Miracle Plant

Kickstart Conversations with Justin Benton - How Can A Miracle Plant Help Heal Your Health 🌱

Episode Summary

"The Solar Queen Meets the Miracle Plant" Justin Benton joins Jamie Green, also known as the Solar Queen on her podcast, KIckstart Conversations, to share the story of how hemp and CBD oil changed his son's life. Justin kicks off the episode recounting how his son was diagnosed with severe autism. Traditional therapies and nutritional changes were not yielding satisfactory results, which led him to explore holistic and plant-based medicine.

Episode Notes

"The Solar Queen Meets the Miracle Plant"

Justin Benton joins Jamie Green, also known as the Solar Queen on her podcast, KIckstart Conversations, to share the story of how hemp and CBD oil changed his son's life. Justin kicks off the episode recounting how his son was diagnosed with severe autism. Traditional therapies and nutritional changes were not yielding satisfactory results, which led him to explore holistic and plant-based medicine. Growing up in the Midwest with an understanding of the benefits of natural remedies, Justin decided to try CBD oil for his son. Inspired by the story of Charlotte Figi, a girl who had significant improvements in her epilepsy with CBD, Justin started growing his own hemp and producing raw CBD oil.

The breakthrough came when Justin gave his son a tincture of raw CBD oil at a pumpkin patch, leading to a dramatic improvement in his behavior within minutes. This success propelled Justin to found 101cbd.org, an organization dedicated to providing free CBD products to those in need, especially families affected by autism.

They also touch on the stigma surrounding CBD and how it differs from marijuana. Justin explains the benefits of CBD for pain relief, anxiety, and overall health, emphasizing that it helps the body find balance and heal itself. He discusses the process of growing hemp, the importance of cold extraction methods to preserve the plant's benefits, and the various products offered by 101 CBD.

Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Basically just a lot of pressure at cool temperatures that gets all the oils and the fat lipids and it turns it into like a honey and we take that honey and then we put it into our product, our sales boost. You can see there, it's hemp seed oil is the carrier oil. So that's the base oil. And then we add that concentrate in there, that cold extracted honey, if you will.

And that's it. It's just, uh, it's plant juice and it's amazing what it can do for people, help setting up their bodies for success.

Welcome to the Miracle Plant Podcast, the show that inspires, promotes, and gives you a daily dose of inspiration from the people who have used cannabis to change their lives in extraordinary ways. Here's your host, Justin Benton.[00:01:00]

Happy Friday the 13th, everybody. It's Jamie Green, the Solar Queen, and welcome to Kickstart Conversations, where I interview business owners, entrepreneurs, side hustlers, and anyone that's, you know, doing some fundraising. I'd love to have you on the show. But this week I have a very special guest who has an amazing story, um, about the miracle plant.

So sit tight and I'm going to bring Justin Benton on in just a moment.

All right. I'd like to introduce Justin Benton. Justin, oh, caught you with a swig of Coca Cola. [00:02:00] The good stuff, sugar. The good stuff with the real sugar, right? How you doing today? Great, how are you? I'm good. You know, we have, I'm in the Northern California area, and you're in the Southern California area, correct?

You got it. And then where, uh, are you guys having any storms right now? We are good. Nice and sunny. Uh, we had some wind come through the other day. We had just a little bit of rain, but now we're good. It's, uh, Southern California is 65, 70 degrees. No complaints. So much warmer than up here in Northern California.

I'm in the Bay area up in the North Bay and they're right with the weather prediction that it was going to be, uh, You know, a little stormy with a 90 percent chance of rain. So I guess we're okay with that. You know, we need some rain up here. You guys get, you know, you get a little more rain. You guys got a little better food up there.

So, you know, you guys have like actual mass transportation where you can get around and things. We don't have any of that. Yeah, I guess that's true, but it is [00:03:00] warmer where you are at. So Justin, um, Justin and I are, we're actually in a mastermind together. I'm really excited to meet you in person here in a couple of weeks, but, um, Justin has, you have a company that.

Well, I'm gonna let you share what it is, but I have actually started taking the products and I'm very delighted with them. So I want you to share with the audience, if you will, um, a little bit of the back story of, um, how you got into CBD and hemp oil. So about five or six years ago, uh, we got the news that no parent would ever want to get that your child has got a severe diagnosis.

