Miracle Plant

CBDVa: A Deep Dive into Cannabis’s Latest Discovery

Episode Summary

"Innovations in Cannabinoid Medicine: The CBDA and CBDVA Breakthrough" Today, Justin Benton discusses the benefits of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, particularly focusing on CBDA and the newly discovered CBDVA. He emphasizes the importance of preserving the raw form of the plant for maximum effectiveness, citing research from Dr. Raphael Mushulam. CBDVA is highlighted for its potential in treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy and autism, with comparisons made to synthetic alternatives like Epidiolex. Justin encourages listeners to explore natural, whole-plant solutions and offers access to CBDVA products for testing.

Episode Notes

"Innovations in Cannabinoid Medicine: The CBDA and CBDVA Breakthrough"

Today, Justin Benton discusses the benefits of cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant, particularly focusing on CBDA and the newly discovered CBDVA. He emphasizes the importance of preserving the raw form of the plant for maximum effectiveness, citing research from Dr. Raphael Mushulam. CBDVA is highlighted for its potential in treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy and autism, with comparisons made to synthetic alternatives like Epidiolex. Justin encourages listeners to explore natural, whole-plant solutions and offers access to CBDVA products for testing.

Episode Transcription

 Welcome  back  to  the  Miracle  Plant  podcast  where  we  discuss  this  miracle  plant  with  so  many  names  and  how  it's  helping  people  in  so  many  extraordinary  ways.

Well,  guess  what?  We  are  going  to  talk  about  another  cannabinoid.  Well,  what's  a  cannabinoid?  A  cannabinoid  is  a  part  of  the  cannabis  plant  and  the  cannabis  plant,

whether  it's  hemp  or  cannabis,  or  however  you  want  to  call  it.  it,  is  made  up  of  over  100  cannabinoids.  And  the  cannabinoid  that  we've  seen  the  most  amazing  breakthroughs  is  CBDA.

And  the  A  stands  for  acidic,  'cause  that's  what  the  plant  makes,  CBDA.  And  99 %  of  the  companies  out  there,  they  heat  the  plant  to  extract  the  CBDA,

and  when  they  heat  it,  they  burn  off,  they  burn  off.  A  and  they  become  CBD  and  the  power  of  raw  cannabis  raw  hemp  is  up  to  a  thousand  times  more  effective  according  to  research  from  Dr.

Raphael  Mushulam  the  godfather  of  cannabinoid  medicine  and  so  that's  what  we've  done  it  helped  our  son  tremendously  and  thousands  upon  thousands  of  other  families  we  started  with  autism  but  then  it  branched  out  to  all  types  of  other  health  ailments,

whether  it's  just  pain,  stress,  or  sleep,  but  then  also  all  the  other  Parkinson's,  you  know,  cancer,  Alzheimer's,  the  list  goes  on  and  on  because  it  helps  regulate  the  body's  endocannabinoid  system,

which  balances  all  of  the  other  major  systems  in  your  body,  which  most  doctors  don't  know,  unfortunately.  But  this  miracle  plant  has  helped  so  many  people  in  general.

so  many  different  ways.  So  today  we're  going  to  talk  about  a  new  cannabinoid  that  we  have  been  growing  and  testing.  And  we  want  you  to  try  and  test  for  yourself.

It's  called  CBDVA.  And  so  that  is  a  minor  cannabinoid  that  comes  from  the  cannabis  plant.

And  they've  actually  been  studying  it  back  from  the  1970s.  1970s  for  epilepsy  and  seizures  and  autism.  It's  just  a  cannabinoid  that  was  much  much  less  in  the  plant  than  traditional  CBD  and  so  it  wasn't  until  recently  that  we've  had  some  breakthroughs  where  we  could  actually  grow  and  figure  out  the  genetics  to  grow  a  plant  that  had  much  higher  CBD,

V,  A,  in  it.  So  again,  this  episode,  I  wanna  talk  a  little  bit  about  it.  It's  very,  very  new.  We're  one  of  the  only  companies  that  I  know  of  in  the  world  that  actually  are  gonna  be  able  to  offer  access  to  you  to  try  this  plant  and  see  how  it  helps,

especially  with  autism,  especially  with  seizures.  There's,  like  I  said,  there's  been  studies  out  there  of  that.  date  back  to  the  70s,  back  when  Dr.

