Miracle Plant

200th Episode - Looking Back How Far We’ve Come & What’s New Today

Episode Summary

200th Episode - Looking Back How Far We’ve Come & What’s New Today In the 200th episode of the Miracle Plant Podcast, Justin Benton reflects on the journey and evolution of the podcast, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially inspired by a goal of reaching 100 episodes to attract guests like Seth Godin, the podcast quickly doubled that number. Justin discusses the shift from traditional, in-person business approaches to embracing the digital world, catalyzed by the pandemic, which opened up new opportunities in digital marketing and online interactions.

Episode Notes

200th Episode - Looking Back How Far We’ve Come & What’s New Today

In the 200th episode of the Miracle Plant Podcast, Justin Benton reflects on the journey and evolution of the podcast, which began during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially inspired by a goal of reaching 100 episodes to attract guests like Seth Godin, the podcast quickly doubled that number. Justin discusses the shift from traditional, in-person business approaches to embracing the digital world, catalyzed by the pandemic, which opened up new opportunities in digital marketing and online interactions.

He emphasizes the importance of organic marketing, especially through video content on platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Organic marketing, involving consistent and strategic video posts, has become a vital strategy as paid ads have become increasingly expensive and less effective. Justin shares insights on creating impactful organic content, leveraging viral videos, and balancing between organic and paid strategies.

The conversation shifts to the changing landscape of cannabis and hemp legislation in the United States. Highlighting two significant developments: the potential federal legalization of cannabis, moving it from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule 3 substance, and the updates in the Farm Bill affecting hemp and CBD products. The host expresses cautious optimism about these changes, noting their potential to expand research, access, and market opportunities while also acknowledging the challenges posed by regulatory and market dynamics.


Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Welcome back to the Miracle Plant Podcast where we discuss this miracle plant with so many names and how it's helping people in so many extraordinary ways. Well, guess what? It is podcast number 200, you know, what's funny is like when I started this back in early, uh, you know, in the, in the COVID days, um, I remember thinking, I think it was, it was Seth Godin that said he would come on anyone's podcast if they had done a hundred podcasts, um, and there was, you know, some relevant, uh, content with the audience.

And so that was kind of my first goal. Um, Was like, let's get to a hundred. And I remember getting so excited to get to a hundred and then we had our hundredth podcast episode and we did some recaps and some favorite stories and shares and things like that. And it was really good and kind of even emotional.

And now here it's 200 and it's like overnight. It feels like we've gotten here to 200 and you know, so much [00:01:00] has changed. And that's really what I want to focus on. Uh, and this 200th episode of kind of looking back to where we were, to where we are, to where we're going, uh, especially in the cannabis space, but also my journey, uh, as far as, you know, things, the big, big change was how this podcast got started was, uh, this world opened up, uh, this online digital world, which I didn't even really know, knew, uh, Um, I was much more of a belly to belly salesman as they call it.

Toe to toe, uh, you go out to conferences and I remember going to no co and before that I was in financial space and before that I was in real estate and direct marketing and you would go to conferences and you would meet people and you would talk to people and then obviously when COVID happened that all went away.

Um, you know, zoom was around before then march of 2020, but boys, it just changed the world. It's funny. Now, these days [00:02:00] I, uh, I have lots of calls and things and lots that I'm doing, especially, you know, with Russell and secrets of success. And it's so funny that the default is always to go to zoom. And for those of you that know me, it's like, I'm always doing seven things, right?

Whether it's, you know, multiple businesses, uh, multiple kids, you know, going to different offices, going to activities, uh, just all, you know, all, I feel like I'm always in the car. I'm always going somewhere. Swing by the grocery store to grab some. So it's like, if I'm going to sit in front of a zoom that limits my capacity, that limits my ability to do six or seven other things.

So, you know, and I also like to go to the gym every day. And so, you know, it's just like, you know, it's like COVID's over. Let's go back to phone calls. But also the good news is. Is that we can go and see each other again, and there's been such a huge, uh, just, uh, [00:03:00] blossoming of these in person events, experiences, in person events, and it's like this, this, the connection has never been stronger, right?

