Miracle Plant

An Introduction To The Healing Powers of Cannabidiolic Acid with Dr. Bill Janeshak

Episode Summary

"The Power of CBD: From Misconceptions to Miracles" Justin Benton is a guest on the Conquering Stress Podcast with Dr. Bill Janishek to discuss. Initially skeptical about CBD, Dr. Bill shares how he was convinced by the science and personal experiences with CBD's benefits. Justin explains his journey into the CBD industry, driven by his son's severe autism diagnosis. He discovered the potential of CBD after trying various treatments and found significant improvement with cold-pressed whole plant CBD oil. He emphasizes the historical significance and natural benefits of hemp, advocating for its use to achieve homeostasis and overall wellness. They discuss common misconceptions, the importance of using high-quality, full-spectrum CBD products, and how CBD can be a gateway to holistic health.

Episode Notes

"From Skepticism to Success: Dr. Bill Janishek’s CBD Journey"

Justin Benton is a guest on the Conquering Stress Podcast with Dr. Bill Janishek to discuss.  Initially skeptical about CBD, Dr. Bill shares how he was convinced by the science and personal experiences with CBD's benefits. Justin explains his journey into the CBD industry, driven by his son's severe autism diagnosis. He discovered the potential of CBD after trying various treatments and found significant improvement with cold-pressed whole plant CBD oil. He emphasizes the historical significance and natural benefits of hemp, advocating for its use to achieve homeostasis and overall wellness. They discuss common misconceptions, the importance of using high-quality, full-spectrum CBD products, and how CBD can be a gateway to holistic health.

Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Hey everybody, this is Dr. Bill Janishek on the Conquering Stress Podcast, and I am so excited because I'm inundated all the time with, um, you know, the latest and the greatest. And one of the greatest, and I guess not so late, late now, is the CBB. And when it first came out, I was kind of like, Oh, what is this stuff?

Because, you know, they, they discovered the, uh, endocannabinoid system, and I'm like, you know, they just discovered this, and it's funny that they just discovered it about the same time they were starting to legalize that. I'm going, I wonder if this is real. So as soon as that happened, the gates opened, And everybody started coming out with a CBD product about its healing stuff.

And we've known for years and years, the benefits of CBD, but it's also been bill billified in the media and everything else since, you know, [00:01:00] Randolph hurt, uh, tried to kind of just kind of put it on the back burner and not make it look so good. And so, you know, whenever I think about CBD, we always think about marijuana.

We're thinking about marijuana. We're thinking about Cheech and Chong and Spicoli and all those cool guys that gave it a real bad name. So as a chiropractor, you know, everybody's coming into me with every dirty hippie, every natural go to the chiropractor cause they'll tell everybody. And so I've been inundated and honestly confused by the CBD industry.

And I've tried different things because, you know, as you know, if you've been in my practice. I don't recommend anything until I know it pretty thoroughly, and I've gone through some CBDs, and some I've seen some good results from for a little while, then not so good, and some were just crap, and I've, I've had everybody come in here.

So it wasn't until a mutual friend of mine, And ours, of our today's guest, Ken Walls said, I was consulting with him on a condition that he had and, uh, I said, well, you should get some CBD, really anti [00:02:00] inflammatory, it has a lot of benefits from it. He goes, Hey, I know a guy. And he introduced me to today's guest.

And, um, you know, I walk in skeptical and after listening to not only the passion, but the story, but the science behind the stuff, uh, and then, dun, dun, dun, trying the product. Having absolutely great results trying it in the office immediately on some things Uh, and I had to get them on here. So today's guest is justin benton from 101cbd And Justin, welcome.

How are you doing? Great. Thanks for having me. Dr. Bill. So happy to be here. Yeah, well, I'm so excited to have you because like I said, when, when, when I find the real deal, I want to pick your brain and, and I want to know everything that you know, and especially when you get something like this is a ladder changer and marketing, you know, we have everything in one ladder and you turn it, you turn the market on its head a little.

