Roots To Riches

The Hope That 2025 Brings

Episode Summary

Cannabis, Kaneh Bosm, and the Quest to Heal the World by 2025 In this episode of the Miracle Plant Podcast, I delve into the incredible healing properties of cannabis, also known as Kaneh Bosm, and its historical significance. I share a personal anecdote about how our Miracle Plant Roll-On provided immediate relief for my toe pain, emphasizing the plant's efficacy without side effects or drug interactions.

Episode Notes

Cannabis, Kaneh Bosm, and the Quest to Heal the World by 2025

In this episode of the Miracle Plant Podcast, I delve into the incredible healing properties of cannabis, also known as Kaneh Bosm, and its historical significance. I share a personal anecdote about how our Miracle Plant Roll-On provided immediate relief for my toe pain, emphasizing the plant's efficacy without side effects or drug interactions.

We kick off 2025 with our ongoing mission to reach a billion people by the end of the year, spreading awareness about the transformative power of this miracle plant. I discuss our recent launch of the  Kaneh Bosm Connection, linking the ancient use of Kaneh Bosm in the Holy Anointing Oil to modern-day cannabis. This connection is rooted in historical texts, including the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls, which highlight the plant's use for healing by high priests and even Jesus Christ.

I emphasize the importance of going viral to achieve our mission, whether through social media, podcasts, or influential platforms. I also touch on the potential impact of educating religious leaders, like the Pope, about the true nature of cannabossum. This could shift the global perception of cannabis, especially among the 2 billion Catholics worldwide.

Throughout the episode, I critique the pharmaceutical industry and advocate for a return to plant-based medicine. I highlight the dangers of synthetic drugs and the benefits of natural remedies like cannabis. I also discuss the historical mistranslation of cannabossum in biblical texts and its implications for modern medicine.

Finally, I encourage listeners to do their own research, engage in conversations, and explore the benefits of this miracle plant. Our goal is to change the way people think about cannabis, from a stigmatized drug to a powerful, natural healer. As always, we end the episode with our mission statement: "Heal the world," aiming to inspire and educate as many people as possible about the healing potential of cannabis. Happy 2025, and let's continue this journey together!



00:00:00 - Introduction and Personal Testimony
00:00:43 - Welcome to the Miracle Plant Podcast
00:01:14 - Mission to Reach a Billion People by 2025
00:02:05 - Kaneh Bosm Connection and Historical Context
00:03:00 - Kaneh Bosm in the Old Testament
00:04:05 - Google Search and Online Presence
00:05:05 - Biblical Scholars and the Pope
00:06:01 - Jesus and the Holy Anointing Oil
00:07:05 - The Chosen TV Show Reference
00:08:07 - Historical Use of Cannabossum
00:09:03 - Potential Impact of Pope's Endorsement
00:10:09 - Chris Bennett's Research
00:11:02 - Big Pharma and FDA Critique
00:12:07 - Plant-Based Medicine vs. Pharmaceuticals
00:13:08 - Personal Anecdote on Miracle Plant Roll-On
00:14:01 - Autism and Personal Covenant with God
00:15:05 - Encouragement to Do Research
00:16:09 - Dr. Ethan Russo and Endocannabinoid System
00:17:04 - Dead Sea Scrolls and Historical Accuracy
00:18:07 - Importance of Holy Anointing Oil
00:19:01 - Personal Testimony on Pain Relief
00:20:06 - Mission to Educate About Miracle Plant
00:21:10 - Chris Tucker Movie Reference
00:22:02 - YouTube and Social Media Strategy
00:23:07 - Historical Use of Hemp and Cannabinoids
00:24:00 - Modern Challenges and Toxicity
00:25:04 - Hope for Change in 2025
00:26:06 - Call for Safe Consumption and Transparency
00:27:01 - Raising Consciousness Through Plant-Based Medicine
00:28:04 - Benefits of the Miracle Plant
00:29:08 - Closing Remarks and Call to Action

Episode Transcription


Justin Benton:
Anyways, all I had to do was go grab, I had a little sample roller of our Miracle Plant Roll-On, and I just rubbed a little bit on my toe, and literally within 10 seconds, that sensation, that burning or that numbing sensation was gone, and I was able to go to sleep. I mean, how crazy is that? No side effects. no drug interactions, just rub a plant where it hurts, right?