And for us, it was, uh, severe on the spectrum. Some people call it autism. And so, you know, you go through like a spin where you're, you know, afraid you're in denial, you are, you know, [00:04:00] overwhelmed and scared. And then you start looking for answers and, you know, 5 or 6 years ago, there wasn't much out there. On autism.

Um, we tried a few things. There were some therapy choices. There was some nutrition things. Um, but it really wasn't clear that, um, there was any real solution out there. It was just kind of like a lifelong sentence. So I was raised holistically. Um, raised with plant based, uh, medicine. I just understood how our bodies worked and plants.

I mean, I was taking, I was eating tofu before it was cool. I was eating homemade granola and carob instead of chocolate and, you know, taking shots of, uh, calcium, magnesium. And so I just knew about plants and how they worked. And so I'd also been a grew up in the Midwest and had a bunch of buddies were farmers and, and, uh, when we grew up in the Midwest, we had this thing called ditch weed, which Which ditch weed, ditch weed.

It's just like all over the place. It's literally growing in ditches on the sides of the roads. And so every like [00:05:00] teenager that will go out there, it's a rite of passage. And you go out and you pull down some ditch weed and you take it home and you try and dry it and you try and smoke it and the only thing you end up getting is a butane high or a headache.

And so, but the crazy thing is that that's actually what's called feral hemp, wild hemp. And so dating back to the 1600s, we've had hemp. Industrial hemp to make clothes and paper. The, the original declaration of independence was written on it. George Washington grew hemp. If you were a farmer in colonial times, you actually had to grow at least an acre of hemp and you could pay your taxes in hemp, literally just give over the, uh, the, the bundles of it.

So, uh, That was our history with him. And so, well, about five or six years ago, actually 2013 Sanjay Gupta did a special on this child named Charlotte Figi. And she had massive, um, you know, seizures, 300 a day. She was in hospice. She wasn't going to make it. And her mom. Um, had heard about CBD from, [00:06:00] there was some research from Dr.

Raphael Ulam in the 1970s. And so she moved to Colorado and met up with the Stanley brothers and had a tremendous success. Basically went from 300 a day to like one a week and, uh, she's one epilepsy, right? Epilepsy, severe develop syndrome and, um, yeah, bad situation. And so it was pretty much overnight.

And so when I saw that, um. That a miracle happened. I figured, well, what the hell? I mean, we're not happy with the results. What we're trying right now with our son, nonverbal, noncommunicative, um, completely in his own world. So I figured we'd try it. Well, we tried the CBD. We didn't get the results that we wanted, but again, because I was, I was raised holistically and understand how plants work and you are what you eat.

I figured, well, why not grow some cannabis, grow some hemp. And, and do it and give it to my child raw instead of what's called heated or decarboxylated, as you can see above my head. And so basically he was at a pumpkin patch. He was having [00:07:00] a terrible time. He was throwing a tantrum, covering his ears, didn't want to be there.

And then I just pulled out a tincture that I had grown myself and a raw CBD tincture. Gave it to him orally. Five minutes later, he's out picking pumpkins and he's a happy kid. And that was the eureka moment. We were like, Oh my God, we might've found something. So fast forward. Now we, uh, he's off the spectrum.

He's a healthy, happy kid to completely got his, you know, everything goes to school, plays basketball. You wouldn't know anything. And that was, that's like a mirror. That is a miracle. That is a miracle. Medical explanation of, you know, something that was previously diagnosed to, to no longer having that.

That's, that's, I think the. term for a miracle, like a medical miracle. Well, it was our miracle. Yeah. So we just, uh, we started one on one CBD. org. Thanks, Charles. Um, and we only decided to do it because we thought we would give hope and education to other families affected by autism. And that was it. But then people started finding us [00:08:00] for, um, other things, rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathy, and then cancer.

And then we were like, Oh my God. And we were seeing these people. Come in like gray and like basically given up, come back three weeks later with energy and lit up. And it was like, okay, so now we really need to, I sold all my other companies. I stopped everything I was doing. I said, this, there's a huge need here.