And. And you create something, you know, cause you're the leader in the industry and not [00:03:00] only with your marketing and the bells and whistles and your passion, but most of all the results. So tell, introduce yourself to this grand audience that we have today. Absolutely. Well, again, thanks for having me on and giving me the opportunity to, to educate and, uh, and spread some stories and things that I've been exposed to.

Uh, my name's Justin Benton, uh, CEO of 101 hemp. And our story. is like a lot of people in this hemp CBD cannabis space is that it was we were touched and our son was diagnosed with a very severe diagnosis, a neurological disorder called autism or on the spectrum in a severe range. nonverbal, noncommunicative.

It was a regressive, um, you know, issue that we were dealing with. And when that happens, you're grieving, you're, you're, you're just sad and overwhelmed and depressed. And you don't know what your life's going to look like. You don't know if he's going to be able to take care of himself. And you're just in this.

Horrible space. [00:04:00] Um, biggest gut punch of my life. And so you just start looking around for research and Dr. Google and, and doctors who've got experience. And there wasn't a lot of hope out there. Fortunately I was raised holistically and I understood the power of plants and how they work. And, um, we, we did.

We, we decided very early on, uh, I never been a fan of the pharmaceutical model. Um, again, being raised holistically by a, by a flower child in the sixties. And so we just never even entertained that. And we decided to start looking for answers. I was a grew up in the Omaha, Nebraska, um, buddies were farmers, uh, you know, I detasseled corn and, and, uh, just always kind of had a bit of a green thumb and I understood the soil and all of that and moved out to California about 15 years ago.

Um, And I became a, uh, you know, a bit of a cannabis farmer. I I'm not a big THC guy, but I was very intrigued by the plant. We were growing some and just kind of having fun with it. And then, um, my buddy of mine who was a cannabis farmer had mentioned this stuff, CBD, that a doctor [00:05:00] friend of him was going to try and make a pen for pain.

And I said, well, what the hell is CBD? And, uh, he's like, I don't know, man. And so I started doing some research and then I founded Dr. Uh, Raphael Mishulam in the seventies found that this CBD helped kids with, uh, with, uh, epilepsy and seizures. And then there was Charlotte Figi in 2013 with seizures for children.

And, uh, You know, that's when I said, well, if it's helping kids with, uh, you know, with epilepsy and seizures, well, it's gotta, it's worth a shot for a neurological ailment like autism. So we tried some products, didn't have a lot of success. I started to look at how they were making it and they were decarboxylating or heating and isolating the single molecule of the, of the cannabis plant into a white powdery.

isolate version. And I was like, well, that doesn't make any sense. That's we're right back to the pharmaceutical model again. Why don't I just grow a high CBD strain of cannabis called Susie Q and do a simple cold extraction process. It's nothing else was really working. He was at a pumpkin patch. My son having a horrible [00:06:00] time tantruming hands over the years, screaming, kicking, didn't want to be there.

All the other kids are having fun picking pumpkins. And then we pulled out a tincture, gave it to him orally. Literally five minutes later, he was calm, relaxed, and out skipping around picking pumpkins with his sister, grandma, grandpa over there, aunt and uncle, mom and dad. And everyone was like, what was that?

And that was the beginning. That was the beginning of us understanding what Cold pressed whole plant CBD oil was you fast forward now, five years later. Um, you know, we set up this platform, one on one cbd. org. We've been featured in medical journals. We're on a mission to heal the world. We want to reach a billion people by 2025 to actually understand and learn about this miracle plant.

So just, uh, really grateful to be on, um, and, and share our stories and, and answer any questions. Cause I know so many people are confused. about hemp and CBD and I, and I just want to help, uh, you know, lend my, my experience to your audience. In your experience, when people are talking just like, like me, what is the biggest misconception that [00:07:00] you're, that you're seeing when you're talking to parents with autism?

The number one thing is, is will it get my son high? And I was, did not want to get my son high either when I was first learning about it is, you know, will CBD get me high? Um, and, and the answer is no CBD is in broccoli and kale. It's in breast milk. Our bodies make it naturally called 2 AG. So once people start to understand that CBD is not THC, CBD comes from a hemp plant, which is a cannabis plant with less than 0.

