Miracle Plant

1 Secret To Scale Your Health Business With Dr. Fab Manchini

Episode Summary

Behind the scenes; Day Three of Dr. Fab's three-day Challenge Dr. Fab's Scale My Health Business Challenge was an overwhelming success! Attendees learned easy, actionable, step-by-step strategies to help them scale their businesses to the next level. Realizing many people could not attend, Justin Benton and Dr. Fab generously decided to share the final day's seminar. On Day Three, Dr. Fab and his guests including the author of Chicken Soup For The Soul provide the inspiration and motivation that all need entrepreneurs need to achieve their dreams. Produced by PodConx Dr Fab Mancini - https://podconx.com/guests/dr-fab Dr Fab's Website - https://drfabmancini.com/ Scale My Health Business Challenge - https://scalemyhealthbusiness.com https://101hempinnercircle.com/ Convert High Tickets - www.converthighticket.com www.themiracleplant.org info@101CBD.org Justin Benton - https://podconx.com/guests/justin-benton FREE CBD - www.freecbdnow.com Join Our #HealTheWorlders Messenger Tribe at https://bit.ly/TheMiraclePlant_Messenger

Episode Notes

Behind the scenes; Day Three of Dr. Fab's three-day Challenge

  Dr. Fab's  Scale My Health Business Challenge was an overwhelming success!   Attendees learned easy, actionable, step-by-step strategies to help them scale their businesses to the next level.      Realizing many people could not attend, Justin Benton  and Dr. Fab generously decided to share the final day's seminar.     On Day Three, Dr. Fab and his guests including the author of Chicken Soup For The Soul provide the inspiration and motivation that all need entrepreneurs need to achieve their dreams.

Produced by PodConx  


Dr Fab Mancini - https://podconx.com/guests/dr-fab

Dr Fab's Website - https://drfabmancini.com/

Scale My Health Business Challenge - https://scalemyhealthbusiness.com


Convert High Tickets - www.converthighticket.com



Justin Benton - https://podconx.com/guests/justin-benton

FREE CBD - www.freecbdnow.com


Join Our #HealTheWorlders Messenger Tribe at https://bit.ly/TheMiraclePlant_Messenger

Episode Transcription


Justin Benton & Dr Fab:[00:00:00] Welcome back. It's the final day, day three here on the scale. My health business challenge. Congratulations for showing up. You're a doer, you're taking action. You're taking control of your future. Well, we've got some surprise guests that are gonna be showing up. We have some incredible topics that we're gonna be talking about today with Dr.

Fab. We're gonna be talking about frameworks. You know, we're gonna be talking about step by step. You know, what it takes to scale your business from seven to eight or even eight to nine figures, we're gonna talk about getting in the room, right? Being around these people, being around these, these individuals that have the mindset that, that are able to actually help you scale your business.

So we're so excited to be doing that as well. Remember, Dr. Fab, put it out there that we're gonna be able to actually, you're gonna have access to a thousand dollars. To getting on television, the TV secrets and all of the insights that he has. So we're super excited, uh, for that, we'll be [00:01:00] talking a little bit about that at the end.

And, uh, there's a real special event coming up in Miami, September 8th in Miami, there's gonna be yachts and it's just gonna be out of this world. So those of you were gonna make a very special, uh, you know, opportunity. There's I believe five spots that might still be available in Miami to join Dr. Fab and start, you know, scaling your business right away.

So without any other further due Dr. Fab, welcome back for day three. Here we are. Well, thank you, Justin. And for those of you that are here, thank you so much for making the time. So excited to be with you primarily because you know, we've been talking the last today about scaling your. And we've been sharing tremendous amount of information to be able to recognize that it begins with a mindset.

You gotta have the mindset to be able to, uh, arrive to pretty much any destination you want to go to. But then of course you gotta have those action steps. And I always look at those action steps as a, as a [00:02:00] combination log, the numbers of a combination lock. If you have the right numbers, the right se. You can pretty much open up any look.

But what happens a lot of times is that we get so many advices for so many different people. A lot of times we forget to listen to that little voice inside of us, the wisdom inside of you, that pretty much knows what it is that you need to do, what it is that you want to be, what it is that you want to attract in your life.

So I want you to understand that this challenge, this is my first challenge I've ever done. It's been so much fun. Uh, Justin you've made it so much excitement, uh, because we've been talking so much about the value and you know, that's one of the things that at night when we finish, uh, I, I can't wait to get up this morning again.