There are people that need to learn about this plant. So we started one on one cbd. org. And we give the product away for free for anybody with, um, you know, suffering from anything, basically cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathy, Parkinson's Alzheimer's to try the product. And we'll throw a link in here too, as well.

So you can check it out, but, um, it's just an amazing plant. And, um, I know that you were going through some health issues and as we all know, we are what we eat and that you can probably expand on that even more. Yes. Uh, thank you, Charles, for sharing this out. He, Charles, uh, I know he, he has purchased your product, I believe.

So thank you, Charles. [00:09:00] Um, yeah, if anybody's watching this and they have, um, we don't want to say that CBD or hemp can heal. We don't want to claim any of those, but there's just too many testimonies of people experiencing Relief, right? Would that be a good word? Really? The FDA likes support support. Okay, that's a good word.

So please share this out. If you know someone who, um, has been because here's the thing, Justin and you and I talked about this a little bit. Okay. Just a back story on me. I am, I've always been kind of a good girl, you know, like I, I didn't party in high school, I didn't ever really dabble in drinking or drugs or anything like that, but I think that CBD gets kind of, um, not a bad rap, but I think people like me, there's a stigma beside or behind it or that goes with it.

So here I am, 41 years old, and I'm trying CBD for the first time in my life. [00:10:00] It's helping. It's helping me. I have this is the products. I have the I don't know if you can see this, but this is raw relief. This is a roll on oil. And so I put this on anything that's hurting, like anything that has muscle pain or joint pain, because I do have autoimmune issues.

And that those are the big things that occur in my body. This helps me fall asleep because I struggle with insomnia, which is the chilex, and it's CBD oil. And then, um, I, as a treat, as a gift, I got the, the sales boost, the new CBG formula. Um, but talk about like the, the stigma or how to overcome that for people who might be watching this and learning about CBD or have autoimmune issues or have arthritis or have, you know, migraines or anything that could, could potentially help them alleviate that without having to go to [00:11:00] pharmaceutical types.

You know, stuff again, so how CBD works and I threw the link in there and into our little private chat. You can find it. I couldn't figure out how to put it on. I'll get that. I do have your, your information on here. So I'll just the link for people to try it for free. Oh, sure. Yeah. And so, uh, so CBD works very simply.

I say simply, I'll try and not do too much techno babble as Russell. Okay. So basically CBD is produced in our own body. Okay. Our body makes it, it's called 2 AG, it's a really long word. When a plant makes it, it's called cannabidiol or CBD. Now, our body makes CBD, kale has CBD, CBD is in broccoli, CBD is in breast milk.

So we've been having CBD our whole life, we just didn't know about it until about the last 5 or 6 years. On a grand scale when, you know, Charlotte Figge and the Sanjay Gupta in 2013 basically made an announcement to the world about this amazing plant. So CBD helps our bodies [00:12:00] find what's called homeostasis, which is balance.

So just like getting a good night's sleep. Drinking water, exercising, yoga, mindfulness, uh, breathing, all of these things help our body find homeostasis or balance so it can heal itself. Our body knows what true north is. Our body knows what the design and the intent of every cell is. So essentially CBD is just helping our body heal itself.

That's all it does. It supports our own bodies to operate efficiently the way that they need to. That's as simple as I can make it. I like it. I like simple and Gina says hello there. Gina is from Hawaii. I met Gina at a, she loves her CBD. Um, so CBD has helped her quite a bit. Um, I met her at a conference, but here's, um, here's the link here and I'll put it in the comments of the video.

And I also have. I know that you have a, uh, ebook for people to read. I'll put that link in there as well for people to see and then get a 20 percent [00:13:00] discount on their first order. Love it. Um, J. R. says, Hi Jamie and Justin, two of my favs. Hi J. R. Um, Get them our plans here. Yeah, the, um, genuses. We have amazing bodies and Gina has quite the story to share to you about what she's just recently gone through.

I'll let her share that on a show of her own sometime. But, um, yeah. Aloha. Aloha. I'll be there in February or April. So maybe we can meet up. But, um, okay. So talk about how you start. So you, we know the backstory. Why 101 CBD, um, originated. How, where do you get your plants? Are you growing your own plants?