3 percent THC by federal law. CBD is. healthy. We always say if you want to get high, go find some of that marijuana, high THC cannabis and heat it. If you want to get healthy, find some of that high CBD hemp and eat it. Now. Marijuana is a family of the hemp family. Is that correct? Cannabis is the overall plant.

And in America, we call anything with 0. 3, uh, which was an arbitrary number made by a Canadian, um, you know, dozens of years ago, uh, that anything with less than 0. 3 percent THC is considered [00:08:00] hemp. And we've been growing hemp for hundreds of years here. George Washington grew it, uh, Thomas Jefferson grew it.

If you were a farmer, you were required by law in colonial days to grow at least an acre, an acre of hemp. And you also could pay your taxes in hemp. That's how valid, valuable it was as a textile. And so, like you said, in 1937, the Hearst and the DuPont's of the world realized that there was an opportunity to not have to fight with the, this wonderful hip material and they passed the marijuana tax act in 1937, which 2.

3 million doctors wrote prescriptions for cannabis oil the year before for migraines and pain and things like that. And then all of a sudden without conducting, you know, consulting with the American medical association. They made it illegal overnight. So it's been brought back in 2018. It's completely federally legal.

You can grow it in your backyard. In fact, we send out seeds for free with our orders for people who want to try it and even have videos on how to do it. So it's, we've come full circle. There's a lot of stigma to break through. And that's why I'm just happy to be on, to answer any and all questions.

That's interesting. And, um, [00:09:00] so if it's been black marketed for, you know, a hundred years plus years, What's first coming to my mind is if it was so prevalent before, so valuable before, and we were eating it, what we're having, so we have a century of a deficiency in our bodies, and we're passing that down generationally, that has to go in how we, we express our DNA.

Mm hmm. So what is the, you know, we, again, we have to look at things kind of in a medical, situation because we're saying, Oh, like, like you said, Oh, it's good for autism and seizures and pain and inflammation. What's the mechanism that it works kind of, you know, holistic, is it a brain thing? Does it mitigate the immune system?

How does that work? So again, like you mentioned, in the 1990s, they discovered, Dr. Rafael Mishulim again, discovered the endocannabinoid system, which is a mouthful. The endocannabinoid [00:10:00] system actually helps regulate all systems in the body. And they don't teach that on the medical board exams and it's just, it's new to so many and because the results have been so great, we've been able to teach and help educate a lot of doctors and, uh, the endocannabinoid system helps regulate the whole rest of the system.

The cool thing about raw CBD, which is called CBDA, the A is the acidic precursor. Is that it not only interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which acts like a thermostat in your body. So that endocannabinoid system will see that like, maybe you're, you're anxious and up in your brain, you have these things called CB one receptors and it'll communicate with those CB one receptors.

And if it notices that there's anxiety, their neurotransmitters are firing too quickly, it says, well, that's not right. We set, we set the thermostat at 72 degrees. You're up here in 88. Let's bring you down. And the opposite is true. So if you're depressed, lethargic, sluggish, um, you know, don't have low energy.

That's, you know, your thermostat is set at 72, but your brain isn't firing fast enough. So maybe you're down to 55 degrees. It'll bring you back up. [00:11:00] So again, that's called homeostasis. And we know homeostasis can be achieved with drinking water, exercise, sleeping, eating healthy. Uh, all those things, you know, that we know we need to do exercise every day.

Uh, but CBD, uh, but which can't be produced, which is produced by our own body called two dash HG helps with that regulation of, uh, just your overall wellness and balance. That's amazing. So, Like I said, when this is the conquering stress podcast, stress is physical, it's chemical and emotional. I teach a lot about the foundations of health, make sure you're sleeping, you're sunshine, food, water, you know, et cetera.

And it sounds like the CBD in its full form is the modulator of when we do the other stuff, right? It tells the brain what to do. So it's like a match made in heaven. It's like a supercharger for your homeostasis. Absolutely. And it, it, the great thing about CBD is like. Because it works, you know, the main three reasons people buy it from us or order it from us is pain is one, anxiety is two, [00:12:00] but anxiety is climbing up there.