So we've made all these friends. Uh, online and then digital world. And then you get to meet him in the physical world. And there's still some people that I haven't met in the physical world that we've, I've become like partners with or really good friends. And, uh, it's kind of funny how that all shakes out.

But, uh, yeah, so that's, that's one of the biggest changes for sure. Is that even the podcast being launched, uh, all those zoom calls and this whole new digital world and, um, you know, marketing online and things of that nature. And that's really what led us down, uh, you know, the Russell's world, of course, to really understand how do we get Our message out and uh, it's been such an amazing journey.

Uh, it's been a little over four years now. Um, which sometimes feels like a long time. It sometimes feels like a short time that I've really got to understand, [00:04:00] um, what's working and just really becoming a digital marketing expert. Um, which, you know, when you put in four years of your life dedicating to, you know, basically one thing, you become an expert.

And, uh, I'm just excited to see all the new changes. Um, you know, like number one right now, the big thing that's working for marketing, uh, if you're looking to market your business or your personal brand is organic. Now, organic used to mean SEO, which means search engine optimization, which means when you type something in the search box of Google, uh, based how your website was set up or your funnel, uh, Google would spider the words in the website.

And if there was any links from any like big publishers like Forbes and things like that, and they would give you what I call Google juice for you to show up on the first page. Um, when someone Googles some keywords that are, you want them to find your website. So that's kind of what I knew at organic to be, but organic has [00:05:00] changed, uh, especially with the invention of video.

Now that's YouTube video, that's Instagram video, uh, Tik TOK video, which I still don't understand if they're going to ban it or not, or I don't, they keep going back and forth. Fortunately, I never got into Tik TOK and I don't see any real reason to do it now because I couldn't imagine if I invested all the followers and things and then they could just take it away.

But that's what, that's what, That's what platforms do, and that's why we talk so much about it. The important thing is, you can find people, or people can find you on social media, but your job is to get them into your list. Whether it's a text list, or an email list, or a phone list, or even a mailing address list.

Some of those old school things are coming back, which are a lot of fun. So like I was saying, organic is the way, uh, these days. Paid ads are through the roof, uh, especially in restricted industries like CBD. It's just really difficult to get them up and keep them running. Uh, and when you run ads, you need to test them and you need to run new ads.

And if your ads get disapproved or [00:06:00] something gets flagged, then they can shut your account down. And, you know, we, we tried that for a few years and just eventually said it just wasn't worth the hassle. But in the meantime, the crazy part is that now it's, uh, organic is the way. So that's what we're, uh, seeing, uh, these days.

So the, and when I say organic, what's working is. Um, is these, is these videos, right? So, whether it's a short form content, or whether it's a, um, you know, long form content. So, when it comes to like organic video, we're talking about like, you know, doing a, A short reel right where you have, um, you know, a clear message, you know, sometimes it's like these three things will help you get the results you're after and you go and you list those three and then at the end you say, if you want to hear more comment, you know, three things in the comments [00:07:00] and then you can have, uh, you can either, uh, Um, do it yourself and manually send something out, or you can have automation like many chat or a V.

A. Um, virtual assistant respond to them and send out, um, a link to your website or a link to your funnel. That's one way of doing it. Another way of doing is like doing it in a series. So it's like day one of me losing 30 pounds and, and you start, you know, documenting your journey. Uh, that's another way.

And then it's like day two, day three, day four. So people can consume all of your content as you're documenting your journey. Uh, other ways are doing things like podcasts and, you know, having people on your podcast, interviewing people, uh, about, um, what they're, uh, doing. If they have a big following, maybe you get on their podcast.

And you look for what's called the dream 100. And that's always a major place when you can find the people out there who already have accumulated your dream, 100 audiences. And, uh, you [00:08:00] know, getting on either their podcast or they go on your podcast or figuring out some way, uh, to collaborate. That's all organic, right?