Are you extracting the oil yourselves? Talk, can you share a little bit about that? So we kind of understand how, I mean, you kind of explained it's, it's raw. It's kind of like juicing, but not quite like, you know, juicing the plant, but can you share a little bit about, [00:14:00] uh, a little bit about that? Absolutely.

So we're, we're out here in California, we've been able to grow, um, cannabis since 1996, legally in California, uh, in 2013, we were allowed to grow hemp legally. And, uh, first of all, the big difference between marijuana and hemp is basically just how much THC is in there. So anything above 0. 3 percent THC is considered marijuana.

In our government, anything below 0. 3 THC, which is just trace amounts is considered hemp. They're both cannabis. One of them gets you high. One of them gets you healthy. And so in 2013, uh, we were able to grow it here in California. Uh, 2014, we passed a federal farm bill, which allowed us to grow it in the anywhere in the country under a pilot program.

So that happened to be the exact same time our son was diagnosed. So I was able to grow the plant. Um, I went to a local dispensary here in California and they had a high variety of CBD called [00:15:00] Susie Q it's about a 30 to one, uh, CBD plant. So that was, those are the first plants that I grew. And I, I was probably one of the very first farmers in Southern California to grow CBD strains, because most people were starting in Colorado on that Charlotte's web, uh, variety, and most of the plants all come from, from Sherry wine.

So, um, any who. So I grew their old plants. I made them by myself. And then as you know, demand got more and more, we started partnering with farmers. There's about 43 of us out here in a co op in Ventura County, which is where we are. So we try and support farmers wherever we can. We grow them when we get large international orders and things like that.

We're working with Brazil to give free hemp oil to every citizen in their country. They actually have nationalized healthcare. So, uh, we're working on getting our products on the shelves, but also they're giving it away. Uh, for free. And that's our biggest mission at 101cbd. org. Uh, right now we're on pace to do about 5 million in donated products, but our goal is to have a million people, [00:16:00] excuse me, a billion people try our products, see our videos, grow the plant in the backyard, we give away seeds for free.

We teach you on YouTube, how to grow it. You can grow, if you can grow tomatoes, you can grow hemp and ideally. Five years from now, everybody will just be growing it like they would tomatoes. They'll clip the flowers, they'll throw it in their juice. And it's like, yeah, I took my hemp supplements and I just grew my plant.

If you can't grow it yourself, we'll mail it to you and you can put it in under your tongue for five minutes. That's the best way to do it subliminally. But yeah, the, so the, the, the, the real key is the cold extraction. You don't want to heat the plant. You don't want to, you don't want to burn the plant.

You don't want to burn off all of those great 512 parts of the plant. You want to basically juice the plant. So we do something that's called CO2 subcritical extraction, which is basically just a lot of pressure at cool temperatures that gets all the oils and the fat lipids. And it turns it into like a honey.

And we take that honey and then we put it into our product. Our sales boost, you can see there. Yeah. And it's hemp. Hemp seed oil is the carrier oil, so that's the base oil. And then we [00:17:00] add that concentrate in there, that cold extracted honey, if you will. Mm-Hmm. . And that's it. It's just, uh, it's plant juice.

And it's amazing what it can do for people. Helps set setting up their bodies for success. So those plants that you're, or the seeds that you're sending out. If people took the plant and they heated it, is, then does it become marijuana or is this, is the plant just hemp and it's like it can't be turned into that?

Correct. So the genetics is what matters. So when, when, when you get a certified seed like ours, it's certified to have less than 0. 3 percent THC. So if you needed the plan, I was just thinking, Oh my gosh, what if it's illegal? And what if, you know, what if it gets, uh, uh, what is it called? Um, confiscated at, uh, the import.

Yeah. Yeah. The TSA customs, it's all good. And I see it at the airport. I saw it at the airport. I was like, they're selling it. In fact, when I came back from South Carolina a few months ago, I had carry [00:18:00] on bags on both my shoulders. And I, and, and tons of books in one of them. And I just, I thought, Oh my gosh, I'm going to be in so much pain when I get home.

So as soon as I got home, I put that, Oh, I rolled it on. And I, okay. So I used to do photography, wedding photography and sports photography. So I had heavy gear always wrapped around my neck and shoulders and it would take me out. Bye. in pain, my neck, my shoulders and my back, I would be in pain laid out, um, probably for five to seven days.