I got off so early because my mind was just saying, oh, but there's so much more to share. And even though every time we finish, I always say to myself, did I give them enough value? Because really that's the question we need to ask ourselves. Are you giving enough value to the [00:03:00] people that you serve? We already covered yesterday, that is in serving that really the magic happens.

And you can go from six to seven figures and seven to eight and eight to nine, but it requires your serving attitude. You're serving intention. But then besides that, you gotta recognize that you are worthy. You know, a lot of times people have a difficult time attracting money because they don't think that they're worthy.

Their self esteem has been infected in some way. That is negative. Maybe you grew up in an environment that they told you that you'll never amount to anything. Maybe you grew up in an environment that you never saw. Anybody made six figures in a business. Or maybe, perhaps you, uh, never seen anybody in your environment or your community that had actually achieved the level of success that we've been talking about.

The good news is the fact that success doesn't have a gender success. Doesn't have a race success, doesn't have an educational background. [00:04:00] Success. Doesn't determine how many people, you know, or do not success is there to be grabbed. And the people that grab it are the people that actually recognize that there is a need out there.

Remember what I said to you the last couple of days? When you solve, the biggest problem is when you get to serve the biggest amount of people. So what is one problem out there in your industry, in your environment that, you know, right now you can solve. That's what I want you to be thinking about. And then the scaling of that is then you now can go deeper in solving that problem, or perhaps leverage different platforms to be able to solve it in multiple industries.

And not just one industry. I know that this last couple of days we've been talking about your health business and yes, I do have a lot of people that are mentoring that are not in the healthcare industry. Even though we talked about how important the healthcare industry is because the healthcare industry right now embraces the one component that all of us need to improve upon.

And that is our [00:05:00] personal development, our mental. Our mental health is critical right now because so many people right now have been beaten and become victimized to the circumstances that we've been facing the last two years. But at the same time that people are becoming victimized, you also have a small percentage that are actually thriving more than ever.

Why? Because those are the individuals that learned the lessons that I've shared with you the last couple of days and how to respond to adversity, how to respond to challenges, how to look at a problem as a friend, a friend in disguise that is just there to help you push you to the person you were destined to be, or help you get out of your comfort zone and realize I'm not doing enough to serve the people in my community.

Well, I, I couldn't agree anymore. And I know that you've got a flight to catch that you've gotta run out to, to, you know, Orlando and do a bunch of awesome, you know, speaking engagements and hang out with your inner circle members and help promote their, their [00:06:00] causes and their missions. And I know we've got some panelists on here and some surprise guests and some amazing speakers and influencers and entrepreneurs.

So I wanna make sure everyone gets enough time to, to come in and, and, and tell them, you know, what it's been like working with, you know, you Dr. Fab over the years and how you've impacted their mindset and their health and their business, and, and really helped them achieve their goals. And with all this in.

We're really focusing on taking that business to those, to those eight figures, to those nine figures. And, uh, I see that you can see, we have some panelists on here, so I'll let you do, uh, an introduction and we can bring them on and, and here's comes it's surprise, guest time, everybody. So, uh, I know we've been sharing a lot of really great insights over the last few days and get ready to hear some, some really, really cool things that are happening and how Dr.

Fab and his inner circle has, uh, really helped their lives. So I'll let you take it away. Dr. Fab, go ahead and give any introduction. So you see the panelists there and I can't wait. I got my notepad and, and pen ready over here. [00:07:00] Well, I wanna start with a dear friend, Patty, Aubrey, Patty. Thank you so much for making the time.

I know that you got a very busy day and I always feel so blessed that you have created probably the biggest brand in the literary world with the chicken soup, uh, for the sole brand, uh, as a CEO and also the brains behind the whole organization. And I've been honored so much to work with you, but you've also been training and helping people skill their business, uh, more than most people out there.

So, uh, this is really a time where you can share pretty much anything you want to, that will bring value to the people that are watching us right now, but also share a little bit about any experiences or things that, and are working together that we've been able to impact the lives of so many people.

Okay. Are you sure? , I'm kidding. uh, well, I mean, for starters, for those of you that don't know me, I, [00:08:00] I was one of the original founders of chicken soup for the soul. So I did publish 240 books and, um, sold 500 million copies and we did a ton of licensing and I'll never forget. It was probably 1998. I know it was because I just had my son and I was laying in bed with a C-section and Jack says, you've gotta talk to this guy, fat men seat.

And he said, I have this idea. And I thought at first it was a little crazy, but I was a little, I think I was on Vicodin or something. So I wasn't thinking very clearly. And I didn't really know who he was, but he said, look, I think we could take this message to the world of chiropractic at a whole new level, because what people can do is tell stories.