Announcer: Welcome to the Miracle Plant Podcast, the show that inspires, promotes, and gives you a daily dose of inspiration from the people who have used cannabis to change their lives in extraordinary ways. Here's your host, Justin Benton.

Justin Benton: Welcome back to the Miracle Plant Podcast, where we discuss this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways. Well, hey, it is 2025. Happy New Year. And we have our mission to reach a billion people by 2025. I gave us a little grace so we have until the end of the year to reach 2025 because I don't think we've quite hit a billion people yet. But hey, we're somewhere in the six or seven figures. We just got to get all the way up to eight figures. And all the way, I guess it's actually what is a billion is more like 10 figures. So we're probably somewhere in that neck of the woods, but to get all the way there, my belief currently, and I meditate and pray on it constantly and align with people that can help us there, is by going viral, right? Whether it's getting on someone's stage or platform or whether it's getting hundreds of millions of views, things of that nature. The thing right now that I talked about in the last episode is that we launched the Cannabossum Connection, which is connecting Cannabossum, which was used in the Old Testament, was the recipe of the Holy Anointing Oil, to the connection to today, which is the Miracle Plant and the Miracle Plant Podcast that we've seen perform miracles with this amazing plant. And it's the same thing, whether it's called cannabossum 2,800 years ago in Exodus 30-23, given to Moses with 250 shekels, which is about six pounds of hemp. Or today, if you go down and meeting some friends down at the store and getting them some of our roll-on topical, the Miracle Plant Raw Relief, or there's also just the cream, which is called Raw Relief, which is made of cannabossum, cannabis, hemp, whatever you want to call it. And whatever you call it doesn't matter, because what it does is it helps our bodies heal. And the topicals, which is the exact same plant from 2,800 years ago that was used for kings and high priests called cannabosum, is the same product that we use, which is cannabis, or cannabis, or hemp, is technically what canna, K-A-N-E-H, means, hemp. and then there's balsam which is aromatic so it's aromatic cane or aromatic hemp and that's what the cannabalsam connection so i would highly encourage you to go check that out and the cool thing was i was googling cannabalsam the other day and i was on three of the three videos on the first page of Google. So go check that out. Go Google K-A-N-E-H, K-A-N-E-H, B-O-S-M. There's a couple of different spellings of that, but that's one of the most popular. And you'll see a video of me, actually it's a one of the podcasts on YouTube for the Miracle Plant Podcast, and a couple other are some shorts that I did on Instagram. So we'll be putting more content I'm scheduled to hop on more podcasts, maybe have more guests on and interview them about Cannabossum, whether it's biblical scholars. My goal is to have a conversation with the Pope and make sure that he is fully educated about Cannabossum, its roots. You know, the Sula B'nai was really kind of the person that broke the story. And this was back in the, you know, 60s and 70s. of showing the epitomology of the word Cannabossum into the original text of Hebrew and the mistranslation happened when it was switched over to sweet calamus, which is a marshy like pussy willow plant, and the Septuagint, which is the oldest Greek Bible, which was written about 300 years before Jesus. And remember, When Jesus was here, one of the biggest things that were so controversial about him and that got the Pharisees and the Sadducees, you know, these high priests in the Jewish faith, who had a lot of power back then, one of the things that really made them mad about Jesus was that he would break bread or eat, sit down, have dinner with, and associate with Gentiles which is non-Jewish people and even tax collectors or sinners and it was just considered unclean in the Jewish faith and it was it was you know literally it was all about you know being with people that were clean there was very you know lots of cleaning rituals and having to go wash and go to the sea and all these types of things well Jesus was like hey I'm I'm a man of the people. Everyone is welcome at my table. And including when he went on his healing missions, when he was age 30 to 33, was using the Cannabossum, was using the Holy Anointing Oil, which was reserved for high priests. I mean, we're talking highest of the high priests. And for eventually it was also used for kings. So as the king was anointed, or a high priest was anointed, they would literally take an entire, you know, we're talking six pounds of cannabis, we're talking 500 shekels of their cinnamon, olive oil, cassia, and you can see the recipe there, which was a lot. It was a full body immersion. From head to toe, you were immersed in this holy anointing oil and that you were connected to God and were able to speak to God. and especially for the kings and for the high priests. Well, again, when Jesus was on His holy healing missions, using this holy oil, they made it themselves, right? And so the priests had it. If you watch The Chosen, which is a great show on Jesus Christ and the apostles, in the episode, season four, episode one, they actually show them