But had I known about this and had this, I would have been able to recover the next day, which is incredible to me to think that that's how, how, Wonderful and miraculous and powerful this plant is, um, Charles says I use raw relief on a very sore thumb that I know was caused by an irritated tendency of the pain disappeared a short while later.

No other explanation except for the healing properties CBD. [00:19:00] That's incredible. Yeah. And pain's the number one reason people came to us in the beginning. Now, anxiety, stress is neck and neck. And so that's the chill X that we threw the little link in there to try it. Otherwise, if you can't figure it out, just reach out to me on a Facebook messenger and I'll, I'll get you something in the mail.

But again, we just want to educate people about this plant. There's a lot of stigma. There's a lot of information that's not true. Uh, if you want to, if you want to grow it in your backyard, I'd love teaching people how to do it. Put in your order on the notes, just say, Hey, throw in some seeds and we'll throw in some seeds and I'll help you grow them.

Um, in California, we can grow them year round other places. I guess you can't do that. Yeah. I was going to ask you that. Like, um, G force, Tom, thanks for sharing. And he does say, yes, it's two different plants. Um, I, you know, that's good to know. What kind of weather, what kind of, um, you know, weather is required for growing.

So, uh, again, so hemp has been grown in, on our continent, um, you know, since 1600s is that we [00:20:00] can trace it back to what the Spanish, uh, came over in 1604. And so, uh, any, any weather will work. Any soil will work. Um, for those of us that had grown, that grew up in the Midwest, Remember ditch weed, it's everywhere.

It's feral hemp. And so, uh, but there used to be like contests to see how strong and how big we could get the hemp plant to grow. Because the inside of the plant is the fiber, which you can make plastic, you can make, um, paper, you can make batteries that are actually eight times more efficient than lithium.

All of that's coming. Down the pipeline, that's the trillion dollar, uh, manufacturing us jobs that is coming and nobody really knows about, but it's coming. And if you're interested in that, talk to me, shoot me an email on that as well. But, um, it's incredible how this plant, um, has 50, 000 uses and, um, You know, the, I saw a funny thing we, I think we put on our social media.

Like, uh, I got 99 problems and CBD fixes about 86. Yeah. Luke says his eczema cleared up in a few days. I know people who suffer [00:21:00] from eczema and it's, it's, it can be real life altering. Um, Hey, you know, this is my cousin. Hi, Josh. He's used CBD for years for back pain. It's a great product. Well, Josh, you're going to have to check out, uh, 101 CBD and check out his product, Justin's product.

So, um, and we have another one neuropathy for shingle from shingles virus prevented me from standing or walking for more than a few minutes. That's incredible. Yeah. I've had shingles too. And How does it work? Which thing would you just put it on topically for the shingles themselves, that would be the topical that you would rub on.

But then if there was nerve damage or nerve pain like neuropathy afterwards, that's what Connie was speaking to. Um, then it can, you would want to do the sublingual oils that go directly into your blood that can go deep and penetrate where that nerve damage is. So alleviate X is one of your products as well.

Yeah, that's the sublingual oil that you do [00:22:00] under the tongue. And so Connie, she was one of our first, um, just. Eye openers and she came to us and she had, you know, I think she said she suffered for two or three years with severe neuropathy and I don't, the audience doesn't know what neuropathy is. It is stabbing little pain of like little knives in your skin, in your joints, and you can't sleep at night and it's just a horrible, uh, affliction.

And then she found, uh, She found us and then she calls it her resurrection juice because three days later, two days later, after taking our products sublingually, the pain went away after fighting it for two or three years. And so we've made a real big push for neuropathy. I work with a lot of support groups to try and just get them to try it.

Cause there's nothing like night and day where you can have this horrible affliction of pain and then have it, you know, subside. And even if it goes from like a nine out of 10 pain to a two out of 10 pain, Well, that's like nothing like that. It's not even there. Yeah. I mean, for someone who's [00:23:00] suffered me personally with immense pain that just comes out of the blue, you know, for anyone who has autoimmune, you know, that if something triggers a flare up, everything hurts.

So I'm really looking for like, thankfully I've, you know, you and I've discussed the foods and everything that we put in our body. I've been going through elimination diet and whatnot. And. I'm starting to see some of the autoimmune issues that I've had subside just from that. Um, so if ever I do have a flare up, I will be likely taking this just because it's unbearable and pain medication does not really put a dent in it.