And then three is for better sleep. And when people who have, are in pain, the pain subsides significantly or completely. It opens up their eyes to like, Oh my gosh, this stuff. Wait a second. If I'm just taking a plant and I'm experiencing these types of results, what else could I be doing? And it just empowers them to take their control or their health back instead of turning it over to somebody else and just say, well, maybe, you know, a lot of us, we know what we need to do.

We just aren't doing it right. And many of that wholesome eat better exercise, water, meditation, mindfulness. Um, all of those types of things, we are what we eat and it's just, uh, it's been incredible to be a part of so many, uh, people's journeys, uh, finding that, uh, highway to health is what we call it at 101 out here.

A little ACDC there, almost. That's right. So we, we've got the. You sold me, and I'm sure you sold everybody that's listening to this right now, on, I gotta get some CBD, this sounds like [00:13:00] great. There's really no side effects, right? Because on the cold press stuff that you, you have, we're not heating it up, we're not Cheech, we're not Chong, we're just kind of scooting along as a better version of ourselves, right?

I mean, yeah, I mean, again, it's all about homeostasis and balance. Our body knows what true North is. Our body knows what it's supposed to efficiently do. Just like when you were 14 years old, you know, and you would get a cut and your body would immediately like repair itself. So again, CBD after about 40, we're just not producing as much of the hormones and the enzymes and the things that, that keep us healthy and young and fit.

And so this CBD kind of gives us that boost. Cause remember our bodies make CBD naturally in the form of 2 AG. So again, we, I kind of look at like taking a tincture of sublingual oil, a dropper under the tongue two or three times a day, it's like eating right for 30 days and a dropper. And, and it's just.

full of these nutrients. It's full of so much more than CBD. CBD is just one part of 512. The plant's also made of other cannabinoids and those cannabinoids are [00:14:00] called, uh, you know, CBD, CBDA, CBG, CBGA, CBN, the list goes on and on. And it's like a, it's like a New York symphony. And when you isolate just the one violinist, it's okay.

It's pretty cool. When you have 512 parts of this plant working together, that's when the sound and the entourage effect, which was discovered by Dr. Ethan Russo in the early 2000s. And again, so it's got these cannabinoids that work together beautifully. It's got these things called flavonoids, which is like, there's one called cannaflavin A that has been scientifically proven to be 30 times more effective.

Then pain and inflammation, then aspirin. It's got these things called terpenes, which have the smell, these citrus tones, and these pine tones, this aroma, this, this system in this plant, people are starting to find out that the actual, the way the plant smells has more to do with the effects on your body, the cannabis plant and the way it delivers it to a certain part of your area than the actual THC level.

So a lot of those Cheech and Chong people out there that are looking to get high, they all like, give me the most THC, man. I'm Well, in fact, if they're looking [00:15:00] for a certain buzz or a certain high, whether it's creativity or sleep or whatever, the terpene profile, the way the plant smells has more to do with it than the level of the THC.

So there's just so much to learn about this point. So that's the same concept that we're seeing. I know that the, uh, the essential oil industry in the last 10 years had blown up doTERRA. I think they did some crazy marketing stuff, but it, they really brought it in. But it's the same thing, right? Because we're seeing how powerful the nose is because the nose receptors are right next to the brain.

So I'm learning so much from you today. Makes total sense. Yeah. And I, uh, I've actually, I'm on this new platform, which we were talking about before we came on, uh, called clubhouse and I met this really great gal, Leah Jacobson, and she's got like 170, 000 people in her Facebook group on essential oils and.

It's incredible. And I started talking to her and educating her about the terpenes and just how powerful the sense can, you know, give us a memory of a cotton candy. When we were out playing, you know, going to a ball game or the way that [00:16:00] if you're in a stressful mood, how you can take a, you know, a certain lavender oil and it really can just calm your brain down again, that's just another part of the plant and it's, again, it's an awakening for people.

First thing, sometimes all people can understand is what CBD is. And they try CBD. It's one thing you can focus on it. It worked great. And then you start to learn more about the plant and then you start to learn more about plant based diets or eliminating processed food and refined sugar. And you start learning about, well, maybe I really should walk for 20 minutes a day.