That's not paid. So that's really what it means. Organic is like, if you've got more time than money, then you go with organic. If you've got More money than time? Then you can go with paid ads. But even these days, paid ads have been so expensive, the cost per leads, that even, you know, even Russell's, you know, who's, you know, spending one, two, three million dollars a month is going all in on organic because the ROI.

On Facebook ads and Instagram ads and Google ads and YouTube ads just isn't there. And that's the thing is when you put in the time for organic and you have a, uh, you know, you, you, you build an organic following like Ryan Panetta did. And Russell was recently on his podcast, uh, or Alex Hormozy, uh, for, you know, who comes from Russell's world in the inner circle.

They, they put the time in which can take a year or two. Of being consistent daily content, [00:09:00] um, you know, weekly webinars, which Russell always preaches, but over time now you've built up this like massive snowball that's rolling down the hill and getting bigger and bigger, especially that wet snow. If you guys know what I mean, back from the Midwest, great for snowballs and for snowmen and for snowballs rolling down hills, collecting momentum.

So you can have millions of followers. And once you have millions of followers. then it's like, it's, it's like a faucet you can't turn off. So now you've got people that are interested in what you have to say. And then when you send offers out to them, you make offers to them that would make, that would help them or solve their biggest problems in their lives.

They're going to say yes. And you don't have to pay for it. You had to pay for it with, you know, what they call sweat equity, like, you know, blood, sweat, and tears of, of, of, you know, Posting videos, which is easy these days, like shooting videos. I was, um, Christine Morrell is a friend of mine and she's got a cool little mastermind that she [00:10:00] started.

She blocks out three hours every month to shoot 30 videos. And so she knows she has at least one video per day and then she'll do some impromptu stuff too, as well, kind of in her personal life with her son. But she knows three hours out of the month, she's going to shoot 30 videos. And with AI, you can come up with a bunch of ideas and that's it.

That's her content strategy. And she's getting millions of views per video, uh, and really, and what she does is when she sees an organic video pop, like it hits a million views or something crazy, she knows that that's one that people like. And so then she puts, pours gas on that fire by turning that into a paid ad.

So that would be a strategy. For using both is try it first with organic. See if the audience, if the world likes it and she's that was, I was just on a call with her yesterday. She's like, and I never know, like, I think that this is a silly thing and then all of a sudden it becomes this [00:11:00] massive viral thing.

And then I just turned that into an ad and she also is funny because she was talking. She goes. My ads run for years. And so I told her I put in the, in the quotes or whatever. I said, that's what you need to make your next hook. Christine Morrell, my ads run for years. And so she's got ads, literally. That have run for over four years because they are getting a return on investment.

And if you get a good organic video, then you can turn it into a paid ad. And she obviously focuses on funny ads. Um, she's awesome. So again, that's the world that we live in. Before the podcast started, before COVID, March of 2020, you know, we were opening up multiple stores. We had plans to open up many more.

Uh, we had plans to open up international. We were really focused, uh, on growing it kind of the old school way. Um, but then everything shifted and, uh, people were conditioned to buy online, right? That's just the way it is. You buy stuff online. Even I buy [00:12:00] stuff online and it's like sometimes I can't stand that I buy something from Amazon, but man, does he make it easy?

You know what I mean? Especially if you're like me and you have an idea and you want to get the idea to fruition. So it's like, you know, I needed, uh, to put some soundproofing, uh, stuff up in my studio. And, you know, I mean, you go to Amazon, you type in soundproof and then you get some of the little tiles or whatever that you put up in it, you know, it's just, and then you've got the reviews there that you can check.

So, you know, I try to support local whenever I can, um, you know, but I don't know a company that does that, you know what I mean? Who does, who does soundproofing, you know, does Best Buy do it? They're not a local company. So, I mean, again, there are those exceptions, um, but at least I'm mindful about it. At least I feel bad when I do it.

But my point is, is that we've all been conditioned to shop online. So whatever it is that you're doing, um, if you are, or want to do launch a movement or sell something or personal brand or whatever, um, [00:13:00] I highly, highly, highly, highly encourage. That you figure out and implement some of the things that I am talking about.

