take the first step led to opportunities to collaborate with Russell, including co-authoring a book and partnering on the "Secrets of Success" project. The project focuses on personal development and mindset, offering insights and resources to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and achieve success. Justin's story highlights the power of serving, building relationships, and pursuing opportunities with a positive and action-oriented mindset.

Episode Notes

Secrets of Success: The Art of Serving and Seizing Opportunities

Justin Benton is a guest on the "Interviews with Entrepreneurs" podcast with host RJ Ahmed speaks.  Justin talks about his journey as an entrepreneur and his involvement with Russell Brunson and the "Secrets of Success" project. Justin shares how he became a part of Russell Brunson's inner circle by providing solutions and value, such as acquiring rare books and artifacts for Russell. He discusses his approach to taking action and serving without expecting anything in return, emphasizing the importance of mindset and optimism in entrepreneurship. Justin explains how his proactive efforts and willingness to take the first step led to opportunities to collaborate with Russell, including co-authoring a book and partnering on the "Secrets of Success" project. The project focuses on personal development and mindset, offering insights and resources to help entrepreneurs overcome challenges and achieve success. Justin's story highlights the power of serving, building relationships, and pursuing opportunities with a positive and action-oriented mindset.



Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Hey guys, what's up? RJ here back again with another episode of interviews with entrepreneurs. We have interviewed entrepreneurs who are super awesome in their niches. And guys. If you remember on our 100th episode, we, we, we, we had the interview with Russell Brunson. And the last question we asked him was how he's planning to retain his legacy before he's gone.

And he gave this epic answer where he was talking about that the main reason why he is Buying so many old books from so many authors, guys like Napoleon Hill, Samuel Smiles, you know, or Sweden Martin and so many others, because if he can figure out how to retain their legacies and figure out how he can retain his during that meantime, that would be the success for him.

So that is definitely one of the things we're going to talk about with our guest today. Today's guest is Justin Benton. If you don't know who he is, he actually started his journey like 25 years ago. If we talk about like this. journey in, in, in business side and everything, uh, of it as well. Uh, long story [00:01:00] short, then he got into the inner circle and then like, he was, he was able to became the part of, you know, Russell Brunson's inner circle.

Not only that, but also like he actually, Dream 100 Russell Brunson in such a way where he actually found the solutions what Russell was actually looking for. So by putting this effort, he was not only being able to like provide the solution to Russell, but also being able to partner with a new venture.

I would say that They're actually coming up together secrets of success. We're going to talk about all of those things as well So the big question is this how these entrepreneurs who started from scratch and had no idea how to sell or market their products or services Online and then later on made over six figures seven figures eight figures or even nine figures Best in their niches and found their dream customers to sell.

My name is RJ Ahmed and find this all out on our interviews with entrepreneurs show where I interview all these entrepreneurs and try to pick their brain on how they actually did all of that and how [00:02:00] they took their business as well as their life to the next level. This podcast is all about the entrepreneurs who strived so hard to become super awesome in their niches.

Welcome to interviews with entrepreneurs.

So please, without any further delay, let's welcome Justin Benton. Hey, what's going on RJ? Thanks for having me. Super stoked to be here. And yes, that is so true and crazy that Russell said if, and his, cause he's was asked in one of the inner circle meetings, like, why are you doing all this? with all these books, like what is going on?

And he said the exact same thing, which was if I can restore or basically bring someone back who's no longer with us and set a vehicle in place and do it with my own eyes and my own brain, then I know my legacy will live on forever. And that's what it's all about. This is truly the legacy of Legacy Place.

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like [00:03:00] when he said something like that, it was really fascinating. And a lot of people were saying like, we are watching this side of Russell for the very first time. So it was, it was crazy, but let's get back to you, man. Like tell us like a little bit of like backstory, like how you, first of all, I jumped into Russell Brunson and like you being in this, in the business, like, you know, by yourself, like for almost like 25 years.

