Miracle Plant

Healing With Cannabis | Justin Benton | Raw & Unscripted w/Christopher Rausch

Episode Summary

"From Reefer Madness to Healing: The Untold Story of Cannabis" Justin Benton reconnects with Christopher Rausch on the Raw & Unscripted w/Christopher Rausch podcast. They talk about the evolution and importance of documenting personal journeys, especially in today's digital age where AI can assist in transforming digital content into written memoirs or books.

Episode Notes

"From Reefer Madness to Healing: The Untold Story of Cannabis"

Justin Benton reconnects with Christopher Rausch on the Raw & Unscripted w/Christopher Rausch podcast.  They talk about the evolution and importance of documenting personal journeys, especially in today's digital age where AI can assist in transforming digital content into written memoirs or books.

The conversation transitions to cannabis, highlighting its historical and medicinal significance. Justin recounts his initial encounters with cannabis during his high school and college years, noting both positive and negative experiences. His perspective on cannabis changed dramatically after his son was diagnosed with a severe neurological condition. Research revealed that CBD from cannabis could potentially help children with seizures, which led him to explore its therapeutic uses for his son.

Justin dives into the history of cannabis, tracing its medicinal use back thousands of years. He explains the detrimental impact of the 1936 "Reefer Madness" propaganda and subsequent 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, which criminalized cannabis and disrupted its medical use in the United States. 


Episode Transcription

Welcome to the Miracle Plant Podcast, the show that inspires, promotes, and gives you a daily dose of inspiration from the people who have used cannabis to change their lives in extraordinary ways. Here's your host, Justin Benton.[00:01:00]

Welcome back to the Miracle Plant Podcast, where we discuss this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways. Well, guess what? We got ourselves another blast from the past. Buddy of mine, Christopher Rausch had me on his incredible podcast. So, so gracious to, to be a guest and, uh, just sit back, relax.

He's, uh, he's certainly unscripted. Uh, and he definitely doesn't mind dropping a couple F bombs and whatnot, but that's just how he rolls. And we had a really great conversation. And, uh, it's fun for me to listen to some of these podcasts that I've been on other shows because, you know, we're all evolving, we're all learning.

And that's great about podcasts is that you're documenting your journey. So as I learn things or share insights, I'm re remembering things that I knew. about, you know, the journey or about cannabis and hemp and this miracle plant. And so it's great to kind of relearn from myself. So I recommend all of you that are out there that have a [00:02:00] message that makes sure that you're sharing it one way or the other, whether you're writing it in a blog or a social media post, or you're sharing it on videos or going on other people's shows or a podcast, but just document your journey because it's so cool.

Today with technology that you can take sometimes just the links of a podcast or the links of a video, or of course your blog, and you can upload it into AI and it can actually help you write a book or a memoir or whatever you want to do with it, or just share it with your kids or grandkids. Um, so I just encourage all of you to document your journey.

However, it's most comfortable for you, whether it's talking like this on a podcast or being on a video or writing like on a blog. Um, just, you know, it's kind of like journaling now, but like if you do it in a digital format, then you're actually able to upload all this information and you'll have a story to tell.

And however you want to share that story, whether it's personally or professionally. Anyways, with further ado, because everyone says without further [00:03:00] ado, so I'm going to put some further ado in here and, uh, we're going to go ahead and kick this thing off. So have a, have a great listen. Always love to hear your feedback.

Send me an email. If you wouldn't mind rating and reviewing or forwarding this this podcast on to somebody who it could change their life I really appreciate it all on our mission to reach a billion people by 2025 So, uh on the count of three, let's say heal the world and get out there and do it ready one two

Thanks for swinging by the Miracle Plant Podcast. We're going to have a great episode for you here to listen to and be a blessing everybody and happy healing.

Unstoppable kick ass confidence. Are you ready? Welcome to the raw and unscripted show with Christopher Rauch, where we help you overcome your self created crap without the self help fluffy bullshit. Now please welcome our host, [00:04:00] Christopher Rauch.

It's the wrong scripted show, ladies and gentlemen, and I am your host, Christopher Roush, the no excuses coach. I'm the guy that helps you overcome yourself, create a crap without the self help fluffy bullshit. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of most ages. Yes, we do swear on the show. So if you have sensitive ears, Please go somewhere else.

Uh, anyways, I is yes. It's Tuesday night, 7 PM Pacific standard time, your place for raw and unscripted conversations, where we bring you the juice on how you can actually turn your mind and turn your perspectives and turn your opportunities around. So it's actually do shit with your life and not regret it.

How about them apples? Ooh, regrets suck. Don't they regret suck. Regrets suck. What is up already got party people in the house. Teresa Silcox says hello, Christopher Roush and Justin Benton. Where's Justin? Where's Justin? [00:05:00] Fuck. Where's Justin? Where's Justin? Where's Justin? I don't know where he's at. Oh, thank you.

Teresa for spending your Tuesday evening with us. I had to remember what show it was and what day it is. Uh, raise in the house. He says, what's up? Good evening. All good evening. All yes. As a matter of fact, it is a great evening. It's a beautiful evening out here in Southern California. According to my weather barometer, it's 97 degrees.

And fortunately my air conditioning works. So thank you God. It's only 79 degrees here in the studio. So that's not too bad. We got Christina Finch in the house. She says, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour. Je l'aimerais. Cool. Can I see that? Yeah, I speak French.

We're not going to go there. We're not going to, we're not going there right now. Not right now. Some other day we'll go there. Uh, so ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls, it's been an exciting week. It's been an exciting week. So today is, uh, since we have, uh, we have Ray and Christina in the house. Uh, Robert's in the house.

Uh, just may be in clubhouse or, Oh, Justin may be in clubhouse now. No, Justin's right here. He's [00:06:00] backstage. He's in the green room. He's getting a massage and he's eating green M and M's courtesy of the Ron unscripted show. Wow. They have, they have these little, these little metal signs on the M and M's.

It's just like, yeah, kick ass. And every time you eat one, you just become smarter and brighter and, and just more, just more aware that there's love in the world instead of hate and fear. Ooh, don't get him. Don't get me started. Don't get me started. So anyways, yes. Uh, today is day 15 of 75 hard. You guys have been keeping up with me here on the Ronan script to show you guys.

No, I'm doing 75 heart and I'm leading a band of gypsies, uh, called the 75 heart on stoppables. Get that 75 hard on stoppables. So we're having a great time. Um, And then people are just overcoming their self limiting beliefs so quickly, uh, quitting drinking, quitting smoking, quitting all the stupid excuses that hold us back.

So I'm happy to be leading this crew, uh, through this 75 days and today's day. Number 15, people are rocking it even in the heat, even with sore muscles, even with people coming unexpectedly, all the different excuses that normally come into our life. These ladies and gentlemen are overcoming those excuses saying, no, I'm going to put myself first.

[00:07:00] So I am doing that as well. I got up this morning bright and early went out for my 10 mile bike ride, which was about 55 minutes and came back and felt great. Did I want to get up and do it? Not necessarily. No. Um, but once I got out there and start pedaling, started feeling the fresh air in my face, I was like, yes, I'm so glad I did this.