And so what if we were able to create chicken soup of the chiropractic. And what if we were to create little sampler booklets that we could pass out to all the different chiropractors in all the different offices, promoting the importance of chiropractic. And so together, we created an entirely new industry that really, I never [00:09:00] would've thought of if he hadn't been gutsy enough to say I have an idea.

And I think what happens for a lot of us is we have these ideas and we ignore them and then suddenly somebody else comes up with the idea. And so as much as it seemed a little foreign, once I got to no fab and realize he was really legit, because by the way, when you do get pretty successful, people come out of the woodwork from everywhere and anywhere.

So you have to learn to also be very selective. You know, I think a lot of us when we're building our businesses, when somebody says, yes, we just get so excited that we got a yes. That we don't ask ourselves. Is that the right? Yes. Is that my ideal client? Is that person, someone that shares the same values that I share do, can they do what they say they can do and things like that.

So that that's, I think a big thing for my success. It was really having to learn how to decipher and really create sort of an, a list of what each person had to be able to do, being have to actually be part of it. Or it [00:10:00] was crazy. It was very difficult to do that prior to having that kind of clarity. Um, I think the other thing too, and I.

Fab, you said a little bit of this, but you know, a lot of people that go out and wanna do something different, they're working for themselves or starting a new business, they do it alone. And that's a dangerous thing to do because like you said, you know, um, what gets on our way is ourselves typically. And so if you leave me alone long enough with myself, I can talk myself into anything or out of anything.

So I always say, find someone that's a good balance for you. I've been lucky to have Jack Camfield as a partner. He's very slow. He's very steady. He's very methodical. I'm like, I've got an idea, you know, and everybody runs for the Hills and, um, And for a long time, I, I took that personally that, oh, they just think I'm crazy.

And finally, Jack and I were talking one day and he said, you're not crazy if you were crazy, I wouldn't be working with you for three decades, but my mind doesn't go as fast as you were. So I [00:11:00] have to ask a thousand questions. So then I understand what you're trying to articulate. And then we can go to our team together and not scare the crap out of us.

And so that was something too. How, how do you bounce it off of once you have an idea, how do you start to share it and, and really get total clarity on your vision? Because once you have that, anything is possible. And when somebody says, well, that's never been done before, those are the best words you will ever hear in your life.

It's like, great. There is an opportunity. And so often I feel like people are looking at what everybody else is doing. I don't care what everybody else is doing. I want it to come from inside me, whether it's through meditation, whether it's working with fab and I'm out at a workshop, or I'm traveling, you know, doing, doing the work, actually running the trainings.

I actually do the work at the same time. It's when you get into an environment with a mastermind group or with a group like this, that you create a safe enough space for you to really get in touch with what it is that you want. [00:12:00] And I think for, especially for women, I ask them all the time, what do you want?

And they look at me like I have three heads because how often do we sit down and say, what do we actually want? You know, I've got my kids covered. I've got my family covered. I've got my employees covered or whatever it is, but am I really living my best life today? I have a client who wrote a book called 4,000 Mondays.

And when I started to add up how many Mondays I most likely have left, I really started to get a little bit more selective about who I said yes to. So fab, you're lucky I said yes to you. um, but honestly, I think for me, the biggest thing in scaling the business was looking at every opportunity, finding the right partners, not doing it all myself, delegating out anything and everything that I did not have to do.

I don't have to answer emails. I don't have to write, you know, I don't have to do anything. That's on the side. That's not my creative side. [00:13:00] And what I do is I really find people that can respect my creativity and living with kind of a crazy visionary, but can support it in a way where they can bring in the structure, which is sort of been my secret to success.

So that's what I would say. Um, I also think it's really important that you give yourself permission to really show up and speak up and be seen. And it's a hard thing to do. And it feels really weird at first, but the more you do it and the more you hang out with people like fab and the rest of the group, you'll it it'll become normal.

The first time you got on a bicycle, you probably fell off and you're probably two or three. If you were 30 and you fell off your bicycle for the first time, it hurts more because you're older and you're bigger and you're heavier. So just know, oh, this is one of those out of body experiences that I'm having, but I'm gonna continue to move forward.

And, and things do not happen overnight. They take time. And I think that's been a huge myth. People think, oh, I'm gonna write a book and I'm gonna write, [00:14:00] I hear this all the time. Oh, I have three books I'm writing. I'm like, okay, great. So when you ha, when you finish the book, are you gonna dump it in the alley?