bringing the holy anointing oil to the Pharisees, which is the high priests in the Jewish faith and selling them the holy anointing oil, which I was like, oh, this is so cool. And they, and the priests were like, what's the recipe, you know, by Moses. And they talked about the, you know, 250 shekels of aromatic cane or aromatic hemp, which blew my mind. I was like, oh my gosh, can you believe it? Because that's what it translates to, technically, in Hebrew. And so, anyways, they knew what was in it. And Jesus, they made it. They either made it themselves or they got it from the Jewish high priests. And when they would go out two by two, like Peter and John and the 12 apostles, you know, they had this unction of oil with them in their pouches and they would go out and perform these miracles, you know, given the power through Jesus. And so, again, the reason that I talk about this, number one, it's kind of mind-blowing, right? Because especially as Americans, we were told how evil this plant was, that it was a gateway drug. Well, the funny thing is, or not funny, but ironic, is that this plant has a gateway back not just biblical times, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 years ago, but all the way back 8,000 years ago, we can trace medical journals out of the Orient that were using this cannabossum, they called it something different obviously, for medical purposes. It was used as medical medicine in medical Oriental journals dating back 8,000 years. And the reason I talk about this is, look, This is news, and if I can get an audience, or when I get an audience with the Pope and his people, and we can talk about it, and wouldn't it be something that, and I know the Catholic Church is the slowest, one of the slowest organizations that are out there, but could you imagine if, and every Pope's a little bit different, You know, the first pope was St. Peter, so St. Peter was the one that was out there using this holy anointing oil. He knew cannabis was in it. He knew what cannabosum was. And like I said, it got mistranslated either intentionally or unintentionally in the Septuagint Greek Bible when they transcribed the word. from Hebrew to Greek is when it lost its translation from cannabis to sweet calamus, which nowhere in any Hebrew text is the word sweet ever used. So it's an obvious error. And there's aromatic cane, but nothing about sweet or calamus. And so my point is, is if we talk to the Pope, and the Pope's like, understands that the truth that cannabis was a part of the Holy Anointing, well, imagine what that would do. Imagine, because there's like almost 2 billion, maybe more than that now, 2 billion Catholics. So that's one person that could speak to 2 billion people and say, you know, yes, based on my conversations and my research, I believe that cannabossum is cannabis, and this plant-based medicine was used with the holy anointing oil that Jesus Christ used on his healing missions. What kind of impact would that have around the world? What kind of way would we think about cannabis? knowing that. Now, I know that to be true, but some people, you know, they want to hear from other authoritative figures. And for me, I've done my research. I encourage you to do the same. You know, Chris Bennett has written five books on the subject. We've had Chris Bennett on as a guest and he has some great insights. You know, he goes in a lot of different directions. when you read his books, I'm mostly obviously focused on the cannabosom, which is a big part of his focus too, but I'm mostly focused on the cannabosom as a topical, as the holy anointing oil that has been used, that Jesus used. And the shift is that we know, you know, what are the first words that come to mind when you think of Big Pharma or big pharmaceutical companies, right? Is it greed? Is it evil? Is it cover up? Is it lawsuits? It's not a positive word. And there has to be, there is a shift in the air. There's Senate confirmations for who will be running the HHS, it looks like RFK Jr. If he gets the Senate confirmation here in January, later on this month, I believe there will be a groundswell change. You've seen all the food dyes, whether it's Fanta or Froot Loops. They make these poisons with over a thousand chemicals that are only allowed here in our country, not in other countries. Even high fructose corn syrup, red number three, a lot of these have proven to have neurotoxic or hyperactivity in children. Some have even proven to show cancer. in research, but we are consuming it, and it's being allowed by the FDA. And so if we get someone in who's like, no, no, no, because right, when you think of the FDA, like, you know, 10 years ago, or 20 years ago, or however many years ago it was, you know, the Food and Drug Administration, you think of an organization that's there to protect us, right, protect us, make sure that everything that goes through the FDA is safe for consumption, whether it's food or drugs. FDA, administration. Well, you and I both know it's not, right? We know it's not safe. You see the ads for the pharmaceutical drugs, which we're one of two countries, that's in New Zealand, which allow TV advertising for drugs. Go ask your doctor about this new drug. And then it says, list of side effects include heart attack, cancer, and death. Like, I literally saw a commercial like that today or the day before watching the football games. And I'm like, no, I'll just keep the rash, man.