And that's the problem with a lot of what we do and what we don't do is because we don't feel like it. We don't feel like I don't want to do it today. But do I feel like having the results? Yes. Oh my God. I want the results so bad. I'll take a pill. I'll take a pill. So magically I'll get results overnight.

Yes. Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't work. Uh, no, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. I'm your no excuses coach. I'm here to tell you that you have to go through a little bit of, uh, shall we say, uh, growing pains in order to undo the shit that you've done to get where you've got, because if you're wanting to go somewhere else, you got to, you got to unwrap that and you got to.

Kind of put a bow on it and figure out what you're going to do with it. So, um, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Uh, Christina says, send some my way. What's up, Robert? So good to have you here. Darlene says evening, beautiful peeps. Good evening. Beautiful people. Darlene [00:08:00] is a beautiful soul. Thank you so much for being here and spending your Tuesday night with us here live.

We're going to be having a great conversation here just as the second. Uh, but one thing I wanted to bring to your attention that I don't do enough of. Okay. Is that I am, uh, I've been selected and I've been on the board of directors for help heal humanity. org. Um, for since January. So we've been having board meetings every month and we're making massive strides and what it is that we want to do to help heal humanity.

Fortunately, I'm on the USA board, so we've been focusing a lot here in the United States. And with that, one of the opportunities that I have is one of the communications directors or vice presidents, whatever I might be, um, is to get the word out about what we're doing. So we're actually hiring pillar directors right now.

It's a volunteer position, but if you have. Uh, if you have a desire, if you have experience, if you have a desire in, you know, the different pillars that we're doing, which is like food for humanity, dining for humanity, education for humanity, business for humanity, yoga for humanity, we got all these different humanities that we want to strike to because we want to get every segment of the population thinking forwards in terms of love and not hate and fear, which is what we got going on in the United States and the world [00:09:00] around us.

So that is our mission. That's our goal. So I would love for you. To go to www.helphealhumanitydot.org. I'll say that again. For those guys listening here on the podcast, ww.help heal humanity.org. Go there and if you're interested in volunteering, go over to the volunteers, uh, tab and you can see all the different pillar director, uh, job descriptions.

You can see that there's how you can volunteer in your area. There's a lot of great things. It's. Awesome organization. Um, I I've always wondered about nonprofit organizations and wondered, you know, where does the money go? And is it really going towards the cause and what shifty stuff is going on? But I happen to know the founder and the president, uh, Serena Bufalino.

She's been here on the Ron unscripted show twice. She's been on my other show, the unfiltered experience twice. She's an absolute massive force in the world. Uh, she just had two big trucks going around and delivering meals to homeless people in Ontario. That's it. Different suburbs, just massive. Go check her out.

Serena Bufalino. But again, go to help heal humanity. org. Uh, and check that out and support us. We would appreciate that as well. So, um, yeah. [00:10:00] Um, Oh, look at Ray. Ray is being so awesome. He's got it in there too. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. So tonight's discussion is about. Tonight's discussion is about alternative therapies that we can use in lieu of traditional Western medicine.

And that's something actually funny enough on, on the unfiltered experience on Friday, we're going to be talking about that. I think we're talking about alternative medicine versus functional medicine or traditional medicine, basically looking at the different aspects of what it is now since so much has Has come out about cannabis and all the different modalities out there that can help heal us without the pharmaceutical impact, without the, without the, you know, the, the, the, the rat race that we get into, we, we go in for an ailment.

We give us a pill, they give us 17 side effects. We take three more pills to treat 14 of those side effects. And then we just kind of go down that, that banana hole. And so we wind up either dead or sick and tired of it. And we actually do shit the healthy way to reverse some of the damage that we've done with ourselves.

So, uh, I'm super excited here to be having a conversation tonight about Cannabis with. [00:11:00] A cannabis expert who I've come to know through clubhouse and other means. He's a genuine heart. He got into this business for the real reason. So I'm excited to have Mr. Justin Benton here on the Ron and scripted show.

Justin, welcome to the Ron and scripted show, brother. How are you doing this evening? Fantastic. I'm not a criminal. I'm kicking ass and taking names, man. I'm not here in Southern California. You're up in, uh, you're up in Ventura, right? Yeah. You don't want to know the weather here because it's, uh, it's too, it's yeah, it's 71, I think with a cool ocean breeze, but that's why I live here.

Oh, you suck. Yeah, it's uh, it's 90. Well, we're down to 96 right now here in country Riverside, but uh, no, I actually love where I live. It's all good. Actually, I'm going to the beach tomorrow. Anyway, so welcome to the Ron and Scripps show. Hell yeah. Thank God. Yep. Thank you everybody. Uh, so, so we already got, uh, we got, hi, Justin, what's up?

Ray's already put your website up there. Darlene's sitting there going, Hey, throwing a [00:12:00] little plant up there and Ray saying, Justin. I can tell you a story about a guy named Justin, but I won't, um, I'll tell you offline. But anyways, man, so we're here talking about cannabis. We're talking about alternative modalities for healing people, especially in this time where so many people have gained COVID weight and everything else.

Um, I want to start off the show on a fun note when I was thinking about this and I'm like thinking about cannabis, you know, and the different, you know, weed and pot and Mary Jane, all different, you know, names we can call it. What was your first experience with cannabis? Ooh, wow. So I haven't had that question in a while.

So, I mean, my first experience is probably like a lot of people, you know, I was in high school. I think I was a junior in high school, maybe. And we were out having a good time with some friends and that was back in the, the dare days and the just say no and all that. And you know, all the cool kids were all the skateboard kids were the dare t shirts, but, uh, you know, it's, uh, I was just out having fun.

I was [00:13:00] kind of stayed away from it. It was just, it was really demonized. And so. I just remember one night I was hanging out with some of the cool kids, seniors, whatever. And somebody had some and I tried some and did not have a good experience. I think pretty sure I got sick and threw up. Um, and so I was turned off, um, um, by it originally.

Um, I tried some in college, had a little bit better experience, but about halfway through college, I realized. I wasn't going to graduate or it wasn't retaining the information I was learning. Uh, so if I wanted to graduate, I should probably put the, the bong down and which is what I did. And I, I, uh, I, that was my first experience with it.

Definitely more of the, what we call marijuana side. How about yourself, brother? Right. Yeah. I was, uh, let me see. Let me see. No, I wasn't 13. I was probably about 12 years old. And my stepbrother, he was my mother's husband's son. And I use that term loosely, um, was a pot smoker. He came to live with us for the summer.

And [00:14:00] he was like seven years older than I was. He's like, Oh, Hey man, you ever get high? And I'm like, no, you know, never done it. He's like, Oh, you want to, you know, my mom and her husband were going out to, to dinner or something like that. And I was kind of getting pressure at school a little bit. So I was like, yeah, why not?

And we actually, he set up the perfect experience. He, he brought his speakers, uh, and he's had me lay down on the ground. We took a couple of hits out of his, I remember it was a, like a wooden pipe. And I took these hits and I was like, couldn't even breathe. I was just like, Oh my God. Then also I was like, I thought I was standing sideways.