I mean, do you have a baby and leave it in the alley to raise itself? No, you market that until you're blue in the face and you talk to everybody and you build more relationships and you ask for help and, and you do all the things that you think, oh, that's not too important. Some of the least important things I've thought about became the most important.

And the best thing that you could ever do for your success is to share your vision again with everyone. And I'll say this last, and then I'll jump. And I know there's other people. I was right after this secret came out, which I thought was a little crazy. At first. I didn't know Jack was in the movie. He didn't tell me.

And so I was very upset. There was no contract. And so fab, you might have been there. We were in Mexico and went to the screening. And I got out of that and I ran out of the room. We said, what you hate it and said, no, I'm going to get this gal book deal. This is, what's like the biggest thing since sliced bread.

And then from there I [00:15:00] went and thought, well, let's, let's look at what's missing. So, okay. Vision boards, the secret. But the vision boards look like ransom notes. And so an artist came to me and said, what if we made a beautiful vision board? And I thought, well, you know, I don't know, but, but it was necessary.

It, it was missing. So what are the holes? Where can you serve your clients at a higher level? That's always a question. Right? And so we put together a vision board and I went to my son's soccer game. He was probably in sixth grade at the time. And one of the guys there said, what are you working on? And I said, I'm Chris's vision board.

And he's like, oh, I work with, um, Uh, this guy that does all the George Foreman grill infomercials. You know, if you wanna put this together, I'd be happy to fund the infomercial. And I literally went back to the office and said, Jack, we're doing an infomercial and it's been funded. I just gotta check for a million dollars.

He said, you should go to more soccer games. So again, I could have said, oh, same old, same all, you know, no big deal. But instead we created magic. So share your vision. Don't be afraid for those that say no, [00:16:00] notice, this means next. And, um, and, and, and share your vision with people that can hold it. You know, I don't run to my bookkeeper as the first person.

I'm gonna share a vision with, cuz she's gonna tell me I'm nuts, no matter what. So you have to remind yourself that if you just run to your family, they're probably gonna be a little bit freaked out. So again, the importance of having mastermind groups, the importance of having. Things like this, that you're on, these are the, this is the fuel.

This is what will keep you going. It's not the next door neighbor who can't relate, you know, it's, I mean, we're all kind of uniforms and sometimes we've gotta stick together. So that's my spiel for the day. I hope it helps. I'm sorry. I missed the last two days fab, but been kind of a crazy week here in Nashville, but, uh, I appreciate you.

And, um, I hope you all have a great day. Listen to this guy. He's got some good stuff. Thank you so much, Patty. And, uh, I appreciate you so much and congratulations on all the success that you've [00:17:00] had and all the success you're having right now, because, uh, honestly you embody that service spirit that we always talk about.

That that's what it takes to really have an impact in the world and to scale your business to those. May nine figures. Uh, and, and you possess that. And here we also have Aldo and Aldo. I'm a little biased cuz he's my brother. He's been in the technology world for a very long time with companies like American express and uh, and many, many others.

And he was one of the lead consultants for Amazon for the last, uh, six years. And now he just branched out into his own company. Uh, but although what's it been like to be a part of the inner circle? I know you've joined us a few years ago. Uh, and tell me a little bit about what you gain out of it that has allowed you to be even more effective in your role.

So one of the experiences that I've had with the inner circle and, you know, you started the conversation, it used to be in the medical field, uh, and a lot of the individuals [00:18:00] in the inner circle of medical, but one of the experiences that I've had in the, in the recent, the past two years is how that group has grown.

And now it includes. CEOs for private equity. It includes CEOs for financial services. It includes somebody like me that is, you know, deeply entrenched in the, in the it, and it services field. It includes people in the medical field. It, it includes people that are experts at product development and product placement, uh, in engineering fields.

So the, the, the diversity of the group has increased to such a, to such a scale where if you're coming in from the outside, you know, and you're not in the medical field, it's okay. There is a lot of people in the inner circle that are not necessarily in the medical field. And the other thing for me, personally, it's as you come into this group, you're gonna find a series, a set of leaders in their industries that have [00:19:00] possibly walked in your shoes and possibly.

Many miles in front of you. So as you're, as you're presenting a challenge with yourself or presenting a challenge of a roadblock that you're facing, the likelihood that one or multiple of these individuals, uh, have already done it, or have already faced those demons that you're about to face and they can coach you and help you and, and, and get this, uh, for, for that one to one relationship with them for free, uh, because it's just a, a conversation that you're having with them and help you and guide you solve that problem.