And then like, somehow, you know, everybody like, the internet marketing world and bumped to Russell and like, how did it actually happen to you? Yeah, well, it's a, it's a, it's, it's probably somewhat of a similar story in the sense that, um, you know, we all have our, how did you come into Russell, you know, Russell's world, but like the story started up, like, I, like I've been on, you know, I'm a cereal entrepreneur and that doesn't mean that I eat cereal all the time, but you know, I literally have started a bunch of businesses and their ups and downs and peaks and valleys.

And, um, I, I eventually started a company. It was actually a, a, a. org, um, called a one on one hemp. [00:04:00] org because I found a plant, a hemp plant that helped overcome a severe autism diagnosis. So I started a little. org and then it helps with tons of other people with all kinds of issues, health issues. And so that's where my focus was on the mission to heal the world.

And I still am, but what happened in March of 2020. The whole world shut down. The world got conditioned how to shop online before then, 17% of Americans shopped online on the internet first, and then they went somewhere else. So 17% of Americans were already using Uber Eats. They were already getting the groceries delivered.

And, and so when? When? March of 2020. We got conditioned that number like quadrupled. So I knew at that moment, you know, we have physical stores. I'm actually in one right now. And, and so when that happened, I knew there was only one guy, there was only one man, one mentor, one person that has this, the track record, uh, to, to, that has not only had a hundred million dollars a year company himself, but has lifted others.

To a hundred million dollars a year. And so then [00:05:00] I went all in, I went to the first funnel hacking live after that was open, he opened the inner circle. I was like, no brainer, get me in there. And then I just started serving like crazy because so many of us who love Russell, he has a server's mentality, a server's heart and soul.

And so I just was serving like crazy. And one thing led to another, we were in inner circle and there was a, we have a Facebook group inside, private group. And, uh, you know, the no BS letter with, uh, Dan Kennedy that he bought. There was something on the back of the newsletter that said something about Napoleon Hill.

It was an article that he found in one of the magazines. And it said, look, there's no such thing as education. There's only self-education, which means you have to learn it. You have to learn it yourself and so, or, or live it. And so I posted it in the Facebook group and some friends of mine. Uh, reached out, uh, to me, um, and said, Hey, oh, by the way, there's going to be a Napoleon Hill auction in Hollywood Hills.

The Don Green, the president of Napoleon Hill Foundation, is going to be there. So I put that in the Facebook group. Hey, everyone, check out this newsletter. Look at this [00:06:00] stuff about Napoleon Hill. And, oh, by the way, is anybody, if anybody's interested in going to a Napoleon Hill auction with rare artifacts, Hit me up cause I'm going to go and I'll shoot you the deets.

Well, Russell uses this thing called boxer, which is like leaving voicemails for each other. Kind of like a walkie talkie, but it's only voicemails. And so anyways, literally 10 minutes later, I get a chirp chirp from Russell. Dude, what's the deets? And so I didn't necessarily, maybe subconsciously, I knew he would be reading it and he does read through those.

So literally I went down to Hollywood Hills. I, I went down there. Russell hits me up. He's like, So like, why don't we just buy the whole lot? He's he, he wanted to go. He couldn't go because he's taking his family out for the boat for the first time. And so he's like, let's just buy the whole thing. I don't want to spend anything more than 300, 000.

And I said, dude, why don't we see what they have? And you already have so much stuff. Why don't I? Send me everything that you have. We were really going after the magazines. The Napoleon Hill Magazine. The Golden Rule Magazine. Yeah. [00:07:00] And so we went through, we grabbed the two or three that they didn't have.

There was first edition Positive Mental Attitude, which was w Clement Stone and Napoleon Hill. That was signed first. That was 15 grand. We bought that one for, uh, we got a signed. From Napoleon Hill to a film company. Uh, I think we paid like 2, 500 for that one and we got some NFTs and we've got all kinds of goodies.