null: It's just…

Justin Benton: It's insane. Or then you'll see the next commercial will be the class action lawsuit like Vioxx, which killed over half a million people that people are suing the drug companies. A lot of them can't be sued. There was something that was passed under the Reagan administration in 1986 that no pharmaceutical company could be sued for vaccines. And so they were making drugs and vaccines that they could not be held liable for. That's still on the books. Now, hopefully that changes, right? Why would you give someone the power to a publicly multinational company to make trillions of dollars and not have them be able to be held accountable if their drugs or their vaccines are hurting people? That's crazy, right? So my point is, with Cannabossum, it's plant-based medicine, right? It's where we all came from. It's how we got here. it's a way for us to raise our consciousness to think about instead of going and reaching for a a pill bottle and and playing the guinea pig game as a human guinea pig to see if what's it's gonna do to your chemistry and what that it makes your blood pressure go up but your blood sugar go down you have to take a pill for the side effects to offset the side effects and take another pill to offset the side effects and you know the average person is that comes and uses one of our products, one of, you know, cannabis or hemp here at the Miracle Plant is on four prescription pills, four prescription drugs daily, right? And after taking our product for over 30 days consistently, they're on less than one. This was a study that was done with over 10,000 researchers on hemp and CBD egg. And so again, Why do I want to talk about this? Number one, it's super fascinating to me. I would imagine it's super fascinating to you. Again, I encourage you to do your homework, do your research, and talk with the experts. The two greatest experts I've come across on this subject is Chris Bennett, and who, like I said, you can listen to a previous podcast I did with him. or buy his books. Really, really great information. He's done tons of incredible research. His latest book, The Lost Sacrament, he interviews Dr. Ethan Russo, who's known for the research that he did with GW Pharma on the $32,500 a year drug called Epidiolex, which is a isolated CBD product that is there to help children with seizures and Epilepsy which has a I believe I the numbers 39% effective rate because it's just an isolated powder single molecule junk pharmaceutical product Versus a whole plant cold-pressed raw product like ours which has the full potential everything that's in the plant is available bioavailable for the person who's taking it and Anyways, he has really great insights. Dr. Ethan Russo proved and showed the entourage effect. He talked about the endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome, which basically means you don't have enough CBD in your… any autoimmune disease or any illness that you have out there can be attributed to a low amount of cannabinoids, like CBD, your body and again he's done some incredible work and it was great to see that Chris Bennett interviewed him along with dozens of other experts on cannabis on translations on you know civilizations from hundreds and even thousands of years ago We were fortunate that we had the Dead Sea Scrolls came out here to the Ronald Reagan Museum Library. This past year, recently, they'll be here for another 10 months or so in 2025. They found out a lot about the translations. They actually have the oldest translation ever written down of the Ten Commandments. It was really powerful how accurate they still are. So if you get a chance, it's incredible. They found these dead sea scrolls in the 1940s, and it's the oldest written down biblical passages, insights into the way they lived that exist. Many say that it was the greatest archaeological find of the last century. If you get a chance in Southern California, come out and check them out. It's in Simi Valley, Southern California. It's like, I don't know, 50 bucks, 60 bucks. You can go and tour the actual documents of the Dead Sea Scrolls. You know, there was lots that even Chris talks about. Chris Bennett talks about some of the Gospels like Mary Magdalene and St. Thomas. They talk about the importance of the holy anointing oil, and they talk about the unction of oil, and they talk about how important the anointing was, which has got lost. like I said, lost in translation over the decades, over the centuries. And again, if people are having a conversation, if they're starting to explore, if we're having conversations with popes and bishops and priests as I have, and people it's so much more accepting, right? Like when you have a pain in your foot or your back, or even I had the other day, I had like a kind of a tingling, numbing sensation in my toe. It was like cold and my