So, for me personally, it has been not about only the insights that I get from the team, but also the connections, you know, Patty mentioned earlier, you know, uh, that she was at a soccer game and then she found the contact and that contact became a, a, a business. Uh, opportunity for her. This [00:20:00] mentorship also has that network and, and what I go to is network that network of individuals that you can always tap into because you're a part of the same group, uh, and, you know, discuss business ideas and perhaps even collaborating businesses together.

So for me, that has been the most value of the inner.

Well, thank you so much. And, uh, and it's so wonderful because I know that you've been able to have such a successful track record since you graduated from college. Uh, but it's also because you continue to push the wave. And, uh, like you've always said you live in a space where you're not trying to solve the problems of today.

Uh, but actually the problems 10, 20, 25 years from now. And I think that that's what always will keep you on high demand. I also have, uh, Dr. PII Mancini, one of the top mental. Individuals in the space, uh, especially in the [00:21:00] Spanish community. So PII, how has it been for you to be able to be in this? You've been in this mentorship probably about five years now.

Uh, and in the inner circle you have had so much growth and explosion, uh, for the last few years. Uh, what can you tell us a little bit about what has been like for you and what is the real benefit in being part of that inner circle and being part of those rooms in which we get together, you know, as a.

Thank you so much, Dr. Fab and, and hello to everyone that's listening. And Justin, thank you so much. This has been really an extraordinary experience. This is the fifth year anniversary since I entered the mentorship. And it was one of those things where, you know, I had been in the, in the industry 25, 5 years.

I, I had had a lot of success, but I, I sort of didn't know where, what was next? What is next? I had reached every goal that I had set for myself. What I did not know is that there was another world out there that I had no [00:22:00] idea that it existed. When I first to my, uh, I went to my first mentorship in San Diego.

Everything started opening up and, and not only started seeing Dr. Fab's kind of infrastructure and, and the path that he takes, which for me, it's transformational, not only because of the content, but because of the manner in which he connects you to what you already know. So what he ended up doing was waking up kind of that desire and opening up this path.

So from the first time that I was there, I came out of the first mentorship with the plan and that plan over the next year was implemented. It was highly successful before I knew it. I had a $5 million project that I started to manage. Uh, both had been published. It opened up channels, not only nationally, but internationally.

And then over the last two years, um, almost three years, all of the areas that I had been working on that I [00:23:00] was kind of. Stuck. And I didn't know how to move forward. They all came to fruition and I developed them in the mentorship and in the private group, because they were able to give me not only this, this more individual private sessions with, with people that had done what I wanted to do, but it also allowed me to get energized and get it body, mind, and spirit and unfinancial.

So people forget about the fourth one. So in the mentorships and in the inner circle, I was able to start looking at all, all of those areas in a way that it became automatic. The guests that come and show up at the mentorships are also transformational they're individuals that were able to touch areas of my life that I needed to be developing.

And I hadn't because I was working, um, on, on what my dream, what my goal was. And I've been one of those [00:24:00] individuals that I've been blessed to know my mission and my vision since 1999, but I didn't know how to bring it out to those next levels. So in the mentorship, and especially in the inner circle, the inner circle gives me that individual time with other people that have achieved.

And that also have the higher level conversations that the two or three day mentorship doesn't allow us to have in the same level. It gives us the information, but here I have a way to examine it. So this last couple of years I've missed the last two mentorships because of international travel. And I'm determined to make it in September.

I had another trip, but I canceled it because I wasn't gonna let another one go by with, without me coming back and, and begin to give back some of the many gifts this mentorship has given me. Well, thank you so much for it's so [00:25:00] interesting because for me to see the evolution that you've had and how, when you set your mind, when you make a decision, cause you become a bestselling author.

Since you've been in the mentorship, you've now lecture all over the world. You've actually led teams of leaders of the world, uh, to be able to solve world issues all because you realized that what you had created as your own success was based on your limitation of thinking that's that was your reality.

But when you expanded and you started being in a room with people that had created so much more than that, now you start realizing why not me? They're just like me. Maybe if I can start thinking or doing differently, maybe I can do the same and you continue to do that. And, uh, and just in here we have another, uh, inner circle mentee, uh, Dr.

Frank Corbo, Frank has been extremely successful in the world of healthcare by not only creating one of the most [00:26:00] successful healthcare magazines that we've ever seen with millions of people out there receiving it, but also the fact that he's had multiple businesses, multiple clinics, uh, but Frank, somebody like you that have actually worked with people like Jay Abraham and many others.

Tell me a little bit about what is it that you have found that the mentorship has known for you?