Anyways, long story short, or long story long, we got the, uh, we go, we got all the goodies that he didn't have for 30 grand. And so here's, here's the, what's called the dream 100, right? And it sounds like your audience would know. So the dream 100 in me is like, okay, so I do this massive favor for Russell.

Like I get him his, what he wants more than anything in the world. And then I'm like, so now I have 30, 000 of all these books and I'm like, well, I could put them into FedEx, even though FedEx only insurers usually up to like 10, 000. And what happens if they get lost? So that's stupid. That's dumb. And so I'm like, what if I hop on a plane and [00:08:00] deliver them to Russell myself?

So then I told Russell, all right, I got everything. Do you want me to show up this Friday or next Friday? So he said, well, of course this Friday. So I show up, deliver all the stuff, give them all the goodies. And that was the first time like we really got to sit down and talk and like talk about each other's families and and because for those of you that know Russell, um, or know about Russell, he's an introvert and you know, he just what an introvert means is.

It's like a phone battery. So when you have a conversation with somebody, your battery gets drained. Whereas an extrovert like me, when we have conversations like this, my battery gets charged. So when you, when an introvert's battery goes down with conversation, they literally have to go to a quiet place, usually a, like a separate room to plug in to let their battery charge back up.

So to get those opportunities with Russell is rare, very rare, because Introverts don't really like to have conversations with people and it's tough to build relationships with people that you don't have it. So that's how I met Russell and I'll let you go from there. [00:09:00] Yeah. Yeah. Wow. That's, that's really amazing.

And also you, you got the chance to, to write or coauthor the book with Russell and all the other, you know, Inner Circle members as well. Right. So like, how was that experience was all about? Yeah, well, that was a simple one. I, again, Facebook group, uh, private thing. I said, uh, there was some really interesting stories.

So people joined, one of them was like Damon Burton, who basically wanted to get into the early access room. And he's like, how much is my bracelet from last week? Still, he said, how much for how much for, uh, I want to get in there. And they're like, well, you can only get in there if you're in, uh, the 25, 000 coaching or the 50, 000 inner circle.

And he goes, well, okay, I want in. Well, then Robbie Summers comes running over and, and talks to Damon. And then, uh, he was with Josh 40 and Josh 40 vouched for Damon. And so he got in. So he went back to his wife and said, Hey. Guess how much I paid for this bracelet? And his wife said, uh, 1, 000. He said, Nope!

A little higher than that. 50, 000. So anyways, he told me that story. We were at a late night mastermind. [00:10:00] And so it kind of sparked a thought in my head. And I had seen other people do collaborative books before. So I just threw it out there on the Facebook. I throw ideas out there and if people buy it, they buy it.

If they don't, they don't. I said, Hey, would anybody else be interested in writing an inner circle book about our crazy stories? How we got in here and the insights that we've learned and like literally 40 people said, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. So I was like, I guess we're writing the book. So then I wrote the book and then I ran into Russell.

I think it was the same trip. I took out all the goodies from the auction. And then I said, Hey man, we're doing this book thing. Are you in? And he's like, you know, kind of like, yeah. And his assistant Jenny was like, I think it's a good idea. And so, you know, it's tough. Basically I had everybody's chapters.

And then I said, Hey, we're done Russell. So now we need yours. And so I said, just, he said, he said, just give me a deadline. It says I can't do it unless I have a deadline. So I said, you know, 10 days. And so he got it and then we published it. And, uh, it's, uh, really a cool book. It's called inside the inner circle, uh, which you can get on Amazon.

So that's how that went. [00:11:00] Wow. Wow. That that's really cool. One thing I really like about, uh, in your case is like you, you were like, The having the first mover advantage, I would say like the first person who, who really takes the action just to like, you know, get the stuff done. And then, then it, it, it really works out just because you were the first guy who actually took the initial step.

