Miracle Plant

"Courage Amidst Adversity: Embracing the Healing Potential of Hemp"

Episode Summary

"Raw Hemp CBD: A Father's Quest for His Son's Health" Justin Benton  is a guest on The Hero's Journey Live podcast to discuss his son's autism diagnosis and his pursuit of holistic treatment. He highlights the power of dietary changes and eventually discovering the potential of CBD from raw hemp cannabis, which notably improved his son's condition. Justin emphasizes the importance of faith, determination, and the belief that challenges can be overcome through dedication. The discussion aims to inspire listeners to follow their own callings despite daunting odds, drawing parallels with other stories of perseverance. Produced by PodConx

Episode Notes

"Raw Hemp CBD: A Father's Quest for His Son's Health"

Justin Benton  is a guest on The Hero's Journey Live podcast to discuss his son's autism diagnosis and his pursuit of holistic treatment. He highlights the power of dietary changes and eventually discovering the potential of CBD from raw hemp cannabis, which notably improved his son's condition. Justin emphasizes the importance of faith, determination, and the belief that challenges can be overcome through dedication. The discussion aims to inspire listeners to follow their own callings despite daunting odds, drawing parallels with other stories of perseverance.

Produced by PodConx  

101cbd - https://101cbd.org/



Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] With

all the researchers, I went to all the conferences, and then I came across some research from Dr. William Courtney that showed that when you juice cannabis, when you eat cannabis raw, it's the superfood of superfoods. It helps our bodies fight homeostasis. So I looked for around, no one had it in the marketplace.

It's called CBDA. So I was like, well, I'm in California. And I've grown cannabis before, so I will grow some hemp cannabis with high in CBD and that's what I did.

Welcome to the Miracle Plant Podcast. The show that inspires, promotes, and gives you a daily dose of inspiration from the people who have used cannabis to change their lives in extraordinary ways. Here's your host, Justin Benton. Welcome [00:01:00] back everybody. This week's episode is The Cave. And Dr. Bill Januszczak is going to tell you all about it.

So every time I see clips of that movie, I just find them that's so inspirational. Uh, and I think that's why if you looked at all those clips, they're all classics. And there's something that you, that generations will generally go over and be inspired, uplifted. You know, those are the feel good movies.

Those are the good date movies. But why are they? It's because, it's because of the hero's journey. In each of those movies, we're going through That journey. And we see ourselves in that journey. That's why we were doing this whole, um, this, this whole production for you. So last, last episode, we talked about you're finally getting into your extraordinary world.

You know, we start off in the, or in the ordinary world that we just call normal. We have this call to [00:02:00] adventure, that thing that's inside us or that things that stressed upon us. Initially, there's a refusal of a call. where you say, no, I can't do that. I'm not good enough. I'm not great. And by God, people don't like me.

And then eventually you'll come over, you meet a mentor who thinks that you can, he kind of shows you to the, the guardian of the gate where you cross into the, to the next world or the extraordinary world. And then you have your tests, your allies and your enemies that we covered last time. Now, there's no turning back.

We're now entering, one segment is what they would, uh, Joseph Campbell explained, approaching the Amos Cave. And he, Joseph Campbell has a famous quote that says that the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek. And this is a portion of it where we're getting transformational. We've gone through, we're in the, [00:03:00] the, the extraordinary world.

This is, Dorothy is in Oz now, and she's met her, the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion and the Scarecrow, and they're on this journey, there's no turning back. But she still thinks like the little girl from Kansas. We go through the same thing. When we approach the Inmos Cave, it's when we're starting to get our plan together to, for our big conquering thing, the thing that we're, we need to fight through.

This portion, to me, is the most transformational because The hero doesn't always win the big battle. He'll fight it, but he doesn't always win it. And the difference is what happens in the cave and the cave that Joseph Campbell talks about, like I said, it's an internal battle. You have parts of your, your, your being, you grew up in this world where they told you that you have to [00:04:00] act a certain way.

Don't dream so big, you know, kids are, don't touch that. Don't reach for that. And now you're having you're in this other world and so there's a conflict and there's this is more of an internal conflict. You go into this cave, you know, men always have to go to their man cave because that's where they go to settle out the world and they have to figure things out.

