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Exclusive: Lost Earl Nightingale Secrets Revealed on Funnel Hacker TV Show

Episode Summary

Exclusive Look: Russell's Adventure at the Nightingale Conant Library in Chicago Justin Benton is a guest on Funnel Hacker TV with hosts Susan Lennartson and Ben Muth. Justin shares his experience at the Chicago Secret of Success JV affiliate mastermind event. Justin reveals that the event was an exclusive gathering for top affiliates who participated in a contest related to the launch of Secrets of Success. The event provided access to the Nightingale Conant Library archives, showcasing rare and valuable materials related to personal development and entrepreneurship.

Episode Notes

Exclusive Look: Russell's Adventure at the Nightingale Conant Library in Chicago

Justin Benton is a guest on Funnel Hacker TV with hosts Susan Lennartson and Ben Muth.   Justin shares his experience at the Chicago Secret of Success JV affiliate mastermind event. Justin reveals that the event was an exclusive gathering for top affiliates who participated in a contest related to the launch of Secrets of Success. The event provided access to the Nightingale Conant Library archives, showcasing rare and valuable materials related to personal development and entrepreneurship.

Justin describes the unique artifacts and manuscripts he and the attendees were able to explore, including original pressings of Earl Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret" and swipe files from renowned authors like Zig Ziglar and Tony Robbins. The episode highlights Russell Brunson's enthusiasm during the visit, emphasizing his passion for uncovering hidden secrets and leveraging historical knowledge for modern business strategies.

Additionally, Justin teases upcoming events, such as the Think and Grow Rich Challenge, and hints at the release of a documentary titled "Bibliomania," showcasing behind-the-scenes footage of Russell's entrepreneurial journey. The hosts encourage viewers to stay engaged with Russell's social media for updates and insights into his innovative approaches to business growth.

The episode concludes with a segment on "Hacker Heroes," where community members share insights and tips on various topics related to entrepreneurship and marketing. The hosts invite viewers to join the vibrant community and stay tuned for future episodes featuring exclusive content and entrepreneurial success stories.