And I don't. I don't want my liver going through that, you know, um, processing and detoxing all the, the medication. I got rid of gout pain. Look at this, Justin. This is incredible. These are things that, and for men out there who ignore pain. Yeah. Or we, we self medicate with a few beers or a joint or some [00:24:00] Oxycontin or something.

This is a, this is a wonderful. So allow kids that, um, Luke says allows our kids to be calm, both have autism and our nonverbal, I'm sorry that that's the case that has started. Oh, she started to use words at age 11. This specific CBD differs from any others that they have tried. That is an incredible testimony, Luke.

Thanks for sharing that. So talk about. Where a thing, where you're in, you're starting to go in and share arthritis, Oh my gosh, Tom. You had gout and arthritis pain. That's incredible. All right. Well, you got some people sharing some powerful testimonies about CBD and your, your particular product. Um, Talk about the future of CBD, uh, 101 CBD for you and where, where you're going.

Not only helping people learn how to grow the plant and help nations that are on, you know, like you said, down Brazil. [00:25:00] Um, what, what can, where are you going with this in terms of like, say in America? I, I think the lady, a friend of mine, she works at Kaiser and she said she has your brochures. For her, her cancer patients.

Cause she helps with her cancer patients. So what, what do you see is out there on the horizon for your company? Well, again, you know, it really was a blessing for us to find this plant. We had no idea that this miracle plant, this hemp plant could do all that it did for our son. I mean, that was all that it was about for us.

And so. Um, it was, it was the answer to our prayer. So we decided how do we pay it forward? And, um, because again, we're doing something different with the product. We're not heating it. We're keeping it raw. And so until, until I believe that the, the, our country and the world truly understands. What cannabis is, how, how taking cannabis as a, as a daily supplement, [00:26:00] uh, is a great thing to keep our bodies healthy and happy that I'm just going to keep pushing.

So that's, that's what my goal is. And I'll know when that day's here, some other companies are starting to add CBDA to their products, which is great. Cause CBDA is raw CBD, but again, it's not just the CBDA, it's the whole plant. There's so much that goes into there. So. Again, you know, we've, we've, we started that product with, uh, with Jeffrey Gittimer, that sales boost product out there.

We're always looking for great partners, um, that are looking to, to raise awareness. Um, eventually the FDA is going to give us a little bit more guidance on how to, you'll see CBD everywhere. It's already in toothpaste and all kinds of crazy places. The best way to take it's under the tongue or topically for now.

I see people put it in their coffee. Is that as effective or does the heat do anything to the properties of the CBD? It doesn't really mess with it too much because you need to be above, you know, 125 degrees for an extended period of time. But again, anything [00:27:00] that goes through digestion gets broken down by stomach acid and liver and the kidney, so it's just not quite as effective.

So again, you want to do sublingually because under five minutes under the tongue will go directly into your bloodstream. And you'll get about 70 percent absorption, up to 70 percent absorption. So you put it into coffee. Are you going to get some? Yes. We're still working on Jeffrey to get him to put some under his tongue.

Jennifer loves it. And she'll tell you all about it. Her testimony is pretty powerful. Very, very powerful. So, um, so it's not addictive. Like people can't get addicted to this unless you're addicted to broccoli. If you're addicted to broccoli and kale, we might need to talk because that's got CBD in it too.

And those are my favorite broccoli and kale are my favorite vegetables. Some of my favorite vegetables. That's where you're getting your CBD. Yeah. So there's, this is so great. I'm so really, um, I'm grateful that you, you I'm grateful to have met you. And I'm grateful to have learned about CBD and to have someone actually You know, [00:28:00] explain a little bit in more depth and, and really at a really easy way level to understand how CBD works, how it works.

I love it. What was it called in the Midwest? Ditchweed? Ditchweed. You could literally find it growing on the sides of roads in the ditch. Yeah, and the history. I love the history of the, of it. Um, oh, look at this. Charles says, um, yes, Kaiser's taken a very natural, a neutral stance on it. I guess it depends probably on each doctor.