I mean, I've spent, um, hundreds of thousands of dollars learning this information and I'm giving it away. Um, that's just in my nature. You know, I don't know why I just, it's who I am. And, uh, but it's on you to take action. And one thing that I would definitely encourage. Is that, um, do all the research you want about who you're going to follow.

Like I did, uh, with Russell and, and digital marketing. And, uh, you know, if they're friends like Joe Soto and Ken Walls and, you know, getting their opinions and insights and, and trusting my instincts as well. And then once you decide who your coach is going to be, who your mentor is going to be for a specific subject, um, then you go all in is my advice.

You don't listen to other people on that subject. Like if someone starts to talk about that subject, you turn the channel. I guess we don't have channels anymore, do we? You, [00:14:00] uh, go to the next video. Scroll, or whatever. Um, and I think that's so important because I remember when I first started this journey that I was listening to a lot of different people and a lot of different people, um, were having their own opinions and they wanted to stand out and they were contradicting each other.

You know, I know like a real simple example is like Gary V. Gary V is all about build your brand, put in the work for 10 years and then you'll have something massive. And then Russell's all about direct response, you know, build the funnel, you know, we'll see at each step of the funnel, um, each, you know, web page, if you will, what's the conversion rate, is it profitable, you know, make adjustments based on that, on everything that you do.

So there's a direct correlation to each visitor to your website versus the Gary V way. Well, if you were listening to both of them. Your head would explode because they're telling you two very opposite things. And so [00:15:00] obviously I chose Russell and others have chose Gary V. You know, I don't know Gary Vee's success stories because I don't follow them.

Um, but again, that would be my advice, uh, to you, uh, is to whatever, whatever you decide that you want to do, um, it's the, the simplest way to get there is to find someone that's already done it and has helped many, many other people do it as well, document it. So now, and that's the proof that's, that's the goodies right there.

So it's one thing to do it, but it's one thing to actually be successful at teaching other people how to do it. Um, and so that would be my advice, whatever it is, uh, that you're looking for. Alright, so enough about the marketing stuff. Um, so obviously it's, it's May, uh, 2024 when I recorded this. And we're talking about federal legalization and the farm bill.

So there's two big things that are on the horizon here. Uh, federal legalization of cannabis, AKA [00:16:00] marijuana, which is anything more than 0. 3 percent THC is talked, uh, is, is, sounds like it's going to actually happen. Um, I don't, you know, not until the ink dries, do I believe it, uh, just knowing our government.

Um, but the plan is to, it's right now, it's a schedule one on the controlled substance act. Uh, meaning that there is no medicinal value and it's very highly addictive. That's where marijuana is right now. Um, you know, many people were incarcerated for it. Um, many lives were ruined, um, for possessing it. Uh, but now they are, um, doing a decent job from what I hear, of, of, you know, at least federally letting people out of prison and things like that.

But now they're going to take it from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule 3. Uh, is the plan. Obviously we want it descheduled off the schedule, but it's always about the money. I just know there's going to be some play by big pharma here to try and monopolize it. Um, anyways, that could just be my [00:17:00] skepticism, but I've seen this game long enough to know what usually, and it's always money that runs these things.

And so anyways, they're going to break it down to a schedule three, which means it does have medicinal value. Uh, and it's um, very unlikely that it is addictive. Uh, basically that's the kind of the general terms of it, which means we can also do more research, there can be more access. Um, you know, that will be a good thing overall, I hope.

Uh, I'm happy that it's not going to a Schedule 2 because then it would be, it would have to have FDA approval and it would totally go through the big pharma, um, uh, arm and branch. So, who knows, maybe they'll try and swap it at the last second, but. It does feel like for my friends and lawyers who are in the world, no one, I haven't heard any real big red flags, which I was kind of expecting.

So right now, um, it feels like it's a good move. For the plant for more access for people around the world who are suffering needlessly. Um, [00:18:00] because they believe that it will just get them high and it will, you know, whatever it's against the law. And so, uh, that'll be exciting. Uh, when that passes, I, last I checked, there's like a 60 day public, uh, review period, something with to do with the DEA.