It's the same thing. This came from Joseph Campbell's work is you have to go inside and whatever is holding you back, whatever conflicting Uh, theories or thoughts that you have are going to be resolved in the in most cave. The 2nd, part of the in most cave is once you, you're kind of thinking through this stuff, he's like, oh, you know, I never thought I was this good and I couldn't I couldn't figure.

This out, but I think I can. Then there's the second part about where you grab your [00:05:00] plan and you say, all right, there's no turning back. I'm going through and you're still afraid to go on because you're thinking like the old person, but you're on this journey and you're all in. And this is where courage comes in and courage doesn't mean you're not afraid.

It means that you go through anyways. My favorite example in all the clips is in Rocky. Love Rocky. Big Rocky fan. If you've seen that Rocky and you should have, if you're a good American, um, you're going to have to come back over the night before Rocky was supposed to fight Apollo creed. He went to the, he went to the, the gymnasium or where the, the event place where they were going to have it.

And he walked around, no one was there and he looked around, he saw the promoter. He said, well, you know, my, [00:06:00] my shorts are different in the poster than. Then he goes, well, Rocky, it really doesn't matter. And Rocky came home, and he, he sat on the bed next to Adrienne, he laid down, and she woke up, because this was late at night, and he said, I can't do it.

He says, I can't beat him, because I am,

I'm not even in his league. And she said, well, what are you going to do? He said, if I can just last, if I can just go the distance, he says, then I'm going to know that I'm really something and not just another bum from the neighborhood. And it's at that point when he comes in his hero's journey, that he comes out of the cage or out of the cave, because he's, he's hit that internal conflict with themselves about like, I'm just a bum from the neighborhood to like, can I screw that I'm going to go and do this.

And he was [00:07:00] scared shitless. Cause he knew that he was going to get this ass handed to him. But he just went out and that would became his only thing was to, to not only show up, but to fight through that. And that's what happens when we get into the inmost cave. So if you're going on your journey and there's a part where we, and we all have it, okay, I'm here.

I'm like, oh shit. What did I get myself into? You can overcome that. You just need. You know, 10, 20 seconds of courage to kind of push through and find out who, what you're really made of. And, um, that's what we really want. We need to be challenged to step up to the best version of ourselves. And that decision happens in the in most case.

So with that said, I want you guys to take a look at that. We got two great guests coming on to share their. Their hero's journey and how things have affected them. So [00:08:00] Joe, I want to take it from there and just introduce our wonderful guests. Absolutely. Thank you, Bill. And again, as we've gone through this, I'm sure everybody's going to sit back and say, I do recognize the hero's journey in my own life.

And so the two guests we're going to bring up right now, you're going to hear a lot of what they went through. But you're going to hear yourself and their hero's journey. So I'm excited. Two friends of ours, friends of the show, friends of one life productions, right? We have Bob Dinell. Bob Dinell is the founder of Everything Next Level.

He focuses on global, personal, and professional development, right? He's an author. My apologies. Yes. Speaker. It's like, I can't talk. Yes. I'm choked up because it's Bob. Right. So, uh, yeah. So he's an author. He is a speaker. He's a results strategist, which is somebody who's going to strategize [00:09:00] with you to get results.

It's amazing. With 30 years of diverse industry experience. Okay, and he can help. He passionately aids individuals and companies in achieving desired outcomes and elevating performance. So he's a good person for you to attach yourself to. As soon as you get off of this, I'd say jump over to our website that you see down below.

Go to the word guest speaker on Bob's page. Boom. Click it and connect yourself with Bob. Okay. Another individual that we're excited to bring on board here today is Justin Benton. Justin loves helping other people, seeing them realize their potential and being change, being an actual change for good. Okay, he discovered the power of a miracle plant in its raw form when it brought his child back to him from the fog.

Okay, he committed his life's work to pay it forward by educating the world about his family's story and how the [00:10:00] hemp cannabis plant can help billions with a B. Right. Of people around the world with its seemingly endless uses. So here is Bob Donnell up on the screen. I got Justin on the screen. Justin's out on location.

Hello, Justin. Yes. Nice. Welcome, gentlemen. Guys, thank you so much for coming in. Awesome. Okay, the goal for today is what? To share your hero's journey. And again, once everybody's, to this point in the episodes, everybody realizes we go through a lot of hero's journeys. And so I want to focus on just one of them.