A lot of people out there, they want to get stuff done, but they just don't take the very first step. Why do you think so? Like it usually happens. And they are kind of like, want to have those things, but they really don't want it to be. So like, what do you think should happens? I think some of it might be, uh, your wiring, but you can rewire your wire up there.

So a lot of it just comes down to conditioning yourself to act. You know what I mean? And Russell talked about that in his opening presentation. There's the calling versus the resistance. And so if you have a calling, if you have an intuition, if you have a voice telling you to do something, you can either listen to the voice Or you can listen to your head that says why you can't do it, or [00:12:00] resistance, or you can just act.

And so I'm one of those people. I was actually in the movie. Yes, man, with Jim Carrey. And so it's like, yes, man. And so you say yes to life. And if you have an intuition go, and a lot of people will go on stage and they'll put a hundred dollars in the air and said, all right, who, who wants this hundred dollars?

And people will run up on stage and snag that hundred dollars. So that's, I think that's just who I am, whether I was born that way or conditioned myself to be that way. That's just who I am. Yeah. So like you, you, according to you were wired that way, correct? I think so. I mean, I'm not like a hundred on the extrovert scale, so maybe more extroverts would be more up for that kind of thing.

But I definitely Um, condition myself to, um, not, not wait, you know, what is it? Money loves speed. So it's like, not, not, not get lost in the details. If I, if I'm getting a, if I'm getting a calling, if I'm getting an idea, run with it, uh, and obviously as a serial entrepreneur, [00:13:00] you know, and I live in the face don't live because our brains are lizard brains that are 2 million years old that are looking for a saber tooth tiger to jump out of a bush, live in the now, not what, what could go wrong.

What could go right? I love there's a coffee mug out there that says, um, what would you do if you knew you couldn't lose? What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? What would you do? So then do it. Yeah. Like being on the most optimistic side, right. Being optimist. Absolutely. I mean, I'm true. I am an optimist, but, uh, you know, and I think most of us are when we're kids, but life beats us down.

And Napoleon Hill talks about it. He says, you can't, most people will never truly be successful until they're 40. Plus. because they have to unlearn all the crap that they learned, you know, along the way. And so, it's like, I, I try to tell people like, what brought you joy when you were seven? You know, think of those kinds of things that made you happy and like, they would ask you, what did you want to be when you [00:14:00] grow up?

President, astronaut, baseball player, fireman, right? You didn't hesitate when you were seven. You just said what you wanted to do. Well, you still have that opportunity right now, whatever that calling is, whether it's music or, or the arts or, you know, whatever, go for it. And, and that's just my life. And I've built myself to be that way.

And, and, uh, I, if you're feeling that calling, then, uh, you might want to check out some project we're working on called secrets to success, because it's all about mindset and getting clear in the cobwebs and just going for it. Yeah, love it. Love it. And you actually took the words out of my mouth, which is about to be my next question is after doing everything after you putting a lot of effort after you buying manuscripts.

And, uh, like, you know, went to Russell and like provide him everything, which actually sparked all of these conversation, how the project of secrets of success actually then kind of like, you know, finalized and you were Russell, like, Hey, you know, let's, let's make it happen. Like how that actually [00:15:00] started and who you planned or who you thought about, like, Hey, who's the best fit for it.

Yeah. So basically what happened was I've just been like, I'm kind of the, the Indiana Jones of personal development. Right. So I get out there and Russell's like, how cool would it be if you got, if we had that. And so I like hop on a plane and I go to wise Virginia and I strike up a deal with the foundation and I get typewriters and manuscripts and all those kinds of things.

Yes. And so I just served because also Russell just said what he did with Tony, the dream 100 serve without expecting anything return. And so that's what I did for Russell. I served. I served. I served. I served. I served because I knew he was, he was my dream one. Um, just because he taught me so much and helped me so much in my business and my mindset.