I was like, what the hell? And he's like, all right, because I want you to lay on the floor in between these two speakers. And I said, okay. And he was a big music fan. So I was like, all right, we're going to listen to some music. And then he put on something that I had never heard before. He put on Pink Floyd.

And I just remember being like, nice, big Floyd, these huge house Kenwood speakers or something like that. And I was just like, Oh my God, I don't even feel my body on the floor right now. I was just like tripping. And then, uh, yeah, we had a good time, but I guess we didn't realize how fast the time had gone by.

Um, so then [00:15:00] my mom and her husband showed up and that was not a pretty sight, but, uh, yeah, that was my first experience. So it was, it was interesting because I liked it, but I didn't like the feeling of being out of control. Um, so my, my use of it has been period has been sporadic over the years up. And so I started really realizing, you know, that it's not pot, it's not weed.

It's not, you know, it really is a medicinal plant that provides a lot of opportunities, a lot of healing. And when I started doing research on it, when I was looking at it for my own use in pain management, instead of doing opioids, I was really surprised, Justin, at looking at all the research that's going on, like in Israel and all the different places, like massive amounts of research on finding out that we have an endocannabinoid system and stuff like that.

Talk to me about that journey for you and going from where you were as, as a youngster and now finding, you know, uh, cannabis as, as a career and as a journey for you to make a difference in the world. Yeah, well again, so I was in college. I enjoyed the experience of mind expansion and you know, Pink Floyd speaker sounds like a blast.

And so anyways, but I, like I [00:16:00] said, it just wasn't for me, especially as I got to my, uh, like mid twenties, I, uh, I got kind of paranoid and anxious. And so I just kind of gave up on the plant. Um, you know, for some people, they had a good time with it. For me, it was, uh, it just, it didn't, I didn't have a good experience.

Kind of like a, a paranoia if you will. And so I just kind of gave up a plan. I said, well, it's not for me, which is fine. Um, and went on with my life. And, uh, you know, then, you know, we had, uh, that tragic, uh, news that came and we found that our son lost his ability to communicate. Uh, at an early age at like three and, um, you know, our whole world was rocked and I, uh, you know, we, we did everything we possibly could.

We cleaned up his diet, talked to researchers, doctors, flew all over the world, and, uh, fortunately I was raised holistically. I was raised with, uh, plant based medicine, so I had a good understanding to not go down the pharmaceutical model and, uh, trust my instincts. And so. That's the road I went [00:17:00] down and fortunately I was sitting at a, a diner, a busy bee diner in downtown Ventura, California with a buddy of mine who was a cannabis grower and I was also a cannabis grower as well.

I did it for fun. I just thought it was an interesting hobby and uh, and I didn't smoke any of it. I literally just grew it just to grow it. And so, um, you were dabbling in your subconscious mind was already dabbling in what you were going to be doing. Thank you. I just found it very interesting that because in California, it was legal.

And so my buddy sitting next to me at the diner, we're having some ham eggs and he's like, uh, my doctor friend wants to, uh, invent a, a roll on pen for pain for a knee. And I was like, what? What are you talking about? He goes, it's a CBD pen. I go, what? CDB? CBD? I had no idea what he was talking about. And he said, yeah, apparently CBD is in the cannabis plant and it helps with [00:18:00] pain.

And so I quickly did a bunch of research and then I found some research that how this plant was helping kids with seizures all the way back in the 70s. And so my son's diagnosed with a severe autism or, you know, neurological ailment in the brain. And so I figured, well, if it's helping kids with seizures and, you know, epilepsy, which is in the brain, maybe by the grace of God, it would help my son.

So we went down that road and And that's kind of how I got introduced to the whole other side of the plant, the healing side. Yeah, no, that's phenomenal. I've, I've heard so many different stories. When I remember when Colorado opened up, I was reading in the news, how many families were moving to Colorado just to be able to put their children on CBD and THC medicines to, for seizure therapy and for some other, uh, ailments.

I mean, it's just absolutely magnificent. And you brought up a point that I was going to make earlier is in, in, when I was on YouTube and looking at the research, I was blown away at how far back all of this really goes. Do you know about the history of it and what happened with the pharmacology and how it was ruled out?

Talk to us a [00:19:00] little bit about that, because most people don't realize that they think it was just something from the sixties or the seventies, but this was big stuff, even along with some, even with cocaine, I believe. Yeah, absolutely. So, um, uh, cannabis goes back 8, 000 years. Medical journals in the Orient have traced back cannabis.

Yeah, just 8, 000 years that we've written, have known about it. And it actually goes back 30, 000 years. That we've been able to trace, uh, humans carrying the seeds with them, the indigenous folks that would move around the, the continents. And so, um, we developed an endocannabinoid system over those last 30, 000 years that directly communicates.

Basically this plant is a DNA match for our bodies. And so like a plant went this way and we went this way, but we're still of the same, you know, basically DNA code. And so 1936, they made that crazy movie called Reefer Madness. Um, and they wanted to make marijuana illegal. There's a, there's a lots and lots [00:20:00] and lots of reasons why they did it.

None of them are good. A lot of it was capitalism. Some, you know, racism and other horrible things that they did with jazz musicians. And they even stole the name marijuana with an H from Mexico to slander the name. So they actually made up that name in 1936. And they passed the marijuana tax act in 1937, which doctors in the United States wrote 2.

3 million prescriptions for cannabis oil, for migraines and other things like that. So after they passed the bill in 1937, making it illegal, the doctors from the American medical association were like, what are you doing? We just, we use this. This is part of our, this is part of our, you know, arsenal. And so it, yeah, it's, it's a, it's a real tragedy.

What happened. But the good news is, um, you know, we, we've wrought, we've righted those wrongs. Yes. Yes. I mean, so massively, I mean, I sit there and I look at all the states that are opening up and seeing, you know, uh, people being released, you [00:21:00] know, I was like, Ooh, I got caught with, you know, two dime bags and all of a sudden, you know, I'm in, I'm in jail or prison for fucking 10 years or something like that.

Cause it was my third strike. And the other one, I stole a candy bar when I was 19, whatever it might be. Yeah. It's absolutely phenomenal. Again, seeing people's eyes, you know, opening, I've had so many people, because at first when I started using it back. Geez. How many years has it been? Um, because I did not like, you know, the feeling of being like, Oh, hi.

I was like, uh, I was like more of an upper, you know, alcohol kind of guy. But when I started realizing I didn't want to be on opioids for the rest of my life and started doing that research, um, it was pretty amazing at what the effectiveness of the plant does and how many different components of it can do different aspects of it.

And so you were talking about, you know, looking at CBD, talk to us about that CBD component. I'm personally well versed on it, but our listeners and our viewers may not be. Um, Um, as well versed on it, because I know some people are like, am I going to get high off of that? Talk to us about the CBD portion of it and why it's so healing, um, for our bodies.

So first off CBD stands for cannabidiol and [00:22:00] our own body makes CBD in the form of what's called two dash a G CBD can also be found in broccoli and kale and 25 other fruits and vegetables. It's as natural and healthy as eating a bowl of salad. Uh, it will not get you high. It will get you healthy. Uh, just like eating a bowl of salad or kale wood.