We get lots of referrals from Kaiser, which is blew my mind. Cause I was like, Oh my, we, I don't know. We've gotten dozens of different doctors. Dermatologist at Kaiser told her to keep taking it. My doctor said the same thing. I went, um, and I, I had a, like a throat situation come up and I thought maybe it was from the CBD oil.

And he said, no, keep taking the CBD. He's like, it should be, it'll help you. Um, it was, yeah, it was like very much likely. You know before I had changed over my diet. [00:29:00] So um, so yeah, is there anything else that you want to share up to um to all the people watching and who who will be watching this on the replay about uh CBD and your company.

Yeah, I mean, the biggest thing for me is, um, we're here to heal the world. That's what we say at the end of every meeting. We're here to educate the world and offer hope and and anything we can do. We'd love to. So if you're struggling with a health issue, if your family member is a loved one is and you're like, at wit's end, I don't care what it is.

Let's have a conversation. Try the try the product. You can set up a free consultation on our website. There's a button. You click it. 101 CBD dot org. It's a free phone call. Free zoom call. Everything we do is for free to try. We have half off discounts for life for anything that's complex or. Uh, you know, again, at the end of the day, what I want is to, I want to have an impact on the world because I know what this product has done for our family and I know what it can do for millions of more families.

So just try the product and even if all of it, could you imagine if [00:30:00] all that it did was help people with pain and inflammation, help people, um, not be so stressed out and get a better night's sleep. If that's all that it did, what a great world we'd live in. We wouldn't, yeah, think about that. We could do away with so many of these, you know, prescription medications for sleeping or for, um, like, I think so many people struggle with insomnia or people take melatonin or, you know, they take all these things and it, it does, you feel dependent upon these things.

Yeah, and it's not good. And when I take the chill X at night, it's like, I just peacefully go to sleep rather than my mind's not running a million places at once. And I'm not, you know, it's just great. I'm, I really enjoy it. So, um, well, you are on all the social media platforms. So I just said, follow a Justin and went on CBD on all the social media platforms.

And it's. 1 0 1 CBD. Yep. Um, and [00:31:00] you can always email him to reach out for one-on-one Education. Mm-Hmm. . Go to this website, this link here, um, for a free travel size, um, of the chill CBD oil. There's other things. And then also get your free ebook at 1 0 1 cbd.com org. org org. I better hide that. I better change that.

No worries. You know what? I changed it and I didn't hit save. Sorry about that. All good. Well, I really, I'm really happy you had me on Jamie. I'm even more happy that you are getting your little health issues. I mean, I weren't little, they were big, but you're getting them figured out. And I'm so glad that, you know, you're figuring out your diet.

We are what we eat and CBD is a, is a supplement that helps balance your body, but so does water. So it is eating right. And so does exercise and mindfulness and sleep. These are all the things. The true holistic effort that we all need to be really focused on because our body wants to heal. So help it.

True. And it's meant to [00:32:00] do that every night. Water, like water first thing in the morning. Um, a good eight nights, seven to eight hours of sleep. We were just talking about the importance of sleep the other day. It is so important lately I things have just shifted slowly shifted over and I'm just grateful for that for my own Because I'm getting much more like relaxed REM healing restorative sleep so That's really really important.

So, um, well Justin, thank you so much for being a guest on my show. Um Stick around. I'm gonna just out the show and um, and, and talk about next week? And thank you again so much, um, share this out. If you guys found value in this video from Justin, um, and go get your free sample and, and. Yeah, start healing your body.

So thank you so much. Justin, uh, sit tight for just a moment. Well, that's you. [00:33:00] All right. So thank you so much for watching today's, uh, episode of kickstart, uh, conversations. I love having all these incredible guests, entrepreneurs, and business owners, as you heard, Justin, how he fell into this business. It was all because of his son and it's.

It's completely healed him. So, um, so yeah, so next week's show, I have my friend Mac, Mac, uh, Mac, uh, Linden, he has a barbecue side hustle and so he's going to be on next week and he's going to talk about his, what he does with barbecue, with brisket, with, um, Turkey legs. I follow his Instagram. I'm like, can you please send some up here?

So he's going to be on next week to share. And in the meantime, have a happy Friday the 13th and a great weekend. And we'll see you guys next [00:34:00] week.