Um, so we'll see how that all shakes out here. Um, to me, it's probably a little political too. Uh, you know, obviously, uh, Joe Biden's in the White House. And if he wants to get that younger vote, um, that's probably something that at least all Americans can agree on. Last I saw over two thirds of Americans believe that we should have access to medical, uh, cannabis.

And so that's something that goes across the aisle. So it's kind of a no brainer to, to vote. Put that feather in your cap, uh, as we come down to election time here in November. So, there's that. Uh, second thing, more hemp related, is the Farm Bill. Of, uh, I guess it's going to be 2024, maybe 2025, who knows. Uh, [00:19:00] right now there's a little bit of a scare in there that, uh, the marijuana community is, lobbyists are pushing to have something put in the farm bill that says they're going to mask it that they want to get rid of the D8, the Delta 8, you know, that derivative that people have been synthetically making to get you kind of like, you A little stoned from hemp and it's like not from hemp.

They, they chemically change, uh, the CBG or the CBD into this, uh, Delta eight, which the plant doesn't make. And people have been selling in states like Texas where, uh, medical marijuana or marijuana is illegal. So they sell this like cooked up stuff that they got from hemp and it gets you kind of high called Delta eight and, uh, people.

There's been a big fight about it. And so they're going to use that as the mask to say, well, we got to get rid of these Delta eight products. Um, and in the meantime, how we'll do that is no product can have any THC. And if they [00:20:00] did that, then that would give the monopoly to any type of THC related products back to the dispensaries and to the pharmaceutical companies.

Uh, they already have a THC based product, uh, Marinol, I believe is the name. Uh, so again, It's money, it's power games, power struggles. I don't think it'll pass. There's just too much organization. There's too many good lawyers. And it's not right. There's a federal bill that says 0. 3 THC is legal. And in fact, our hope was to get that, that, uh, up to 0.

1 or excuse me, to 1 percent THC. What would be defined as hemp to take the burden off of. The farmer and make things easier. Um, especially now that we transition more into, uh, fiber and grain and textiles, um, uh, the industrial uses of the plant. You know, we can make plastic, we can make batteries, um, you know, things that, uh, makes it a renewable, [00:21:00] sustainable, um, option, uh, for our planet, for Mother Earth.

So, um, but they're gonna pass some version of that, whether it's this year or next year, we'll see. Um, there are some things in there, they got rid of some, some, they cleaned some things up in the Farm Bill as well. Obviously, it's not on the floor, it's not being voted on yet. As we get closer to negotiating the bill, uh, I'll, uh, I'll have a report back.

Maybe I'll bring our good friend, Patrick Goggin, the attorney, the hemp attorney out here in California on, uh, as we get closer or when it passes to give you the real lowdown of what, what that means to the hemp industry. And then there's the elephant in the room. Um, you know, they do like peanuts, don't they?

Is what happened to the CBD hemp world? I was on a podcast the other day, um, this good dude named Tyler. And, uh, he's got like a hemp [00:22:00] world, hemp marketplace kind of deal. And, uh, yeah, I mean, it reminds me of before the 2018 farm bill passed, there was only a few of us hamsters that were around and we were all pretty much around for the right reasons.

And we'd been around and, you know, whether it was a family member that this miracle plant, he up till like our son or, you know, just loved the plant for, The, um, you know, the way that it helps the planet, um, or whatever it was, you know, there was just good people in this space. And then when the farm bill passed, obviously that's when wall street and, uh, you know, a lot of people's, you know, uh, joint or venture capitalists, a lot of people saw the dollar signs and, uh, and that was cannabis and hemp at the same time, they were kind of attached at the hip.

And so there was just so much excitement about all of it and everyone was throwing money at it. [00:23:00] And then the stocks all crashed for cannabis and then the COVID, um, whether it was oversaturation or a combination of that, along with the, Covid and the lockdowns and not being able to sell the products easily online because of the major, um, you know, marketing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google, not allowing you to run ads, whatever it was, um, you know, I don't know where the numbers are, but they can't, we're probably somewhere, believe it or not, where we were before the Farm Bill would be my guess.