I, myself, sorry about that. Can you hear me now? Fab? Yes. Good. Well, first of all, um, I've had the, the privilege of, of knowing, uh, fab. Over 20 years. And, uh, for those of you who know my journey in becoming an entrepreneur in chiropractic, besides just a practitioner, cause they're entrepreneurs too. But fab gave me my start in one of the biggest projects I've been involved with and because he believed in me, um, more than I believed in [00:27:00] myself.

And I think what being related to fab and, and, and, you know, it's just, I feel like I'm part of Fab's family. I, I know, uh, now intimately para Lugia. I know Aldo, of course I know his children. So I feel like I'm part of his family too. Um, so that that's just a, an added, uh, benefit, but there's things and that, that you were designed to accomplish things that God made you.

To do, but in order to accomplish those things, you need somebody in your corner that believes in you sometimes more than you believe in yourself. And so being involved with fab in the, the mentorship in the inner circle, um, fab has pushed me to accomplish some of the things that I, I believe I've been created to accomplish because he's had trust in me and part of the, this [00:28:00] group, what I believe there there's four key elements to being a part of this group.

Number one, you get accepted into the. And this group as, uh, the other, um, panelists have been talking about this group is exceptional. Once you're in the group, you have this identity that comes along with being a family member with being part of this group. And when you have those two components, when you're accepted and you have this identity and you're put in a safe place, Right where you can, you know, share your fair, your, your, your failures, your transparency, things like that.

Then I believe your position to accomplish your purpose. And oftentimes we don't feel like we're in a safe place. The mentorship is a safe place. It's the place where we talk about the things that we're scared of, the things that we failed before at. Um, and then you get encouragement [00:29:00] because you get maybe a different perspective or you get somebody telling you, you know what I've been there.

I've done that. I've paid the dumb tax. Here's what I would do. These would be my next steps. So I think the, the, the, the greatest part about being involved in the, in inner circle, the mentorship in general is that you have somebody to, uh, rely on somebody who believes in you, somebody that will answer the phone anytime day or night, and provide what you needed, being a part of this mentorship.

Not only relationally, because as leaders, relationally, what happens is we we're on islands, right. And we're isolated. And when we're isolated, we're insulated from the things that, that were meant to build us. You know, the Bible tells that things were meant for evil, but God used them for good. And sometimes we have to avail ourselves to learning more about ourselves and have people like that.[00:30:00]

So, certainly relationally, it's been one of the greatest, um, one of the greatest groups I've been involved with, and then from a, just a pure economic standpoint, you know, you know, this is called the mentorship, but really what it is is fab is the greatest connector relationally of anybody I've ever met.

So I'd call his mentorship a connector. Because fab can't help, but to connect you with somebody else, because he knows your value more than yourself, and he will put you out there in such a ways. I'll never forget. And I, I apologize for going on. And, uh, but fab, I love you so much as you know, but I'll never forget, you know, I had this great fear of failure and we were at one of the inner circle, uh, one of the earlier inner circles and it's a two hour, two hour, uh, time when we're getting together with high level people.

And I was a little bit nervous and in fab introduces himself introduce to some of the other people [00:31:00] and there's maybe like an hour and a half left and he goes, Frank's gonna take it from here. And he hands me on the microphone and I have to get out of my fear of failure, but it was one of the greatest times for me because it extracted.

What fab knew all along was inside of me. And it was my best. And so fab, I couldn't thank you enough for allowing me to be a part of this group. Uh, I love you, uh, as much as I could tell you. Well, thank you so much, Frank. Uh, it's so great to see you and I can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks in Miami.

Yep. And, uh, and I tell you, you have been the same for me. I have watched you, uh, grown. I have watched you not only become and, and continue to be one of the greatest fathers, uh, to your children and husbands to your wife. And that's one of the things that in the mentorship, especially in the inner circle, we realized that a lot of times we [00:32:00] sacrifice the things that truly matter for the sake of our success.

That tends to be sometimes our family, our health, our, our faith, even, and, and in our group. What's beautiful about it is that you have very successful people that are actually sharing the stories as to how they unfortunately, uh, were not able to be able to sustain either a relationship or something because they ignored.

And so one of the things that, that I do and I, and I, and I'll remind you, and that is that when we work together, yes, we're gonna work on three ma primary objectives every month, but I want one of those objectives to be your personal life, whether it's your health, your family, your relationships, your faith, anything that you feel this gonna impact you personally.

And that's one of the things that I believe is very important for all of us to recognize, uh, because it makes all the difference in the world. So, well, I have another one of my inner circum, mentees, [00:33:00] uh, one of the most successful integrated doctors in the country. Uh, if you go to New Jersey, you will know, because it's very famous in that state.