And it, uh, and CBD is just one part of the plant. It's actually the plant itself that really is the miracle. We call it the miracle plant. And so, when you consume, like, when you, when you get celery or an orange, you don't like throw it in the oven and cook it and, and pull out the vitamin C and all those kinds of things.

No, you just squeeze the orange or you don't. Put the celery into a juicer and you drink the whole plant. Well, that's, that's what was the true miracle for us. It's no longer on the spectrum. He's no longer diagnosed as autism because we cleaned up his diet. We juiced [00:23:00] cannabis and we found that research from Dr.

William Courtney, who was treating people with late stage, inoperable cancer and having incredible results back in 2011. So it really is. We all look for this like fountain of youth or this. Holy grail. This plant is the closest thing I believe we'll ever find. And granted you have to do your part. You need to drink your water.

You need to do the 75 hard. No, but you need to, you know, eat right. Think right. Sleep mindfulness, all the things that you know so well. Yes. No, thank you for sharing that Justin. And it really is important because I mean, uh, I came across you and I was getting my CBD oil from a buddy of mine and I'd heard so many positive stories about your particular brand and your method of it.

Um, so I'm actually a card carrying member, ladies and gentlemen, there's a, this one is called alleviate. There's different flavors. This one is citrus. So I take this one. I also have boost, which is a, which is a great one. Also, this one is I think a tropical taste. [00:24:00] Um, I've got another one called chill. And that is bacon flavor.

I found out that's more for the dogs, I guess, but it tastes like bacon to me. So I like it. And then the other cool thing about it is, um, is like you were saying, you created the roll on. Yeah. It's called raw relief. So I've been using your products now for what? A couple of months now. And I just appreciate, you know, everything that you put into the company and put into the products and put into the service.

Uh, talk to us about, you know, you're talking about taking the plant and pressing it. Talk to us about the different components of how CBD oil can be, can be created. Well, there's a lot of different ways that you could create, um, cannabis products. And unfortunately, We have been using an older model that was made just for THC.

So when you grow a high THC cannabis plant, we call it marijuana. Because as we know, they named it in 1937. Uh, and marijuana is basically high THC cannabis. [00:25:00] Well, in order to get high, you have to put fire. to that THC a, because it's the acid form of THC to the marijuana plant. Otherwise you wouldn't get high.

So literally when you saw the movie teaching Chong and, you know, Chong's chewing all the weed when they get pulled over by the cop and he's like on this acid trip, you don't get high. You have to put fire to it. And so people were making CBD products the same way they were making THC products, which just doesn't make any sense because you don't need to burn the plant to get healthy.

In fact, when you burn and heat and isolate and process, the plant, you're getting rid of all of the wonderful 500 parts of the plant. These other cannabinoids that are in there like CBG, uh, these other flavonoids that are in there like cannaflavin A, which is 30 times more effective than aspirin for pain and inflammation.

You're getting rid of these terpenes, which have essential oils and therapeutic, you know, beta carotene is also a pain reducing it for inflammation. [00:26:00] There's all 21 amino acids. Chlorophyll, omega threes and sixes. Basically, this is the superfood of superfoods. We should all be eating and getting our hemp supplements every day through oils.

And I use hemp protein powder as well, uh, every morning. It is the perfect balance and I, I firmly believe in three to five years. We're all going to be taking our hemp protein powders, our hemp oils every morning, our hemp topicals. And, uh, we're going to get back to awakening that, uh, this pharmaceutical model is the alternative.

Model from 8, 000 years ago, and we can heal ourselves because we are what we eat. So true brother. So true. We are what we eat. We are what we do. And that's one of the reasons why really I decided to do 75 hard was like, I was at a point where, you know, I was doing good and I do good. I mean, it's, I wouldn't shouldn't say it's easy for me to do good, but you know, You know, for me, I'm always looking for that next step.

And so for me, it was like, okay, what else can I do for my body? What else can I nourish my body and take it to that next [00:27:00] extra level? Because when we do that and we hydrate ourselves, we get the proper amount of sleep, we're eating the proper nutrients. We're not eating sugar. Um, we're adding these accoutrements to our life.

That's when these really have the best value, right? I mean, when you're, when you're, when you're taking care of your vessel and then all of a sudden you're putting this stuff in there, you know, that's for me, what I've really found to, to be helpful. Um, and it's, when I, when I think about. Where it is that we're at.

Talk to us about that journey with your son. What type of feedback did you get from the medical community, from your family, from your friends? Like, what are you doing? You should be doing this. You should be doing that. You know, everybody's got a fucking opinion about shit. How did you handle that situation?

Do you know? Cause I, and I totally, I want to just also, also acknowledge mad respect for the fact that you trusted your gut. Right. I mean, I know you said you were brought up in a holistic way. So that's, that's definitely why you probably did that. But, um, thank you for trusting your gut and talk to us about that other, the other question.

Yeah, I've gotten that question before, which is interesting. And I'm the oldest of six. Um, I'm a, I'm an entrepreneur. Uh, I'm one of [00:28:00] those crazy people. And so, um, Giving a shit about what other people think, fortunately I think I got, I don't know that I ever really did, but I might have had it a little bit when I was younger.

So when you obviously have a child, uh, you, you, you're, you know, you start to really understand what love is in a whole nother way. And all you want to do is protect them and have them live a healthy, happy life. And so that's what I trusted my instincts. I could care less what anybody thought. Uh, another good thing was that we lived in California.

And so it's, you know, people are obviously a little bit more laid back here. And so we never got any pushback. Um, you know, we had some issues with some schools and we had some, you know, some issues and things like that. But at the end of the day, you know, it also worked out that his, his diagnosis was also the time where they legalized hemp, which is ridiculous.

It was actually legal too, because of that marijuana tax act, but they legalized it in 2014. So I could just go down and grow some hemp in my [00:29:00] backyard and make the oil myself for my son, which is what I did. And so. Just the fact that we were, you know, seeing the progress and getting our son, you know, getting the fog cleared was all that really mattered to me.

And I know a lot of people struggle with that, especially in different parts of the country, worrying about stuff, and maybe things are a little bit more conservative as far as those things go. Um, you know, and I, and I, we, we work with a lot of families with autism, a lot. So that's part of our mission to pay it forward and to give products away for free.

If you reach out to me, we'll give you free products to try, free consultations. And one of the things that we say is trust your instincts. If it doesn't make sense to you, do your research, get a second opinion. Like if we get a, if we get into a little door ding or a car accident, three estimates, but. When it comes to our own health, or the health of a loved one, we just take the first guy in a white jacket's opinion.

And a lot of them are good dudes, but a lot of them have been trained by, unfortunately, Big Pharma. If [00:30:00] you do the research, they're the ones that train the doctors on what to prescribe. And if you dig even deeper, they're also the ones that write the medical board exams. So, they have no idea what the endocannabinoid system is because wouldn't you know, how many questions do you think there are on the medical board exam about the endocannabinoid system which CBD interacts with and it balances all other systems in our body?