Maybe I really should have four glasses of water a day or, or what have you. And it just, it starts you down this road where you're really in control of how you feel in your energy. And, uh, it's just a beautiful thing to watch. So, what I'm hearing is that the CBD is truly a gateway drug to health. Exactly.

Yeah, it is. And that's what a lot of people say in the industry of our, you know, hemp and CBD industries that it's a gateway drug to understanding your health and really taking control, taking the power back [00:17:00] to feeling good and being responsible for your own health. Don't just take someone's opinion that you read on, you know, you saw on a commercial with a million side effects.

Uh, or, you know, somebody who, whatever, do your own research, go to, go to pub med. gov, ask around, you know, we get, we get in a car accident and we go get three estimates, but you know, we, we are, our sides hurting, we go to one place, like do your own research, try different things and make sure you see what works best for you and your own body.

Cause that's, that's really what it's all about. And I'm telling you, if you stick to eating right and, you know, including with diet and nutrition and exercise and water and sleep and mindfulness, you're on your way to, you know, the road to recovery. Amen. Amen. So let's, let's use you as a consultant then too, because like I said, people are coming out of the woodwork and I've got, had everything in my office from a Pfizer subsidiary that was talking about the, the nutraceutical brand of, of theirs, because they're with Pfizer to an MLM company talking [00:18:00] about the nanoparticles that they've, They have the best delivery system to a hippie in his backyard that was growing it, came up to his own thing.

How would somebody come in and heard about CBD, they've listened to this podcast, and they go to the local health food store and they're looking at stuff. How can they tell that something's good? Well, I, and you know, this is what I tell a lot of parents who are dealing with children with severe issues like we were.

Um, and just for the fall of the record, my son's off the spectrum. He's a healthy, happy kid. So, yeah, you know, I tell your story a lot and I've been telling when I've been introducing the product to my patients and friends and everybody else, because I'm, I'm sold on your brand. And I tell them about that.

I said, severe three years later. Making this cold press spectrum, cold press product that you have now off the spectrum, people's eyes open because everybody knows nowadays somebody that's kids on the spectrum or very severe. And to hear that their [00:19:00] eyes open up because they're told medically, well, you're going to have to learn here's, here's what we're going to have to do in school.

And they start adjusting to the dysfunction rather than addressing it. So they're excited. So to answer your question, it's trust your intuition. So CBD product, And just like anything else. So again, you're take the power back, trust your intuition. What makes sense to you? Like, I remember the first time I was telling you about this and you were like, You know, it was like, Whoa, that makes a lot of sense.

Cold press whole plant. And you had, you know, had experience with standard processing and the way that they've done it and oriental medicine goes back to cold pressed, raw extracted, um, you know, types of plants and herbs. So again, trust what your instincts. Cause when we tell people that for the first time, they're like, Oh my God, that makes a ton of sense.

Plants should be eaten or juiced. Right. We get that. It's a vegetable. That's what this is. And so nano nanotechnology, which is, you know, cutting it up into teeny little things that just slip right through the cell barriers or, you know, whatever the latest gadget is that they're trying to sell. Look at smoke and mirrors.

This plan has been around for millions of [00:20:00] years. You know, we've been around for hundreds of thousands of years. We have a system in our body that's set up to receive what this plant produces. Literally the endocannabinoid system is set up to receive. process, interpret the CBD, CBDA, CBGA, all the other cannabinoids and our bodies don't have systems that are set up to receive and produce things that for no reason.

So again, just trust your instincts. There's these things called COA certificate of analysis on every one of our bottles. You've got a little QR code. You can zap with your phone, just open up your camera and it'll take you to a COA to show you what's in there, how much CBD is in there and how much CBG is in there and you want to make sure you know what you're getting.

Trust the reviews, you know, you know, ask your neighbor. Um, and at the end of the day, sometimes you just got to try a couple of different products and, and see what works best for you now. And that makes total sense because if, like you said, if you step back and you just go calm, what are we doing? We tell people don't eat processed foods because [00:21:00] the processing part, you lose something if, if you look at cold press, uh, you go to the juices, just like you said, if it's cold press, you know, that you're getting.