That I just wanted to like pay him back. And so I just made him a dream one because he also taught me the dream 100. I mean, I knew the dream 100 from chat homes, but not the dream 100 that he teaches about the dream 100 audiences. So I just made it my dream one and why not? And ultimately, yeah. Wouldn't it be great to partner with [00:16:00] Russell Russell Brunson who wouldn't want to.

Right. And so as far as like anybody that I can partner with in the entire world, If I had to choose one person, it would be Russell Brunson. So yes, at some point, if that happened to be, then great. So I just kept serving. I kept finding things that kept doing things that kept flying around the country, flying around the world anticipation.

That's one of the biggest things that are underestimated. A lot of people talk about Wayne Gretzky, go to where the puck is now, go to where the puck is going to be, not where it is. So with anticipation, with like serving people, it's like, well, Like if Russell says he would, he would said something about Napoleon Hill.

Or he's so then another day he's hits me up on boxer. He's like, wouldn't it be cool if we had the entire Earl Nightingale Conant library, which has every single personal development author from the 1950 to 2000, wouldn't it be cool if we had that in the secrets of success, so literally set up the meeting to 24 hours later, And within one week we had a handshake written, a handshake [00:17:00] agreement to have the entire library brought into secrets of success.

So that's what I did. And then eventually we had, we had to launch like, and so like he, him and I were talking one day and he needed some help with something. I was helping him out with something else. And, and I said, Hey man, I, I'm, it was, it was actually, uh, there was a project, you know, around Napoleon Hill and he needed kind of like a, a And, uh, I said, dude, you know, and he just, he lost a producer, like an executive producer.

And I said, Hey, I said, dude, I know this project better than anybody else. Let me, let me go. Cause he asked me, Hey, do you know anybody that can fill in? And I said, dude, let me do it. I said, I think, I mean, at the beginning I'll help. And if it doesn't work out, then I'll find someone else for you. And so he's like, dude, if you want to like go all in, like I got a billion dollar idea that I need you for.

So that was it. I mean, eventually, so that was kind of an ask sort of. But it turned into, you know, and that's how we became partners. And so he, he said, he [00:18:00] knew that no one knew the insides and outs of Napoleon Hill and secrets of success and the library and the way he thinks and the mentality and the community and everything more than me.

And he needed, uh, you know, he needed an extrovert. It really is what it comes down to. He needed someone that would go out there and make the relationships and didn't, you know, find all the things and the people and the things that. That is not in his DNA. And so, you know, I needed him because he's the greatest that ever lived in marketing and business.

And he needed me cause he needed an Indiana Jones to get out there and make it happen. Oh, wow. Wow. That's, that's really an amazing story, especially first of all, your commitment, right? I was watching, I think earlier today I was watching that it was also like giving you a shout out like for, for making sure that he gets that typewriter of Napoleon Hill and on the final acting live stage, which was, which was really cool.

My next follow up question around that would be is. What is the actual plan right now? Like what's, what do you guys are really working on? Like what, what's, what's it all about? [00:19:00] So I'm really curious to ask, like what's secrets of success is all about for some of the guys out there, like, Hey, you know, that's cool.

Russell bought it. Okay. That's cool. Russell like is planning to build a library, stuff like that. What's in it for, for the people. So like, what's the project is all about, you know, like elaborate a little bit. Absolutely. It's all about mindset. It's all about 80 percent mindset is what keeps us from living the life we want to live or having the business we want to have.

I mean, that's what Tony Robbins has said, 80%. And so Russell was serving the 20 percent tactics for business, and he's the greatest in the world at it. Step by step value ladder, all the types of things, the funnels that he does. giving them the software as well. But 80 percent of the issue, everyone thinks it's, well, if I could just learn how to do Facebook ads, or if I could just learn how to do follow up funnels, then that would be it.

Like there's one tactic. That's going to change my business. That's not true that you can tactics is only 20 percent of the game, 80%. The biggest bottleneck and where you are in your life or where you're not, [00:20:00] where you want to be. Sorry, it's you, it's your mindset. Your mindset is not big enough to, and it's okay.