Raphael  Mushulam  was  doing  all  of  his  hard  work  and  we  wanna  make  sure  that  we're  always  providing  and  giving  you  first  of  all,  education  and  second  of  all,

access  to  these  incredible  products,  this  incredible  plant  and  whatever  product  works  best  for  you,  whether  it's  a,  in  this  particular  case,  a  sublingual  oil  held  under  the...

tongue  for  five  minutes  which  goes  directly  into  the  bloodstream  is  the  most  effective  way.  There's  also  suppositories  that  you  can  you  know  look  online  and  and  grab  little  pipettes  and  things  to  use  that  way  as  well  which  is  up  to  99 %  absorption  rate.

Sublingual  oils  held  under  the  tongue  for  five  to  ten  minutes  there's  up  to  70 %  you  know  and  then  sometimes  if  your  child  doesn't  want  to  consume  it  under  the  tongue  or  they're  too  young,

then  just  adding  more  to  their  daily  juice.  We  do  freshly  squeezed  juice  with  all  the  organic  vegetables  that  we  add  in  there  as  well.

So  again,  back  to  CBDVA,  which  I  said  is  a  very,  very  new  cannabinoid.  It  has  been,  I  mean,  it's  not  new.  It's  been  a  very,  very,  very  new  cannabinoid.  for,  you  know,  30 ,000  years.

It  just  was  always  in  the  plant  that  it  was  just  a  minor  cannabinoids.  It  was  really  hard  to  really  understand  the  power  and  how  it  worked.  And  so  we  are,  like  I  said,  growing  these  plants.

We're  starting  to  put  some  of  these  products  on  the  market.  And  we  wanted  to  talk  a  little  bit  about  what  CBDV  is,  CBDVA,  because  of  course,

we  keep  everything  raw  here.  And  again,  like  I  said,  the  research  goes  back  to  the  1970s  and  autism  and  seizures  and  epilepsy.

There's  a  particular,  it  was  called  RET  syndrome,  which  had  seizures.  That's  what  the  study  was  done  on  and  there  was  incredible  results  with  that  as  well.  It  was  prescribed  by  the  U .S.  Department  of  Health.  RET  syndrome,

used  daily,  and  would  potentially  reduce  the  number  of  seizures  in  comparison  to  Epidiolex,  which  is  that  GW  Pharma  produced  a  white  synthetic  powder  CBD  that  they  want  to  charge  a  nice  $32 ,500  a  year  to  use,

which  is  why  there's  been  so  much  fight  and  resistance  from  the  FDA  and  other  people  to  just  allow  people  access  to  this  miracle  plant.  And  it  says  that  in  comparison  to  Epidiolex  is  a  CBD  treatment  already  used  to  treat  seizures  associated  with  Lennox,

Gaston  syndrome  or  Dravet  syndrome.  As  a  result,  the  number  of  seizures  per  day  decreases  and  the  severity  also  decreases  based  on  this  CBDV  could  potentially  treat  Rett  syndrome  seizures,

you  know,  similar  to  the  research.  that  they  did  with  the  Epidiolex,  which  treats  those  types  of  seizures.  And  understand,  obviously,  Epidiolex  is,  it's  just  white  powder,  single  molecule,

CBD,  or  what  we  call  CBD  isolate,  which  is  our  body  doesn't  know  what  to  do  with  the  single  molecule  that's  a  white  powder.  Our  bodies  know  exactly  what  to  do  with  a  whole  plant,

green,  leafy  vegetable,  just  like  cannabis,  which  should  be  eaten.  not  isolated  and  over -processed  and  put  into  pill  form  and  charged  $32 ,500  a  year.

And  so  again,  it's  exciting  that  we  have  to  go  through  the  research  hoops  and  they're  putting  CBDV  up  against  CBD,  which  is  again,

it's  showing  results.  It's  showing  things.  Everyone's  bodies  are  different.  There  is  no  silver  bullet  to  whatever  it  is,  whatever  health  issue  you're  facing.  or  your  loved  one  is  facing.  And  that's  why  we're  just  giving  you  education.

We  want  you  to  understand  what  your  options  are.  We  believe  and  have  seen  miracles  with  this  whole  plant  form  of  cannabis.

And  if  you  keep  it  raw,  if  you  juice  it,  or  if  you  cold  press  it  like  we  do  with  all  of  our  products,  then  the  results  are  up  to  1000  times  more  effective  based  on  the  research  from  Dr.