Uh, he has brought so much help to so many people along the way, and that is Dr. RA Gupta. So RA is so great to see you. Uh, if you could share with us a little bit about who you are, and also. What the inner circle mentorship has done for you and being part of that group. And, and, and over the years you've been with me almost over five years now, and you continue to be excited and continue to renew.

So tell me a little bit about what what's that all about. Well, uh, Dr. Fab is, uh, really fabulous and lives up to his name. I will tell you that, uh, being in the mentorship group, and of course the inner circle has allowed me to network with some of the big time thinkers in my profession and other professions that have, [00:34:00] uh, encouraged me and gave and given.

So every time I attend a fab event, I stand up and I share with the entire group, uh, usually by the end of the weekend, that. I don't feel comfortable anywhere else. It's those people in that room? No one gets me. Uh, I live in a world on my own planet until I meet with these people, because these are my peeps.

These are the people that understand me. They're entrepreneurs. We all think the same way. And, uh, unfortunately, uh, in day to day life, you can get beaten down by those small thinkers. So it's very important to me and, uh, the inner circle, especially, uh, to meet with those that are like-minded because it gives me the courage every time I'm on the plane, traveling home.

I know I can, and I will, uh, it's reassurance. Uh, it's. It's. Again, like-minded people and the networking, the people I have met [00:35:00] have changed my career. I learned about functional medicine from another, uh, uh, client of Dr. Fabs. And now I'm gonna be on TV reversing someone's type two diabetes. So I can't meeting Frank Corbo meeting.

Some of the people in the group literally have changed. Dr. Patrick Patrick Porter is like a hero to my five year old because of brain tap. Um, I am constantly exposed to cutting edge services that keep me ahead of the curve. And I just, uh, the relationship I have with fab is, uh, invaluable to me personally.

And. Uh, you know, uh, Raj, we feel the same way. And I think it was one of the other inner circle mentee that mentioned it is like a family. You know, one of my objectives in that room is to create and with the group, because remember we get together three times a year where we get to share with each other, bring our significant others, brings our family.

But more importantly, [00:36:00] we get together throughout the year, uh, online and also on a weekly basis, I'm with you, right? So we get to connect all the time. But one of the things that I recognize is the fact that it's very important to create a safe environment. And that's one of the things that I work really hard because for years, for 30 years, I've been into some of the biggest environments out there.

And what I recognize is that a lot of times when you're not comfortable, you're not able to express yourself with some of your insec. And as a leader and an overachiever, all of us, you know, don't want to look differently to people that we don't know. But the nice thing about this group is that you can put all of those defenses down.

In fact, I call it a mask. You can take your mask off and say this perfect mask. Hey, there's a person in here that is dealing with some issues. You know, I'm having some health issues that I haven't told anybody. I mean, I'll never forget one time we were in an inner circle meeting and we had one of the most successful doctors in America, out of [00:37:00] California.

And she wakes up, I mean, gets up and says, You know, I've never told this to anybody, but I don't like myself. When I look at myself in the mirror and everybody looks at her and say, my God, you're so beautiful. You're so perfect. And she says, this has been an issue that has impacted not only my relationship with my husband, with my children, but with everyone that I come in contact with and we were able to support her and love her and help her recognize that what she was seeing was really not a reflection of her reality.

Those were all programs that were put there by who knows, could have been an old boyfriend that told her you are ugly. That's why I'm not gonna date you. But these are the things that need to be. How many times have we had that inner circle meeting with couples have broken down and said, you know what?

We are diverge of maybe getting a divorce and then the group loves them and, and, and they can talk about it and, and if they can make it great, they'll make it. But if you know, what, if maybe a divorce is the best thing for both of them, then [00:38:00] that's fine too. But the good news is that there's no judgment is pure love, pure acceptance.

And the reason for that is because we all recognize that we have an opportunity to share with each other. The things that most of us will never be able to share, even sometimes with our significant others, because we don't wanna worry them, et cetera. Dr. Rati, just say something. I do I have to jump, but I have to say this fab, because I must tell you that this is like a family.

Many of the mentor mentors in your group have been to my home for the weekend. They are the closest friends I have now, personally and professionally fashionly. And, uh, it, it, by the way, I told you, it affected my life, my wife and OD for 18 years after listening to some of the, these mentorship.[00:39:00]

Well, I think we lost, uh, Dr. Raj, but, uh, one of the things, uh, I. I wanted to be able to bring to you is another one of our inner circles. Uh, a man that I have admired so much. I thank God every day for having him in my life because he's literally changed my life and my family's life, especially my children's life.