Zero. Zero. So, anyways, trust your instincts for yourself and for your loved ones. Uh, and that's the coolest thing about working in with this amazing plant is that we get to see people empower themselves and take control back for their own health. I love it. I love it. I love it. Take control back of your own health.

So, uh, you said something about consultations. So I'm, I'm a guessing consultation CBDs. You've got like scientists and you've got all these Harvard graduates. Um, so I understand your mom does the consultations. Well, how cool is that? [00:31:00] Talk to us about that. How, what, what, what, what got mom into it? I mean, raised you holistic, but that's beautiful.

Cause Teresa, she said, the consultant consultation with your mom, Justin Benton changes our lives. Absolutely. That's awesome to hear. We love Teresa. Uh, you know, so my mom obviously raised me holistically and I understood whole place, uh, you know, plant based medicine. And so she was also the one that helped guide us with our journey with Shea because she was also a psychologist for 40 years working with children with special needs.

And so that obviously helped them. We, we, we had, we had, you know, some serious support. And, uh, yeah, if you go to 101cbd. org and then there's a button on top that says free consultation, you just click on that and you set up a Calendly and it's free. I mean, the advice that she knows about our journey, she's also a, uh, a healer, a master herbalist and an integrated health coach.

She's, you know, she's a healer and she knows a [00:32:00] lot. And so she's helped a lot of people help the old man, uh, cured him off of cancer back in the seventies. And so it's, uh, it's, you know, we, we have a lot going for us and that's how we did everything we could to heal up my son. And, uh, we're here to pay it forward because, you know, even she'll tell you that.

With all the herbs and all the experience and expertise she had, she's never seen a plant do as much as this one does, especially with neuroregenerative. So that's where we see a lot of people who have like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, uh, or ALS that have real, you know, complex issues. It helps our own body's neuroregenerative.

Uh, but this plant helps our bodies recreate pathways and reset everything back to that, uh, you know, that homeostasis. I love it. I love it. I love it. I want to take a minute here just to grab some of these comments. Thank you, brother. Take a drink. If you want to take a breath. Uh, yeah, we got, uh, we got a [00:33:00] lot of people here in the house.

Um, let's see. Let me see. We go back here. Christina's in the house. Colleen's in the house. She says, love my one on one CBD chill X. That's why I got my chill X right there. Bacon go for the bacon. Um, Christina says I do baking with it. Um, and then she says really, uh, yes. Uh, blue dream. I make sweet potato, chocolate chip, sweet potato, chocolate chip cookies.

That's interesting. Send me that recipe. I want to try that. Uh, I think I'm having sweet potato fries after, uh, after this interview. Uh, Colleen says it's changed my world. I couldn't agree more. I got Darlene in the house. She goes, I fired. Uh, I'm, I fired up first thing in the morning to get my day started, but that was back in the day.

Not nowadays. Oh, you did a wake and bake. That's what you're doing. Darlene. Uh, Christina says I haven't had nightmares or flashbacks from cupcake delight. Okay. Um, let's see. Let me see. Colleen, for sharing it. You're awesome. You're awesome. Awesome. And, uh, let's see, let's see. Um, she says also from using it to be able to sleep soundly at night.

It keeps me [00:34:00] peaceful. Yeah, there was, um, and there's different forms, right? You know, I use, I use the vape, you know, just to be transparent. I use the vape. I use the oil underneath my tongue. I use edibles. I use, um, also this thing that I had when I was struggling with insomnia a little bit. Was I use this tincture and I thought, okay, I'm at 210 pounds, six, one guy.

This guy's trying to sell me this tincture. I'm like, what is that for fucking flowers? And he, I can't remember what he was, it was called sleepy time or something like that. And it had lavender and had a couple other things. And I'm like, whatever he goes, a lot of people really dig it. So I'm like, all right, I want to do natural.

I don't want to fucking go on anything. And so I started using it. I was surprised at how well that even worked, like the tinctures and everything. So there's so many different opportunities out there. Um, for that, uh, darling says it's found in breast milk. I don't know. And I don't remember that was drunk.

I'm just kidding. Uh, let me see. Yes. Uh, Teresa says amazing results for Tate's, uh, migraines with it. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. John John's in the house. He says, uh, Ray, come to [00:35:00] my podcast. Talk about this. Uh, okay. Uh, Christina uses weed oil. Um, Oh, this is, look at this. We like this pharmacy over pharmacy. So pharmacy with an F versus pH for you guys listening and not watching this on the video cast.

Here we got, um, darling says it's giving me my quality of my life back. Um, absolutely. Um, Christina says here, she asked a question of you. Do you think it will help with COVID 19?

So if you go to our miracle plant podcast, you can actually hear, we've interviewed people that have had COVID 19 and had, you get to hear it from their, you know, directly from their mouth. And so the people that have. Experienced COVID 19 and we're taking lots of the CBD oil along with, you know, good nutrition and water.

They got over COVID 19 in a day or two and the folks that didn't, [00:36:00] uh, you know, the husbands typically, uh, they experienced, you know, kind of that, that two or three week kind of fighting it off and fatigue and things like that. There's also lots of research, uh, research out there in Israel, Canada, uh, you know, other countries besides ours, because ours is a big pharma model.

And, uh, you mean again, not to get too technical, but the ACE receptors is where that this virus latches on. And, uh, the actual CBD oil or the cannabis oil blocks the way that the virus attaches to the ACE receptors. So it's been proven up to like 75 percent effective for that. And also when you get the actual, uh, COVID 19, if, uh, your body overreacts, it's called a cytokine storm.

And it's over inflammation, which causes all of the, uh, The issues in the lungs and the pneumonia and it's actually your, your immune system is overreacting. Whereas the cannabis oil, remember it balances things out. So if your immune system is overreacting and causing [00:37:00] inflammation and pneumonia, that taking the cannabis oil will back it off and will allow that cytokine, cytokine storm to actually get back to neutral.

So there's, it's, yes, it helps in my opinion. Do your own research, go to pub med dot gov. And, uh, there's lots of other countries out there that figured it out as well. Unfortunately, our, our model here is a little more pay to play. Yeah. Yeah. It's absolutely ridiculous. I mean, it's, it's, so thank you for answering, answering, answering that.

Um, there was something else here. I want to, Oh, um, John says we need to tell your story too.

What does that mean to you? My story? Yeah, apparently he says we need to tell your story too. John's giving you a lead in. Yeah. Well, I think, I mean, my story is, is about my son and how we were able to find this miracle plant by basically juicing it and cold pressing it. And that's really what, [00:38:00] um, you know, got us into this industry and I basically changed our whole lives.

It was the answer to our prayers and now we pay it forward. And, you know, we have these free consultations and we give away these free products. And, uh, I shut down all my other businesses, everything that I was doing before, because I saw the huge gap between what this plan can do and what people think about this plan.

And until that gap gets closer, this is, this is my life's work. I love it. I love it. John comments again. Thank you, John, for being here with us. What it means that I want to publish your story on our network. Ooh, look at that. You're going to be on the NBC network. No, I'm just kidding. I don't know what network you're on, John, but yes, I agree.