Rafael  Machulum,  the  godfather  of  cannabinoid  medicine  and  what  we've  seen  in  our  stores  and  our  testimonials  and  our  reviews  and  everything  that  over  the  past  10  years  being  in  this  space  as  we  get  the  products  out  to  the  people  in  need.

We  have  compassionate  programs.  Nobody  will  ever  walk  away  from  our  company  101Hamp  to  sponsor.  the  Miracle  Plant  podcast.  No  one  will  ever  walk  away  because  of  money.

We  always  want  to  make  sure  people  are  trying  and  seeing  the  power  of  this  Miracle  Plant.  So  today,  again,  we're  talking  about,  you  know,  we  have  a  boost  product  that  was  high  in  CBGA,

which  was,  you  know,  helping  with  focus,  clarity.  We  and  so  now  this  is  a  new  cannabinoid  of  the  100  cannabinoids  that  are  in  this  miracle  plant  CBD  VA  and  we  want  you  to  try  it  so  we're  going  to  get  you  access  to  it  we're  going  to  be  able  to  get  you  some  products  for  you  to  try  especially  if  it's  focused  around  neurological  disorders  just  like  when  I  found  the  miracle  plant  the  raw  hemp  plant  with  high  in  CBD  A

that's  what  helped  clear  the  fog  for  my  son  for  us  autism.  And  it  was  because  of  the  research  that  was  helping  children  with  epilepsy  that  I  took  the  leap  of  faith  to  grow  the  plant  myself  and  give  it  to  my  son  in  a  raw  form,

just  like  juicing  it  or  cold  pressing  it.  So  my  gut  is  telling  me  here  again,  with  CBDVA,  we're  going  to  have  very  similar  results.  We're  going  to  have  people  that  are  going  to  find  out  that  it's  helping  with  all  types  of  neurological  issues,

whether  it's  parking...  Alzheimer's,  you  know,  the  list  goes  on  and  on,  autism,  epilepsy.  We're  already  seeing  the  researches  out  there.  So  just  wanted  to  keep  you  on  the  forefront.  Make  sure  that  you're  understanding  about  these  new  cannabinoids.

The  key  is  not  to  take  a  cannabinoid  that  has  been  synthesized,  a  cannabinoid  that  has  been  isolated,  a  cannabinoid  that  has  been  over -processed.  What  you  want  to  do  is  you  want  to  help  find  the  genetics  and  grow  the  CBD  VA.

in  the  whole  plant  of  the  cannabis  and  then  when  you  extract  it  you  just  cold  press  it  you  keep  the  temperatures  under  100  degrees  Fahrenheit  to  preserve  all  of  the  natural  healing  power  of  this  miracle  plant.

So  that's  what  we'll  be  doing.  So  we're  giving  you  a  little  sneak  peek  of  what's  about  to  come.  If  you're  interested  please  reach  out.  One  of  the  best  email  addresses  is  info @101hemp.

@101hemp .org  and  say  you're  interested  if  you  have  questions  about  CBDVA  please  reach  out  if  you  want  to  try  it  we  can  get  you  on  our  you  know  our  beta  program  so  you  can  test  it  and  try  it  yourself  and  see  the  results  and  yeah  so  that's  what  we're  talking  about  today  we're  talking  about  another  amazing  raw  cannabinoid  in  this  a  miracle  plant  and  we  really  look  forward  to  hearing  what  how  it  helps  you  and  your

family.  We'll  share  more  about  how  we  try  it  and  how  the  beta  program  is  going  and  the  beta  test  is  going  for  everybody  but  and  at  the  end  of  every  miracle  plant  podcast  we  say  heal  the  world  because  that's  the  mission  and  we're  talking  about  new  cannabinoids  we're  talking  about  this  miracle  plant  because  every  person  whatever  you're  facing  there's  a  plant  out  there  that  can  help  help  you  help  you  and  your  body  heal

and  just  like  this  miracle  plant  you  know  maybe  we  need  to  find  a  certain  strain  or  genetics  that  works  best  for  you  or  your  loved  ones  and  that's  what  we're  talking  about  today  CB  DVA  so  in  the  count  of  three  let's  say  heal  the  world  and  get  out  there  and  do  it  ready  here  we  go  one  two  three  heal  the  world  Thanks  for  swinging  by  the  Miracle  Plant  Podcast.

We're  on  a  mission  to  heal  the  world.  Be  a  blessing,  everybody,  and  happy  healing.