So let's say there was 10, 000 hemp CBD companies, uh, at the height and before COVID, there was probably a thousand. So I bet we're closer to probably a thousand or two thousand, um, companies that are around. Then there's good and bad in that. That's for sure, right? I mean, the good is that the people that are here are here for the right reasons and they've got a good product that people are reordering.

Otherwise you [00:24:00] go out of business. And for those of you that have tried our products, obviously people love them because they work, because they're raw. Yeah. And it's called whole plant raw hemp, which makes, the plant makes CBD, which is the acid precursor, which means it's just the fresh way that the plant makes CBD a, and there's no need to process it and cook it and burn it and turn it into CBD.

Just leave it the way the plant made it, and it's up to a thousand times more effective, according to Dr. Raphael Meshulam, the godfather of cannabinoid medicine. So those are the kind of the latest and greatest. Looking back over the years, and obviously, you know, Dan Humiston, who still produces the show, and he's been real busy, and we've been trying to get him back on.

My mom, who's She's back in Nebraska, uh, hanging out with her grandkids out there. She still does the consultations. I believe they're on Thursdays. If you go to askjanet. org, you can set up a free Zoom call with her for like a half an [00:25:00] hour. She's brilliant, holistic healer, really focused on plant based medicine and food is our medicine.

So if you have any health issues, certainly reach out to her. You know, Dan's been great as a co host and a producer. He's got an incredible platform called Pod, PodConX, P O D C O N X. com that hosts a lot of other, uh, cannabis shows, but he's also opening that up to other, um, genres as well. So if you're interested in having your podcast hosted on PodConX like The Miracle Plan is, Uh, reach out to, to Dan.

He's a wonderful guy. Uh, it's been an amazing journey, uh, as far as the podcast goes. Uh, and the mission, you know, so many families have changed. I've been working in the store in Ventura, California more often lately, so I get to actually see some of the people again that I haven't seen for 5, 6, 7 years, which is crazy.

And they're still coming back and they're still loving our product. And they're still, you know, when they, when anyone runs out, boy, they come running and banging on the door [00:26:00] because. You know, this product, obviously, it makes such a huge impact in your health, whether it's stress, whether it's pain, whether it's sleep, or another more complicated health issue.

You know, I don't know how we'd live without it. Like, I have had, we all have these little minor things pop up in life, sometimes major things, health related. And I know that I got this plant that's going to help me, right? Whether it's, uh, I just got over a cold. I knew I was taking a bunch of 1600 milligram for that.

Or if you've got like, you know, an ache or a pain, you put the roll on on or, or take the sublingual oil. Um, I just know that it's always there for me. You know, if there's anything wrong with my body. Like I even had some varicose veins the other day and I was putting some samples on, I was like, Oh, I'll put some on there.

And like, I swear, like it went down like 90 percent on my left leg. It's just crazy. It's like, so what, what is the issue? Whatever the issue is. You know, this miracle plant is going to help. And, and the mission is to get this message out, especially this miracle plant in the [00:27:00] raw form, just like orange juice, freshly squeezed orange juice, uh, to a billion people by 2025.

And the way we're going to get there as best I can tell is by doing these things we talked about earlier in the podcast, which is marketing online, uh, partnerships, affiliate partnerships, JV partnerships. Um, you know, education webinars. Uh, documenting the journey. These are the things that this is what works in, in 2024, you know, it's like there's companies out there like Sears and Roebuck actually it's called Sears, but it was Sears and Roebuck when they first sending out the catalogs and they're not around anymore.

Right. But companies that made, uh, adjustments, uh, like target, um, or Walmart, um, they went online. You know, did you know Walmart's bigger? What was I reading that it was, it blew me away that they were doing, um, one of the biggest, uh, [00:28:00] companies, um, in the world. Like I didn't realize they were so big. I was looking at like cap, uh, trading for the stock market and like, they were like top 10 up there with like Amazon and everybody else.