I agree. Um, um, what was one of the other questions that I had? Uh, when you think about one of the other things that I was thinking about in, in doing this, and I think you and I briefly had talked about it on Instagram or something like that was the fact that, you know, when it first started out, it was [00:39:00] like, there was only a few people that were doing it.

And now there's like, you go on weed maps, you go do your research. There's so many different people making CBD oil and touting CBD oil. For the people who might be getting into this right now, obviously we recommend go going and checking you out, but what are some of the differences that maybe people should be looking out for to make sure that they do get quality medicine if they're traveling out of state or they don't have your products with them?

Uh, the biggest thing is to, is, you know, kind of like you do with everything else is, is look at reviews. Um, the big thing is look at C O A's, which are certificates of analysis for each product that you buy. So it tells you exactly what's in it. And reach out to the company and make sure you identify with the brand and, and call and ask questions.

Uh, but sometimes you just got to try things. Another thing you want to look for is whole plant. So they're using the whole plant with everything in it. They call it full spectrum, but that doesn't really mean they're using the whole plant. Um, if you look at a COA, you can count all different cannabinoids like CBD, [00:40:00] CBG, CBC, CBN.

And if it has all the cannabinoids, the whole plant like ours, then, you know, you're getting a whole plant product. Mm hmm. It's like putting all the vegetables in the mixer and. Taking all the nutrients. So, so in addition to cannabis, I mean, some of the things that intrigued me from looking at the cannabis research and obviously becoming a card carrying member and educating other people in it because like, Oh really, Chris, you know, uh, what, what can it use for?

I mean, I gave, uh, my buddy had created a CBD bomb. Uh, and I tried it and it really didn't, he gave it to me for my shoulder pain and it really didn't do anything, honestly. But, uh, one of my work, one of my guys on my team was saying that his mother was struggling with arthritis really bad. And I thought about it.

I'm like, well, I'm not really using that. So I brought it in and I said, Hey, you know, here's some CBD oil. Um, let me know what she thinks. He came back three days later. He's like, man, my mom wants to buy this from you. I said, no, no, no, it's, it's hers. She can go ahead and have it. He came back to me. He's like, that's the only thing that actually ever worked for her.

So in doing that and thinking about. All the different ways that cannabis can help us. I [00:41:00] started researching even more as part of the documentaries. I started finding out about ayahuasca. I started finding about, uh, uh, MDMA, DMT, psilocybin, um, and so other alternative modalities for continued healing, what is your familiarity?

And some of the other things that are going on in the world today that, uh, that are related to, uh, plant based medicine, you know, I say, On everything that I can. Um, I know there's a lot of microdosing going on with Sil Island and, uh, you know, some of those other things like, uh, ashwagandha, which is more of an herb.

Um, you know, I, I, I, my opinion is if it comes from the Earth, it's, it's worth looking into if it comes outta the ground. Uh, take a look. I would always recommend slow and low and do micro dosing and work with a professional, um, who really knows what they're doing, because when you go into the psychedelics, uh, it has, it's, I've, there's enough smoke there for me to believe that it's really starting to help some people, but.

You know, [00:42:00] again, you don't want to take a whole bunch of something. You don't really know how you're going to react to it. And yeah, you might be like that scene in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Oh, man, we were just, we were just talking about, um, um, I just dropped his name, Johnny Depp or Hunter. I don't know who he was playing, who he was playing.

Um, Hunter S Thompson. Yeah. Yeah. No, we were just talking about him the other day. I met somebody who said that, uh, before he killed himself, he, they talked to her mom. Who was that? I think it was somebody. It was, I don't know. It was another discussion, but that's, that's far and near from here. Um, so yeah, I mean, when I started getting into it and realizing, you know, psilocybin right now is on the main front right now, as far as treating, being able to be a, almost a one stop shop for treating PTSD.

Um, So, I mean, yeah, it's, it's pretty crazy, but it's so funny because so many people still have that opinion, like, Oh, it's bad and it's addictive and all these other different things talk to me about that and your thought on, uh, [00:43:00] uh, on addiction to the plant or as an addiction to the results of what the plant provides.

Well, as far as this plant goes, there, I mean, there, there can be a psychological, you know, um, correlation to THC, but there's nothing physical that has ever been proven that it's, there are some withdrawals that people have experienced, especially like with sleep, um, who are heavy THC users, but there hasn't been anything really proven that it's, it is an addictive plant per se, but you know, you might, you know, Get, uh, used to being in a certain state of mind and things like that, but there isn't anything really been proven scientifically that it is addictive, uh, actually as the plant, like nicotine or other things like that, right?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking about when I was talking about, um, that cause some of you, Oh, it's addictive. It's a gateway drug. It's all this like, um, Nope. I'm living proof. It wasn't a gateway drug. Actually. I didn't use it until I decided that I wanted to use it for, [00:44:00] um, treating my pain, treating anxiety, treating sleep problems.

I mean, it's just been so phenomenal in all those different areas. Um, Christina, I just want to catch this comment. So I don't, so I don't miss that. But she says, uh, Thanks Christopher Ross for putting on the show. I needed it and this is boosting me up again. So yes, you are most welcome. You're most welcome.

Uh, she also says, I love that movie where we're talking about. Um, yes, Darlene says so many people need to be educated. That's why we're doing this show, Darlene. Absolutely. So if you guys have questions, if you guys have questions, please feel free. This is an opportunity to ask Justin. Of course, we're going to put his website up here in just a few minutes when we close out the show.

So you guys can definitely connect with him, uh, and check out the products. I, that's when they also wanted to comment. All right. Um, on your, on your products is I got the sampler pack and it was like really cool. It was actually, um, it was like miniature. It was like miniature bottles, but it was just really professionally done.

Uh, and the products that you guys have on there talk to us about, um, the, the real, the, the, the impact that CBD has had in other areas of medicine. So you were talking about autism. [00:45:00] Is that, is that something that has been shown? consecutively or is it, it's a hit and miss on how you treat it. If it actually helps somebody on the spectrum.

So my, uh, my phone is about to die. So let me, let me come in on my computer here. So let me hold that question, check some comments and I'll be right back in my computer. Let me back in. Okay. You got it. No problem. No problem. So there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, doing your interview on your phone.

That's about to die. Ooh, Justin, I'm going to get you. Go get your computer, buddy. Go get your computer. So, uh, Blue Dream. Actually, Christina's here. Blue Dream. You know what's funny? When I actually did, um, the plant. When I actually did the plant. I can't smoke the plant anymore. It's just like it makes me nauseous and all sorts of weird stuff.

So I actually do use the vape. It's really cool. Actually it's just this little cartridge. It's a little cartridge. So, um, I actually do CBD and THC. So, um, so it's actually helps me just in different types of situations that I'm in, [00:46:00] um, to build a process and everything. So, um, Christina says here, she goes, it has helped me help my PTSD immensely.

I am ever grateful. Um, yes. Do you give weed to your animals? No, but you can actually give CBD oil to your animals. Um, I actually do that for my dog and his joint pain. Um, She says, I have, I have weed oil and weed butter. See, that's another thing. Let's not call it weed. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, let's not call it weed.