The full juice and everything in it. Uh, I don't know where you are, if they have, uh, the, the vegan restaurants or the raw food restaurants. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. 118 degrees or on Luke or something like that. Well, we don't heat anything past 118 degrees because it kills the enzyme. So we have to cold press it to get all the benefits that we have.

And like you said, our bodies are already designed to, to take all those in. In that symphony so that we're going to get all the benefits. So absolutely. Yeah, it's, it's, and it's, it makes sense to me. It makes sense to you and I, and I'm sure it makes sense to your audience as well. And, and to circle back on the autism thing is that we actually, we've, uh, we've partnered with autism hope alliance.

org and, uh, we give free products away to any family member who's, who's. Dealing with an autism diagnosis. We have free [00:22:00] consultations on our website. We'll talk, we'll answer questions. We'll share our journey. And, uh, you know, some of the other things that we did along with, there was a probiotics, uh, getting rid of gluten and dairy, really having a strict, clean, clean diet.

Um, and it was really so important. Uh, it's, it really is a holistic approach where it's, you know, we're all looking for a magic pill to lose a bunch of weight or to feel better and all these kinds of things. But there's just isn't shortcuts. You got to eat right. You got to drink water. You got to exercise.

You got to sleep. You got to be mindful. You know, you really got to set your mind up because our brain is, is programmed for 2 million years to look for saber tooth tigers and look for what's wrong. So we have to reprogram our brain every morning, pretty much as a routine to start looking for what you're grateful for, what you have in your life, not what you don't have and just kind of reprogram that brain.

So if you're doing those five things every day, Um, check back with it. Check back in with me in six months and let me know how you're doing. Well, it's funny. I had this conversation with a patient yesterday. It's the end of the year. They're coming in and, and I [00:23:00] told them the same thing. We're singing the same song is if you do the things you're supposed to do, the foundations of Well, I, and keep your mind straight and you know, I, you haven't listened to a lot of my stuff, but I talk about, you know, I, I do functional neurology, functional medicine, and we go deep down in the metabolic pathways, neurological pathways, but it really doesn't matter what I know.

If your mindset isn't that take the actions to get the results. And once you start getting that, it's just like the gateway drug of the CBD. Then you start thinking, well, if I'm doing this. And I can also eat whole food based stuff and think better. And I'm more grateful. I'm raising my frequency. I'm attracting things now that you're attracting it's, it's so beautiful to watch, it's so beautiful watch and it's so simple, but it does take that habit.

Those rituals of keeping our mindfulness, because our mindfulness is going to make us go for what our body needs instead of what our, our stress craves. Absolutely. And again, I would recommend finding a mentor. Or finding a program, [00:24:00] finding something that someone can help train your brain and get you to think right.

There's so many great people, obviously, everybody knows Tony Robbins, and there's a lot of great models out there that help, you know, just meditation in the morning, whether it's prayer or meditation, starting your day every morning with the routine. As Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do. And you'd be amazed what you could accomplish if you just.

Stick to that routine day in and day out. Just being really, you know, happy and grateful and all of that. So yeah, I'd love to continue to, to, to collaborate with you. And I know we were talking about earlier as well as talk about collaboration is. That we have a, uh, a new initiative here because we've seen so many incredible results with, with, with people using our products.

Again, we started with autism, but then people would find us, you know, they'd see something like CNN with, with Sanjay Gupta or a miracle. A sacred plant was another one. And they had came in with like things like. Rheumatoid arthritis or neuropathy, these autoimmune diseases where, you know, [00:25:00] Western medicine is just kind of throwing their hands up.

So I don't know, you know, try this, try that, try this, try that. And they started taking our whole plant products and they started seeing the relief. They tried everything two years of neuropathy after a bad shingles diagnosis and she, you know, shooting pains in your veins and having it disappear after two or three days and, or, or, you know, basically go away.

And, and so then we started to really focus and say, well, how else can we reach out? So we started a. An initiative called Cairo plant where we're working with, you know, chiropractors like yourself to, to try our products. And I know you get inundated with, with people that are just trying to sell you stuff.