Look, you need to grow your mindset. You need to surround yourself with good people. You need to read good books. You need to listen to good podcasts. You need to cut people out or things out that are not serving you. And you need to build up your positivity, just like you were when you were seven years old.

What are we gonna do? We're gonna change the world 'cause we're gonna bring 15,000 books that he's read and and curated. 'cause no one reads more, has more access to people, businesses, masterminds than Russell. So he's gonna take all of his accumulated knowledge, over 15,000 books, over $15 million spent everything that he is read for hours on hours on end.

If you look at his phone, he's done the thing like you could sell iPhone's a thousand bucks, but his phone's a million bucks because of all the content. His brother has ripped every single thing that he's bought. Put it on his phone. Every book, every course, everything that he's ever had. And who does it?

Russell, he might have a time machine because I don't know how he has time to read all this stuff. He does listen to everything at four. Everything at four X, even boxers. [00:21:00] Listening, always bringing all this information in. So now we brought in 15, 000 books and he wants to give you the secrets, give you the membership.

And that's what we're doing. It's all about affiliates right now. Last time we did an affiliate launch, it was click funnels. We paid over 100 million to people and everybody said, Oh my gosh, if I was only around in 2014, when click funnels launched, I could have made my hundreds of thousands of dollars that others made.

Well, guess what? We're launching on October 19th on Secrets of Success. And you have an opportunity right now to go to Secrets of Success. Do you have your affiliate link, RJ? Let's make sure we get it down there. Yeah. So go to, go to RJ's affiliate link. I'm sure he'll have a link around here. Get signed up.

It's free. It literally doesn't cost anything to sign up. All you have to do is get signed up and we'll have early access to these amazing books that are in the miskey that you'll see in there. So the first thing you need to do is go right over to RJ's thing. Get signed up right there. Check out these books that, uh, that are coming and you can't buy them anywhere else.[00:22:00]

You can't find them anywhere else other than when you get signed up with RJ's link. And then it's, uh, it's the craziest commission structure. It's even more than the original ClickFunnels. If you want me to get into that as well. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Why not? I mean, like for me personally, like a ClickFunnels actually changed my life.

Right. You know, the very first commission I made was a 100 commission by one funnel away challenge. And that actually led me to have that belief that me, uh, sitting in Pakistan in hostel while I was studying, that it's possible to make like, you know, that amount of money, uh, you know, especially for the very first time, which changed again, as you mentioned the belief for me, like, Hey, it's possible.

The big domino was like already down, like, Hey, you know, it is possible for me to do it. So like, yeah, like elaborate a little bit more, like how the commission structure is, uh, how is better for the people who are planning to become an affiliate and start promoting it as well. Which is definitely into an offer.

Well, basically whoever signs up and RJ's link below, you'll be able to offer the same [00:23:00] program for 97 a month. Uh, well actually it's free. So you get the books first that for free, all you have to do is sign up and it's a free Miffy box, so they'll send them in the mail. You just have to pay shipping. And after you see all the content and the membership and all the different authors and things like that, the community and everything that we have, it's only 97 bucks a month.

And so if, when someone stays on for 97 bucks a month, then you get 40 percent commission of that for life for as long as they're active, which is crazy. Like. If you get 100 people signed up, that's four grand a month, a month times 12. That's 48, 000. That's who couldn't use 48, 000. Here's the kicker.

Anybody that signs up underneath them, you get an extra 10%. So if somebody goes nuts, And absolutely tells everybody and they get like 100 or they get like 1000. You're going to get 10 percent of whatever they spend. So it's a two tier affiliate network, [00:24:00] which was how Russell launched click funnels. He did the original first thing was it was 40 percent commission, but then if you introduced him to somebody else, it would be 10 percent for a referral.