Let's call it marijuana. Let's call it cannabis. Let's call it. I call it medicine. I told my son, you know, Hey, this is medicine. He was asking me the other day. He was asking me a question. I had my, my put this under my tongue. Justin recommends five to seven minutes. So I put it under my tongue. My son was asking me a question.

I was like, Oh, daddy, you have your medicine under your tongue. And I said, So he understood, he understands that. So, yeah. Um, Teresa says here, she goes incredible results for my dog and her quality of life. She is much more mobile. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's, it's crazy because it just, I recommend you guys while we wait for Justin to get back in here, [00:47:00] um, go do some research, go on YouTube and look at it.

It's, it's crazy how it was outlawed. Um, and it's so beautiful that it's coming back because I believe that all of us have a voice, all of us have a voice in all of this. And so the advocacy work that's going on with it is absolutely beautiful. And again, from the PTSD side of things, you know, go look at what psilocybin, Mushrooms, uh, in micro dosing formats is actually doing for people.

I was just talking to somebody the other day because I've been gaining experience on it. I'm interested in trying it. Um, I'm interested in finding out what it is that I need to unlock in my own brain and my own psyche and my own soul. So I can continue progressing in this journey called humanity and everything.

So, um, yeah. Um, can't remember what I was going to say. That's the, that's the joy of, uh, of marijuana. So, uh, John says here, I got it from my mother after knee surgery and it was amazing, you know, speaking of which, you know, that's an interesting, that's an interesting topic. My mom had lung cancer and I spent the last two years of my life taking care of her surgeries and amputations and all sorts of stuff.

And [00:48:00] there was a point where she stopped eating. And it was kind of crazy. And so, uh, I would go into her nursing care facility one day and she, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's what I was, I get a phone call. So I got a phone call usually from my mom every day saying, I want this, or I want cigarettes, or I want even having lung cancer.

And one day she calls me and she goes, she goes, can you bring me some Cheetos? I'm like, you hate cheese, you hate Cheetos. She goes, I know, I know. But my roommate has Cheetos and, and they're really good. And so can you just bring us a bag? 'cause I told her I'd you'd bring a bag. And I was like. What the fuck is going on?

My mom wants Cheetos. So I go there and my mom's all like this and I'm like, what's going on? So I made friends with the, with the meds nurse Carlos. And, uh, and I said, I said, I said, dude, I said, I said, what is, what is going on with, with my mom right now? And he says, uh, he says, uh, your, your mom has been given a, uh, a cannabis medicine.

And I said, say what? I said, my mom's high right now. And he's like, Pretty much. She's got the [00:49:00] munchies. And I'm like, no way. That is so cool. Sadly, it only happened for, it only happened for a, um, for a little bit. And then unfortunately, uh, she started losing her appetite again. But, uh, yeah, it's absolutely amazing.

It's absolutely amazing. Scott's sitting here saying, he goes, Christopher, thank you for having Justin on your show tonight. I've had great results from my arthritis pain using CBD. He's You are most welcome. I mean, this is a definitely a discussion that we should have had long, long time ago. And, uh, Darlene says 4th of July is coming up for our four legged babies.

Need this too. Yes, yes, yes. Um, yeah, so, uh, big, uh, promotion for that. So look out for that. For the CBD oil for the dogs in the 4th of July. Nice. What makes it, what, what, is there some sort of hidden meaning behind it? Uh, the dogs and when the fireworks go off, and so it really helps calm them down. So we have that bacon flavored, which you got for yourself, which one of my favorite stories is that, uh, this vegan guy [00:50:00] comes into our CBD store.

We have stores out here on the West coast and the Rockies. And, uh, he's a, he's a vegan. But he's got like massive migraines and all I had left was, was bacon. We were sold out and it's vegan flavored bacon. So he was, he was okay. But, uh, he's like, I don't care what it tastes like. This headache's got to go.

And this is the first time he ever tried CBD. And so, uh, you're not the only human that's tried bacon. It is for the dogs, but, uh, Hey man, I love bacon. I cook it every week. I was like, fuck it. I like bacon. So what's. Why not? Why not? Um, uh, John's asking the question. Uh, do you think it helps with allergies again?

So CBD and the endocannabinoid system balances all other systems. So it's certainly worth a shot, man, you know, um, and, and having a healthy immune system is going to help, you know, repel anything. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hi, Christine. I'm a, I'm going to whack you here in a second. [00:51:00] No more. You, what do you think about that?

Justin, when people call it weed, I had a friend of mine, I had a friend, a friend of mine bring it to my attention goes, man, it pisses me off. It's not a weed. It's medicine. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah. I mean, we want to, cause it really is medicine and we want to make people take it more serious.

So, um, you know, recreational has been turned over to adult use. Um, the, when, when in doubt, just call it cannabis. That's the name of the plant. Like all these other names were made up. Um, part of it was made up. So we would look at it like Cheech and Chong, but the more you do research when you go to places like pub med.

gov, you'll be blown away because again, if this plan is balancing our immune system through the endocannabinoid system. It basically, it allows our body to heal itself. Just like when you're seven years old and you cut yourself and, you know, tell your body, heal, it's going to heal itself. Our body wants to heal.

We eat so much crap and processed food and refined [00:52:00] sugars and pesticides. That our liver and our kidneys can only do so much to keep up. But when you eat right, which is eating, you know, this is a plant. If you're using it as supplementation, it's just like taking those little tinctures is like eating a solid for a week, all in a little concentration.

And so, uh, it can help with anything because our bodies can help with anything, uh, if we, if we give it the resources that it needs, but I know a lot about what you do is, is the mindset. So it's not only about what we. Let in here, but it's also what we let in here. And if you get this in sync with this, you can beat anything.

So you can be unstoppable. Yep. You can be unstoppable. Colleen says I titrated myself off of seven different prescription medications and two, including opioid addiction. Amen, sister. I did it twice. Did it twice. She says it saved her life. Teresa comes on to say, she goes, we were at the end of our rope, 30 years of migraines, 1600 milligrams twice a day.

And they subsided in a week. Living [00:53:00] testimony, living testimony. I trust Teresa. I know Tate. I know Justin. So, uh, so yeah. Uh, Cheech and Chong, favorite movies from my childhood. Absolutely. Up in smoke. You can't live without up in smoke. So I golfed with, uh, Cheech once out here in Southern California. He was in the same country club and, uh, he just, he joined us.

We were just playing and he goes, Hey, can I play? And it's like, is that, no, it can't be. And so we played a few holes and, and, uh, he's pretty good golfer. He plays it left to right. And he smoked some menthols. I forget the brand. I think cool. And it's pretty funny guy. He's really humble. He a big golfer.

Yeah. Oh yeah. That's funny. I, first time I saw him talk with that and he didn't have a mustache. I'm like, what? I just thought that's who he was. So I used to get high and just watch those shows crazy all the time. Um, Darlene says it helped my daughter with migraine. So ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, um, please, please, [00:54:00] please, please get this opportunity to go over.

So we have a couple of websites for you that I want to share. Uh, so one of those is www. freechillcbd. com again, for you guys listening. www. freechillcbd. com. Go over there, check it out. Uh, it's a wonderful way to be inducted in getting an opportunity to try the products and then also be able to go over and order your products directly from www.