foot was, you know, out of the blanket and, you know, just kind of a little bit numb and it's kind of a little annoying. And that's nerve damage, and it can be classified as neuropathy. Anyways, I just, all I had to do was go grab, I had a little sample roller of our Miracle Plant Roll-On, and I just rubbed a little bit on my toe, and like literally within 10 seconds, that sensation, that burning or that numbing sensation was gone, and I was able to go to sleep. I mean, how crazy is that? No side effects. No drug interactions. Just rub a plant where it hurts, right? Again, I'll know my mission was completed if when the masses think about cannabis or hemp or cannabosum and they think about rubbing it on their body for pain relief, then I'll know my job is done. And I know it does so much more. It helped heal my son from a severe autism diagnosis, which led me to this miracle plant, which I made a covenant with God. And I said, God, please help me find the cure for this severe autism diagnosis my son developed. And, you know, so help me restore his health as it was healthy before. And when I found this miracle plant, and our journey has been documented, he went from severe autism on a 148 on the ATEC, which is how you score the severity of autism, down to below 20, which is called neurotypical. through food and diet and supplements with lots and lots of raw hemp, raw cannabis. The covenant with God that I made was I'll pay it forward, and I have, and I will continue to. And the goal is to reach one billion people by 2025 about the power of this miracle plant, especially in the raw form. So my point is, I wanna have a conversation. I'll talk to anybody on any platform about any of this, and let's get into it. And it's okay, we can agree to disagree, But my goal, as my mom shared in our weekly Grateful Share meeting we do every Monday, is every person that you talk to, that you teach them something and they teach you something. So at the end of the day, I wanna be taught. I'm forever a student, but I also wanna do some teaching myself and pass along what I know, which is this miracle plant is meant for us. I think of Chris Tucker in the movie Friday, which was one of my favorite movies. And there's a line in the movie that he says, God put this here for me and you and boy was he ever right. So at the end of every Miracle Plant podcast we say heal the world because that is the mission to reach 1 billion people by 2025 about the power of this Miracle Plant and guess what it's 2025. So we've only got this year to hit that number and I believe it's going to be through YouTube videos. I was listening to some great YouTube advice in our Inner Circle with Russell Brunson. A good friend of mine, Adam Ivey, he's doing another presentation this Thursday on YouTube. I was watching some more of the great YouTube brilliant people. Daryl Eaves was one of the people who started The Chosen. He's the executive producer and they were the ones that talked about Aromatic cane or cannabossum in season 4 episode 1 he's in Russell's inner circle. He's a great youtuber And there's so many more people that I've learned so much about and and I believe that to reach a billion people that's how people consume information whether it's short-term videos like the 60-second reels or the 60-second shorts Which you then point to your longer form content like this, which is gonna be on YouTube as a podcast but it'll probably be in some other formats as well. And whether, you know, it's like the hook is, you know, learning about the short term, 60 seconds or less, that cannabis Jesus Christ used in his healing missions. And then that you want to learn more and then you can listen to this whole podcast or you can listen to a longer We'll be doing one video a week to continuously update, bring more information, more evidence, more experts, more insights about cannabis, about hemp, about whatever you want to call it, and how it's played such an important role in our human species over thousands of years. I mean, we've traced it back, we think, 30,000 years to when humans first discovered this plant. As people were out collecting nuts and berries and fruits, they found this plant, hemp, and they noticed as they were collecting it that the sticky flowers that have all the cannabinoids in them were helping with any kind of pain or arthritis in their hands. And so they collected the seeds of the plant and put it in their pouches and took it nomadically as they lived all over the world. And that's what we believe. That's the latest research that we found. That happened about 30,000 years ago. And over that time of 30,000 years, our bodies have what's called an endocannabinoid system. Like we talked about before with Dr. Ethan Russo, Any disease or ailment can be traced to a lack of endocannabinoids. And cannabinoids are things like CBD or CBDA, which is the raw form of CBD the plant makes. And so again, think about that. So for 30,000 years, we've been interacting with this plant. For 8,000 years, medically, we can see we've been using it as medicine. We've used it as food. We've fed it to our livestock and ate it through, gotten our cannabinoids through our livestock. 