And they transitioned, you know, Walmart certainly went online. You know, not to the, uh, capacity of Amazon, but, but it's just one of those things where, you know, and Blockbuster had the opportunity to buy Netflix for 60 million. Like that was an offer on the table that was going to be accepted, but Blockbuster didn't see, uh, didn't, couldn't see far enough into the future.

And, uh, anticipation is, you know, probably the most. Um, treasured, uh, asset to have in business. And now I don't know how many billions of dollars, uh, Netflix is worth, but, and Blockbuster's no longer around. But apparently there's like two, one or two stores in Alaska that is still open, which is kind of cool.

So, anyways, [00:29:00] for those of you that remember Blockbuster. Um, but again, for this day and age, this is what I'm hearing from the latest and the best in the world. How you can get your message out. That's how we're getting our message out. You know, we're showing up every week for 200 episodes. It's a lot of commitment.

Um, you know, there's, I travel a lot and have a lot going on, but you know, I get my podcast out there to Dan and the team and they get it up there and now you're listening to it. And, uh, it's been an amazing journey. I know that, uh, um, overachievers like myself, we're always looking for the next level and to get to a billion people by 2025, it's going to take another miracle.

But I believe, I have the belief, and all it takes is one thing, one thing that can forever change your life. You know, we've gotten to know John Gray who wrote, um, Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. And his one thing was Oprah and he got on Oprah show [00:30:00] and they did a whole segment on his book. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.

And now he's sold over 50 million copies, you know, which is probably only like 12 books in the world that's ever sold 50 million copies. And one of them is the Bible, right? And, and, but it just takes one thing. And so, you know, I'm confident and hopeful that because this plant has so much, Intrinsic and just value, uh, utility for the human race and our pets.

Let's not forget the dogs and the cats and the horses love our products too. Um, that, you know, as long as I keep showing up and I keep looking for opportunities and, and ways to get this message out, it will happen because it needs to happen. You know, we all know pharmaceutical drugs and the side effects, and they're killing us, and, and all that craziness when you listen to the, the commercials, like, Here, here's a laundry list of things, including death, if you take this pill for [00:31:00] that rash.

I was like, no, I'll just keep the rash. You know, or get some raw renew, some, you know, of our skin treatment, made with raw hemp and raw mingo butter and all organic. And rub that on there, see what happens. No side effects. But then the next commercial is that there's a class action lawsuit about the previous drug that was out five years ago, like Vioxxin, that killed a bunch of people.

And so it's like, obviously that method doesn't work. It isn't working, right? It's not sustainable. Sustainable for the big pharma companies, because they have insurance policies that cover them. And so they still end up making a profit even when they get fined and sued, well, after they settle. But it's not sustainable for the human race.

Obviously, we know our food system is as toxic as any country in the world here in the U. S. Our water, our water is poisoned. You know, that's why you need to be drinking distilled water or at least reverse osmosis water or good, uh, clean natural spring water. And, uh, we got to be taking care of ourselves.

And that's ultimately what this plant does is that it, it opens up the, the [00:32:00] Pandora's box for us to realize that we are in control of our health. We cannot rely upon government, cannot rely upon agencies. Uh, we cannot rely. On, um, other people, we cannot give responsibility of our health over to other people.

Now you could certainly, you know, assess a great team of health, uh, practitioners and professionals around you that align with what you believe to be true. Um, but you know, I always, you know, Say that, you know, we'll get into a car accident and we'll go get three estimates But you know We have a health accident or crisis and we go to our doctor and we listen to the first thing they say and we go Do it including like going into surgery that day or the next day without getting another estimate without sleeping on it without praying on it without Meditating on it without thinking about it without seeing how that aligns with who we are without looking for other options and alternatives Um, it's the world has changed and it wasn't always like this.

You know, they say that like, you know, plant based medicine is alternative medicine. No, it's not. We [00:33:00] can trace this plant back 8, 000 years. Medically journals in the, in the Orient that we've been using it. It's only been the last hundred years or so that we've been using these white pills, these chemistry sets, uh, with a profit as the main, uh, driver.

behind them to, to try and, and, um, you know, play God with our, with humans. And that is the alternative medicine. And we know the side effects. We know, um, the, um, unfortunately, you know, People have died, you know, you've probably known someone. I mean, I've seen it with our dog. We took our dog into the vet, uh, and after an episode and she was dead that night, you know, after he take these pills, you know, dead.