So Justin, I want to go to you live in the field and say, Justin, can you tell us your hero's journey? So, uh, no, it's just really cool to be here. Uh, the calling, the hero's journey, um, you know, for those of you that know my story or don't, uh, you know, I was kind of living a jet setter's life. I've always been in the sales and marketing world and, you [00:11:00] know, a lot like Joe and.

And life was good. We had our second child. He was a healthy, happy kid around three. We took a routine visit to the doctor's office. And the next day we realized that he no longer was healthy or happy. He actually kind of went into his own little world, little fog or, or comatose, even if you will, and withdrew.

And my wife took him in for another, you know, a diagnosis to see what was wrong. And, uh, after the diagnosis, they said that he had developed severe autism. And so I had never, I had heard of autism. I had heard of like movies about it, but I didn't know really anything about it. And so my life that was on this trajectory of, you know, sales and marketing and.

Playing golf all over the world and, and, you know, the two, uh, two kids in the white picket fence all just came to a, uh, an immediate halt and I had to figure out how could I, how could I get my son's health back? I restore my son's health? And, uh, you know, I, I fortunately was raised holistically, so I wasn't going to play gerbil with Western medicine to feed my kid a bunch of pills.[00:12:00]

Um, I flew my mom out who, uh, was, you know, who raised me in that nature. She was actually a school psychologist with 25 years of experience working with children with special needs. She gave me her diagnosis and she agreed. Uh, and that was easily the biggest gut punch of my life. And you know, at the time there was no cure, there was no healing to autism.

It was just something you had to deal with, cope with grit and bear it, deal with it. And to me, I wasn't gonna, I wasn't good enough for me. My son was healthy and he no longer was. So I'm his only dad. And so I had to figure out how could I. restore his health. First thing we did was food was his medicine.

We cleaned up his diet, the American diets, the most toxic diet on the planet. In fact, Italy just said any of all the food that we eat, they won't allow all the artificial flavors, sweeteners, all that junk that is in our American diet. We got rid of it from Shea. I cleaned up his diet back to organic fruits and vegetables and juicing.

We all know what we should be eating. It's a lot. Sometimes it's more convenient [00:13:00] or things like that to, to eat things that taste good or quicker because we have this fast paced lifestyle, but for Shay, we needed to restore his health. So food was his medicine. We cleaned up his diet, um, made sure we got rid of the gluten, the dairy, the, just the junk that's in our, in our food system right now.

And fortunately through that, we were able to get his diagnosis from severe to moderate and then, but the, here's where the calling comes in. So we, that, that was as good as we could get, as far as we knew, cleaning up his diet was as far as we could go. And I just wasn't going to give up. I didn't know where to go.

There were some hopeless nights. I didn't, I didn't know who to turn to. There weren't any doctors or research or anything out there about how you could overcome an autism diagnosis. Uh, and so I just continued to look and pray and think of what could it possibly be, and it happened on a, at a chance meeting with a buddy of mine, uh, we were at a fifties diner having breakfast.

And he said he was talking with a doctor friend that was making a CBD pen. [00:14:00] And I was like, what's a CBD pen? Is that like, you know, Seinfeld with the astronaut pen that writes upside down? I didn't know what he was talking about. He says, no, a CBD pen is a roll on that you roll on where the pain is for like inflammation on your knee or your back.

And I said, well, that's cool. But why is he talking to you? And he says well because i'm a cannabis farmer and cbd comes from a strain of cannabis called hemp Which is high in cbd And so I was like dude I inhaled and exhaled in college and I know plenty about the plant and I have never heard of cbd in my life This is like eight years ago And so what is the first thing we all do?

We go to Dr. Google, type it in. And one of the first articles I found when I scrolled down was that CBD was helping to relieve, uh, and, and eliminate seizures from children with epilepsy. And so that was my lead. That was my calling. That was like, okay, if it's helping children neurologically proven over and over again, since the 1970s, we talked to Raphael and Shulam that it's, that it's [00:15:00] eliminating or, or severely, severely reducing epilepsy and seizures in children, this is my best lead.

And that's when I went all in. I tried some of the products on the market, they didn't work the way that we had hoped, but I wasn't going to give up because it made too much sense. If there was a plant out there that was helping children with epilepsy to get rid of seizures, this was my best lead. So I just dove headfirst and got my hair wet and the deep end.