101hemp. org. Again, www. www. hemp. What take to www. 101hemp. org. Yes, I can talk. I can talk. Uh, Justin, brother, thank you so much for being here on the Ron and scripture show. The time is just flown by. Uh, final thoughts. What would you recommend to people, uh, who are either, uh, first time users or, um, savvy users like myself, as far as continuing our education and continuing to see what the plant can do for us?

Well, just like we talked about earlier. And like you said, is trust your instincts. It's just the plant [00:55:00] it's come from the earth. You know, start slow and low. If you go to that free, uh, free chill CBD. com, you'll see, uh, you get actually a free product. It's a chill X product, uh, that will mail to you.

Another cool thing that we do that we didn't talk about is, um, if you put in the notes at checkout, if you want some free hemp. Seeds will mail them to you for free with any order. And we'll teach you how to grow them in your backyard. Cause that's our goal is to have everyone planting hemp in their backyard, just like tomatoes and cucumbers, and you can juice them yourself and, and, uh, really develop an awesome relationship.

So I really stoked to be here, brother. And you know, I'm just, uh, keep doing your thing. It's a, it's a great mission that you're on and all the organizations that you're a part of brother. No, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Um, it's been a blast. We'll definitely be talking more and more Sherry McQueen's now.

She says www. 101hemp. org. Um, she says, does it, uh, Christina, does it mail to Canada? Absolutely. We have all 190 countries, even the [00:56:00] ones that are a little weird about it. If people want it, we'll send it because this is medicine. It's a, the miracle plant. And, uh, uh, we don't worry about those little customs things every once in a while, they'll snag one, but we'll just send another.

Yeah, no, it's been amazing. Colleen says, love you, Justin. I'm going to place you backstage, Justin, and, uh, round out the show. Don't go anywhere. Thank you so much, brother, for being here. Guys connect with Justin. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the Ron and scripted show. We blew by 52 minutes. Just talking about cannabis, talking about CBD, most importantly, but.

Within this conversation we've had is the fact that it's an opportunity for you not only just to take supplements, because the way I used to look at it in a way, I've taken care of myself pretty good most of my life. Um, as I would sit there and say, okay, I'm a little bit of a party here, so I'm going to take these supplements, take my vitamins, work out to offset the fact that I'm doing damage to my body.

Um, but realistically what we could do is identify the fact that if we're doing damage to our body and we're trying to offset it, what is it that we're really gaining? And that's something that I had to ask myself that question for. And one of the reasons why I'm doing [00:57:00] 75 hard and just taking my overall health more seriously, because as we get older, we can't take for granted what it is that we don't, that we might not have.

Right? So for men over 50, they say that we use, we lose a pound of body fat or I wish a pound of muscle every year. After 50. So that's crazy when you think about what it is that we're up against. So I'm out to prove that wrong, rebuild my muscle strength, stay focused on where it is that I'm going. And I encourage each and every one of you to do that.

What is one aspect of your regimen, your health regimen right now that you can change, um, that would result in the most gains. So do you need more sleep? Do you need more water? One of the massive shifts that we've seen in 75 hard already is the fact that people were not hydrating. When I would ask them, how much water do you drink a day?

I'm like, Oh yeah, I really should do better. I really don't drink much. I'm like, do you realize your body is like somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 and 80 percent water? And then if you are dehydrated, then your brain's not going to work as well. Your muscles and your joints aren't going to work as well.

You're going to have inflammation in your body. You're not going to feel very good. Therefore you're going to go to a short term gratification and you're going to be miserable, have shitty sleep. And the process is [00:58:00] going to repeat itself. So you, you, yes, you, I'm poking you in the face, poking you in the chest.

I want to poke you in the face. Um, and I'm poking in the face, poking the chest, fuck, um, to, uh, to really wake up and realize like Colleen was saying, like, take responsibility for your life. Take responsibility for the fact that you don't want to end up in a bed sometime looking back on your life and having regrets that you didn't take your health more seriously.

Connect with Justin, you know, alternative therapies are there for a reason, Western medicine and all the other shit that goes out there. I mean, just for example, just for example, we were listening to a commercial the other day. I mean, I mean, laugh if you want me in the, in the, in the comments right here, I was listening to a commercial the other day and I can't remember what it was.

It was like itching or something like that. It was something fucking stupid, but the caveats, the side effects, the potential side effects. I thought I was listening to a skit from Saturday night live. I'm not kidding. I was on my phone and I look and I'm listening to it and I'm like, I thought my wife changed the channel.

We're watching Saturday night live and I look up like, is that real? Is that [00:59:00] real? So you can do that route, right? Or, and I've seen people do this. I've watched my friends do this who are older. They took shitty care of themselves. They figured that they would make it up one day. They didn't, they got on one pill, they got on another pill, they got another pill, and now they're all fucked up.

And I'm like, you got it. What do I do, Chris? What do I do, Chris? I start taking care of yourself. Start being healthier. Start looking at alternative modalities. Start looking at CBD. Start looking at, um, cannabis. Start looking at, uh, eliminating sugar from your diet. Oh, but I have a sweet tooth. We'll fucking die early then.

I don't give a shit. Get a diabetes, get an amputation, go for it. If you like sweets that much, go for it. Because I got something to tell you. There's alternatives to sweets. There's amazing stuff. My wife makes, makes these cupcakes. They're like a hostess something or others. Um, No sugar and tastes amazing.

Tastes amazing. Especially when you're using this stuff, right? You gotta have the munchies and you're on 75 hard and you gotta eat healthy stuff like carrots and shit like that. So I just want to thank you guys most of all. Thank you for being here. The, uh, the, uh, Misfits [01:00:00] for Life of the Kick Ass Nation.

I love you guys. Scott, thank you so much for being here. Um, Christina says I've been drinking the water over two liters a day. Yes. Need more water. Trust me. 15 days in the 75 hard people are flipping out on how great they feel. It's like, Oh, wow. Um, so definitely need more water. Uh, the water makes so much difference.

Teresa saying, uh, yeah, less wine, more water. Yep. Less Jack Daniels, more water. I still, I still drank a gallon of water any day. That's why I say I take really good care of myself, but I party hard, but I really take good care of myself for the most part. Black bean brownies, black bean brownies. Uh, thank you guys all for being here.

Hey, let me know in the comments what kind of topics you want me to cover. What kind of guests you want me to have? Um, I appreciate you each and every one of you. If you're not already in it, go to www dot. com. Well, actually whips wrong show, uh, go to Ron inscripted, uh, in the Facebook group and join us there.

Uh, and if you have any questions, if you need something from me, you can always go to www. christopherrausch. com. If you haven't had a complimentary coaching session with me, please, by all means, go there and book [01:01:00] it today on the calendar. I'm happy to do that for you. Get you started in the right way. By the way, ladies and gentlemen, half of the year is nearly over.

Have you accomplished half of what you set out to do for 2021? Half of the year is nearly over. What are you going to do? I love you guys. Stay kick ass, stay classy, and we will see you here next time.