1937, we passed the Marijuana Tax Act, which basically made hemp, cannabis, marijuana, whatever you want to call it, illegal in our country. You can get up to 120 milligrams of CBD in one egg of a chicken that was fed hemp or hemp feed and they made that illegal. We're still fighting it out so we can start to give it to our animals again. And so again, all of these autoimmune diseases, there's lots of reasons why we have all of these fibromyalgias, rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathy. you know, all of these diseases which contract back to a lack of cannabinoids. We live in a much more toxic world. All the food dies and all the junk that's in the food. We have the pesticides everywhere. We have the pharmaceutical drugs are in our water table, meaning we're drinking the pesticides. There's so many pesticides. All the plastics, whether it's the overconsumption from all the junk that we buy on Amazon or just all the plastic bottles and All of those types of things are being broken down and they're in our water table. I mean, they're seeing that they're even seeing in an umbilical cord with newborn babies that we're seeing these traces of plastics and pharmaceuticals that are in the umbilical cord of a newborn. That's how toxic of a planet we live in right now, you know, especially here in the United States. And so again, it's time for a change. You know it, I know it, we can all feel it. Is this the year that it happens? I'm hopeful that it is. Like I said, I have all the faith in the world. I've got a lot of my hopes and faiths pinned on Robert Kennedy Jr. as the Senate confirmation for HHS. So I'll be saying a little extra prayer for that and we'll be having a nice celebration if and when that moment happens of his Senate confirmation because I believe he will get in. to overseeing these agencies like the FDA, like the USDA, like these large companies that are supposed to be protecting us and making sure that we have clear data. So anything that we're consuming, whether it's food or drugs or anything, that we can make sure that they are as safe as possible and if they aren't safe that we make them safe or if somehow we're going to allow people to consume them that they know fully what they're consuming, what the side effects are. And like I said, I believe that this plant, this conversation can help us raise consciousness, have a different conversation. Instead of reaching for a pill of bottles, you know, pills and bottles, then reach for a plant, right? The next time you get a sunburn, don't go to CVS and grab some green goop that looks like aloe vera. go get an aloe vera plant and crack open the leaf and rub it on that's the true that's plant-based medicine everything all the pharmaceutical drugs and all that crap it's all based on plants why not just go to the source and what we know what this miracle plant with so many names is that it helps with pain as I described with my pain today. It helps with stress. I use it daily for stress. It helps with sleep. My wife uses it and my dogs take it for sleep every night. But it also helps with neurological ailments as it helped with my son. So again, I hope you learned something today. I hope that you pass this on. I hope we continue to have these conversations. And if this resonated with you, leave a comment wherever you heard this. And if there's questions that you have, ask them. You can shoot me an email directly at jbenton, B-E-N-T-O-N, at I'd be happy to answer any questions. If you want to come on as a guest, I'd love to have you as a guest. But let's keep talking about this. Let's keep having these conversations. Let's figure out how to how to help each other and I'll keep doing my research I'll keep doing my part and I look forward to meeting you further on down the road So at the end of every miracle plant podcast we say heal the world That is the mission reach a billion people by 2025 so for those out there that are looking for a miracle like I was for my son that he found it, that they may find it just the same. So on the count of three, let's say, Heal the World, so that energy can find them, they can hear this podcast, they can tune in, they can listen, they can learn, and they can do their own research and see for themselves the power of this miracle plan in the raw form. So on the count of three, let's say, Heal the World. Here we go. One, two, three. Heal the world! All right, well, thanks for swinging by the Miracle Plant Podcast. Truly our Euroblessing coming by, and happy healing, everybody. Happy 2025.