And so he's doing the exact same thing. So literally people are going to make. You know, five, six and seven figures based on what we've already seen happen with, with ClickFunnels. So, so stoked. Yeah, love it. Love it. So yeah, guys, first of all, like I'm going to post up the link in the description down below, also in the show notes, so you guys can become an affiliate because The actual launch is happening on October 19th, if I'm not wrong.

So you have to, you have to like start taking action, like before that, so that you can like, you know, have more affiliates, especially like have more good quality tier two affiliates so that you can like benefit or reap the commissions out of it as well. If you're like targeting the right people. So I mean, like, I remember like, I think Russell told, told her that this linchpin is the case study of showing people [00:25:00] like how to do it, essentially.

Correct. Yeah. And we're gonna, he told the whole world, he's getting, how we're going to do a hundred million dollars in 24 months. He's, he's told the whole world to clip phones. So if you were there, then you saw it and then it'll be out on other videos and marketing secrets, podcasts and things like that.

But we're going to do a hundred million and you want to know a secret. We're going to do 250 million a year and we want to give over half of that money to you. So get signed up below. He's already paid out a hundred million with ClickFunnels. We're going to pay another hundred million out with Secrets to Success, but this is your time.

They say sometimes only things happen once in a life. Well, this is twice. So, and people who sign up now and tell the world about it, we've got a great community of affiliates that we're teaching each other, best practices and tips and tricks. So you literally could change your life. Not only your mindset, which is incredible, it's impact.

You're going to change your own mind and change your loved ones and change your network and help everybody have access to these incredible insights that Russell himself is going to teach. He's going to go book by book, author by author every month. He's going to go deep dive on [00:26:00] these people to give you the insights that he personally came away with.

And, uh, yeah, I can't wait. It's going to be the ride of a lifetime and we want you to join us. Amazing. Amazing. I'm super excited for it. And as I mentioned earlier, I'm going to post up the link in the description down below, also in the show notes. Well, Justin, first of all, thank you so much for being on the show today.

Are there any last thing that you want to say before we round the show up? Just get signed up. Come join us on this ride of a lifetime. You know what I mean? Go in there, get your affiliate link. You might as well get paid, have massive impact and massive income and join us on the inside. We're going to do live events, just like Funnel Hacking Live for Secrets of Success.

We're going to have a membership we're going to have, we're going to be round pegs and square holes, you know, and we're going to help each other lift the vibration, lift the world up, be an influence of positivity when this world needs it more than anything. To unlock the secret so people can have what they want in their life.

So you can wake up in the morning just like you did when you were seven years old, and you're gonna say, whatever, it's that I want, I can have. There's nothing, no conditioning, nothing's gonna hold me back. That's what is [00:27:00] inside the Secrets of Success. We're gonna give you the greatest authors that have ever lived from the 1850s until today.

Russell's gonna lead the way. He's gonna make this the biggest personal development movement in the world. Sorry, Tony. Join us too, but we are going to take over the world and we want you to join. So get signed up below with RJ's link and come on in. It's going to be a blast. We'd love to chat. Awesome.

Awesome. Again, Justin, thank you so much for being on the show today out there. It was definitely amazing to hear your insight from your side of the Russell's, uh, whole perspective on his mission of the future. Well, thanks for having me, RJ. And let's go. I know we got to get back to promoting the, the, the affiliate offer.

So let's get back out there and do it. And I can't wait to meet you in the physical world one day soon. Yeah, for sure. And yeah, guys, thank you so much for watching. We're definitely going to see you guys in another episode next week. Until then, take care. so much for listening to the podcast. Now if you're someone who wants to interview these super successful entrepreneurs so that you can build multi million dollar network alongside leveraging their audience [00:28:00] as well, I've created a script that allowed me to book over 1 billion plus worth of entrepreneurs on my show and you can get it free for now.

So just go to BillionDollarScript. com and it's BillionDollarScript. com and don't forget to leave a five star review and I will see you guys in the next one.