And I flew around the world, met with all the researchers. I went to all the conferences. And then I came across some research from Dr. William Courtney that showed that when you juice cannabis, when you eat cannabis raw, uh, it's the superfood of superfoods, it helps our bodies find homeostasis. So I looked for around, no one had it in the marketplace.

It's called CBD. A. And so I was like, well, I'm in California and I've grown cannabis before, so I will grow some hemp cannabis with high in CBD. Yeah. And that's what I did. We were at a pumpkin patch. My son was having a, uh, you know, an episode of major tantrum, uh, you know, [00:16:00] hands over his ears, hiding it, uh, underneath a, a bench and my, I looked at my wife and we had just cold pressed some hemp I had grown earlier.

And, uh, we gave it to him and literally within 30 seconds, he snapped out of the tantrum and ran off and, and, uh, went and picked a pumpkin with his sister. And, uh, you know, the grandparents were there, the aunts and the uncles and everybody, and they were like, what was that? What did you give him? And I said, it's just some raw hemp that we gave him.

And so I'm happy to report he's no longer, uh, has the diagnosis. I'm actually at his water polo game, as you can see the school bus going by. So he's playing right now over here and we got a couple of matches today and he's excelling academically, uh, in sports, uh, musically and our dreams came true. So we paid it forward to, to reach a billion people by 2025 about the power of this miracle plant in the raw form.

And, uh, that was the calling for me. It was what, what I didn't know what I needed. I didn't know what to do, but I know I needed to try everything I possibly could, regardless of what the odds were. Just like you were saying with Rocky, [00:17:00] you know, it didn't matter because I was his only dad and I had to figure out how could I restore my son's health.

And, uh, when you just go all in and you, you operate in. Faith instead of fear, uh, the answers will appear if you stay dedicated to it. A lot of us know, think and Grow Rich with Napoleon Hill and, uh, you know, his son Claire, that was born with no ears, uh, which brought tears to my eyes when the first time I read that chapter in Think and Grow Rich.

He was born with no ears and they said his son, of course, would never be able to hear. He doesn't even have the instruments to hear well, Napoleon did not wanna hear that, did not believe that. He continued to say and stay positive and know that one day his son would hear and lo and behold, in his early twenties, a doctor came up to them with a experimental like research, uh, you know, kind of surgery and, uh, and Claire Hill spoke.

Or heard and was able to speak. And so again, I just, that calling is there for all of us. And like Bill said earlier, it's not a matter of whether or not we're afraid or scared, but we operate in faith [00:18:00] and that's, you know, the, the brave people who operate in courage are just as scared as the people who don't.

And so again, you just operate in faith, move forward. And, uh, yeah, super, super stoked to be here, share the story. And, uh, what a cool thing you guys are doing here. Well, man, that's amazing. And, um, I I've known your story and that's what actually attracted me to want you here as well is because It's not even your story.

You you talk about some people have this dream inside them some and sometimes it's thrust upon them You know, this obviously was thrust to you. You're not going to leave your son kind of hanging You're going to do everything that you can and for everybody listening right now. I want you to know like Justin's work, like I carry his CBD exclusively and I get so many people.

Oh, I mean, they're all try my product, my product. There's nothing that, that the cold [00:19:00] press product that you have is unbelievable. And I've been doing the same thing with my daughter is actually, I called you up on, on that. We're working on her ADHD and her spectrum disorder like that. And I'll let you know that it's.

She's amazing. She's been doing amazing. We'll see tons of things up her diet. We're doing some neurological stuff with it, but it was the because of your hero's journey. The thing that were you kind of put the flag in the grounds that I'm going here. I don't care. You know, it affected me personally, but we know that you're going to affect a million people around the world.

And I appreciate that, but I want people to listen about Justin's story. Again, I talked when Amy Lee and Lola were on here, you guys are all special people, but you're not so extraordinary that. That the people listening can't find their own [00:20:00] calling and do the same thing. You've got to Find that faith and keep going that 20 seconds of courage just to keep keep going and have faith and your True reason for being on on this earth is going to be Revealed to you at the end.

So thanks justin. I really appreciate that. Love it. Thanks for having me guys