And we don't want to sell people things. We want people to try the plant and have their epiphany and be like, okay, now I tried it. I get it cold pressed whole plant. This stuff works. This is something that I believe in. And this is something that maybe if a patient comes in with, with a, with a complex issue, that something I would feel comfortable recommending for them.

So I do appreciate you. Let me talk about that a little [00:26:00] bit. And all the, you know, the support you're giving me by giving me a platform to, uh, To talk about how we can best, you know, get this information disseminated out there so people can just try the darn thing and see how it works. Proof's in the pudding.

No, and that's exactly it because I wanted to, um, I wanted to bring that up. I wanted to bring up the chiroplat. com. So I know that there's a lot of chiropractors that listen to this. So all you homies that know the chiropractic secret handshake and everything, this is the real deal. This is the guide that you want to go with.

I will be putting it this publicly. If you ever run into a chiropractor that has a question, you have them call me. I'm a thousand percent backing you and endorsing you. And I want to lift you up to my industry. So I'm very proud to be a chiropractor because the industry is based on mission and we've been quacks for a hundred years.

We've done this, but it's because of the results that we get in the last 20 years, science has been able to prove what we've been saying all along. And it's getting back to nature. What I love about you, Justin, is that you are the same thing. You [00:27:00] have a mission. You're not, like you said, you're not selling because you don't have to sell anything.

All you're is introducing and educating that anybody that gets free consultations, free product, free seeds. So you're basically saying this is so important to humanity. I'm willing to give it to you. I'll profit along the way somehow because we have to profit to get our message out. So anybody listening to this, he's not selling you anything.

The reason for this podcast is to get the education out because we're killing ourselves with our lifestyle. And now here's something that's inexpensive. It's a miracle on, on base thing. It's changing people's life. When, when you get this video, because now right now you're probably listening to this, go on my YouTube channel or look on where I put this.

I'll have this on my YouTube channel or on the podcast. I want you to look at. Justin's eyes on this. This is not a sales guy. He's, there's nothing salesy about him. He's on a mission to make you healthier, your family healthier. And if you could tell, look at him when he was telling the story about his son, who, if you know anybody that's had an autistic kid, he was wondering [00:28:00] what's, what's the next step.

If you're curious at all, you contact, go to, uh, 101cbd. org and. Yeah, we'd love to answer questions. Actually, my mom who the flower child from the sixties that, that raised me holistically, um, is the one that you get to talk to. She's a, was a 40 year school psychologist specializing in, in special needs and integrative, uh, you know, nutritionist.

And, uh, you know, she helped heal, you know, uh, you know, our old man. Uh, when he was in the seventies and he was diagnosed with some, some bad cancers, some Hodgkinson's. And so, um, we, we've got a lot of value here. We, we, we were praying for a miracle and we didn't know that there was even a chance with the autism diagnosis and we got our prayers answered.

And so it's literally our moral obligation. It's our mission. I mean, I had other businesses and things that I did, I sold them all off. I closed them all down and I realized that there is such a gap in information and that this plant has helped so many people in so [00:29:00] many ways, I can't even list them and I know that there's a lot of confusion about CBD and hemp and I just want people to try it.

My, my legacy, the way that I want to leave this earth physically is that I want to know. That I did all I could with, with the blessing that I was given for my family. I passed on the education. I became the expert I'd learned and researched and did everything I could. But at the end of the day, people were, were, are, you know, millions of people will be growing hemp in their backyard.

Like they used to do just like tomatoes. And that's my legacy. And people are clipping the plant and they're throwing it in their juicer. And it's just like, Juicing kale or doing the celery juice diet that everyone's all you know hip on it's just another thing That's a no brainer in the foundation of how living a healthy and happy life.

Yeah. Well, that's awesome So I could talk to you all day. I want to respect your time I want to encourage anybody out here listening to share this with your friends Anybody that ever has a question because everybody has a [00:30:00] question about this now talk to justin Look at 101cbd. org. If you have any questions, he's begging you to ask the questions because there is literally nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So with that being out, I want to thank you, Justin. This is Dr. Bill Janiszak on the Conference Stress Podcast and we will catch you later. Bye bye. Bye bye.