And, you know, we didn't know about CBD back then. Sweet lady in the Cavalier, you know, so again, you know, it's been an amazing [00:34:00] journey 2200 episodes like I said, I never even thought it. I never even thought about it I'm just I'm proud of everybody that's been a part of this Whether it's Dan or Janet or the amazing guests that we've had from my clubhouse And and I'm proud of you for listening and I'm proud of you for forwarding this To someone that it could help because we do talk about things on here that people don't really never really heard before like there's not Many people that you know that have heard of juicing cannabis or eating raw cannabis and it helping your health and So it can be a stretch for some people and maybe you're worried about what other people might think or stuff like that But at the end of the day if you care about them, you know It's on them.

At least you expose them to this information. And I could give you hundreds of studies. You can go to pub med dot G O V. Look up all this stuff for yourself. We've been researching this plant for decades. It was just buried because it was a schedule one, which meant we couldn't [00:35:00] research it. It was so hard.

And that's why a lot of the studies were done overseas and other countries, because the U S wouldn't allow us. Study it again purely for profit. You know, it's just the, you know, industrialists did not want to compete with this plant, whether it's the people that were making paint or the people that were doing petroleum or the people that were making clothes or cotton paper newspapers.

The list goes on and on medicine. You know, in 1936, there's over, you know, two million prescriptions that were written for cannabis oil for headaches and other various pain related type things. In 1937, they passed the Marijuana Tax Act that made it illegal. So the American Medical Association went to Congress and was like, what are you doing?

We, this is one of our most powerful tools in the toolkit. You guys take it out without consulting with us? These are the facts. These are the things that happen. The good news is here we are. We're gonna go from a Schedule 1 to a Schedule 3. Hemp, which is less than 0. 3 percent THC, is illegal federally. Uh, many, many millions of people now are, um, living happier, healthier [00:36:00] lives because they have that access to this plant.

And, uh, we're just here to keep talking about it. If you have questions, you can reach out to me personally. Um, J Benton, B E N T O N at 101 C B D. love to hear your questions or insights. If you want to be a guest or anything I can do to help, uh, you know where to find me, that's where to find me. So at the end of every miracle plant podcast, we say heal the world.

Cause that's the mission reach a billion people by 2025. Be it videos, education, seeds, products, whatever it is. Um, just that people can have an understanding that there is a better way, there's a natural way, um, that, uh, can help with everyday pain, stress, anxiety, sleep, but also major health issues. And, uh, I was so blessed to find this plant when I was looking for a solution for my son, uh, when he was diagnosed with a severe autism, um, after he was healthy, all of a [00:37:00] sudden there was sudden regression.

And, You know, thank you Western medicine for that. And, uh, but I found the miracle plant and now millions of other people are going to be, uh, have better lives because of the, you know, the tough times that we went through getting our son healthy again. And we're just sharing what worked for us so we can help for you and your loved ones or you or, or, or, you know, even your pets.

Like I said, some of the best stories I hear and the most emotional stories I hear in the store, people, thanking me for, you know, extending their pets lives for years or, and letting them, you know, be, you know, healthy and have a spring in their step and things like that. So anyways. Happy 200, 200th podcast.

What a cool milestone. I hope this podcast has changed your life in some way. If it has, I'd love to hear it. Send me an email, jbentonnet101cbd. org. Um, and, uh, yeah, let's just keep going on. Send this podcast to somebody, um, [00:38:00] that, that needs to hear it. Um, that could save their life or, or improve their life.

And, uh, like I said, if they want a health consultation for free, it's askjanet. org and you can set up a call for free and have your questions asked about health and this miracle plant and diet and the things that you can do to take control of your health. So, on the count of three, let's say heal the world and get out there and do it in our own special way.

Ready? Here we go. One. Three. Heal the world! Thanks for swinging by the miracle plant podcast. Be a blessing everybody and happy healing.