And that is Dr. Patrick Porter. Patrick is one of the most revered brain experts in the world, uh, when it comes to reprogramming your brain for success, when it comes to being able to, uh, understand the science of how the brain actually is, uh, is, is an organ that allows us to adapt to our environment. And he developed probably in my opinion, the greatest technology that every single human being should have, and that is brain tap.

Uh, and, and Patrick, you've been part of this [00:40:00] mentorship for quite a bit. Uh, tell me a little bit about some of the benefits that you have found being an inner circle, and what, what have you found? Uh, I mean, you are a PhD, you will renowned, you have one of the biggest, uh, neuro companies of the brain function in the world.

Tell me a little bit about why you find this group so effective for you. Well, I think mainly when you're, when you're at the top of your game, like most of the people that are in your mentorship program, you don't have a lot of people to call. You don't have a lot of people to talk to and they don't understand.

So you're, you're dealing with people that have been through what you've been through and, uh, they give you insights. Uh, I mean, I've, uh, we've learned so much each time that we get together. And then of course the relationships just like Dr. Raj was talking about when he got off the relationships, when you're done, these are relationships that I think are gonna last forever.

I mean, we've met, we've met some pretty close friends now, uh, since being in there. And, um, I think the other is that, uh, we're only as. We [00:41:00] can only make changes in the world to the degree that we have people that are gonna support us and help us to do that. At some point, we're gonna run out of our own steam.

So we can't do this alone. So you bring together the right people who can make things happen and they've made things happen on all levels for our business. So it wasn't just one level. I mean, you've helped us see things that, um, you know, when you're so close to what you're doing, you need. Creative eyes.

And for me to pay for each of those people to give me the insights they did, there's no way I could afford it. You know, they would, they just wouldn't give me the time of day, but now, because they're part of your group and we're together, they're they take an interest. And so I think you've done a great job, cultivating the people in the group and building a, a synergy where, you know, nobody feels threatened.

I mean, it feels like everybody's there to support and help. I think, uh, you know, when I first came in, I, I did a preview day, like you've done before, and I was so disappointed that I didn't plan my trip to stay the rest of the weekend. I think I told you that. I said, if I would've known it was [00:42:00] gonna be this good, I would've planned to be there the whole weekend.

And, but I couldn't the first one that I went to. But ever since. We've been coming in and making sure we stayed the whole time and just enjoy because not only during the presentations part of it's good, but the socialization is so, so meaningful because we don't get a, we don't get a chance to do that.

You know, when you're at events and you're traveling a lot of times, people just want, want, want from you, but at your event, it was more of a community where, you know, everybody was sharing and there was no real pressure to do anything with anybody was just a nice environment. You know, one of the things that I find is, uh, I remember the first time you came by yourself and then you started coming with your wife, uh, which is a partner of yours in the company, but also the lovely wife that you've been together with.

Uh, one of the things that Justin, a lot of people don't realize is our mentees, especially inner circles. They bring their significant others over 80% of them do. And the reason for that is because it [00:43:00] is a community, you know, a lot of times you go home and you're so excited because here you are listening to some of the biggest names in the world, getting to know them and, and being so inspired, uh, that you want, you want to share with your loved ones, but then they look at you and say, why didn't you invite me?

I wanted to be there. I wanted to enjoy that moment. And that's one of the things that I find very interesting. So Patrick, you've been very successful in all your endeavors, but what would be maybe one tip that you can give us that you have found that is critical in scaling your business? You are a master at that.

You have grown this company brain tap to such a degree, but what would be one thing that you would recommend people to consider when it comes to scaling your business? Well, partnering, I think is big and masterminds are a part of that, you know, finding the right people with the right fit, whether it be universities that we work with or, um, different groups.

Like we, we have a lot of chiropractic groups, a lot of do [00:44:00] groups. Um, those are the main groups that we work with, but now we're spreading out into this, uh, new anti-aging format. I find find groups that will accept what you do in my world. Of course, if I was just doing a regular clinic, then, um, it would be different.

But like what, what we did was find, you always find trying to find that right fit partner, who's going to, you know, work together and there's a synergy there and it's hard to find those people. So that's why it was so nice coming to your event because you're there right there. I mean, you might not be able to get them to pick up the phone, but you can set up lunch with them.

You can set up dinner with them. And I mean, these are big time players. They're not, um, most of them are really high levels, so. You know, some are just starting out and of course you gotta, we gotta help them out. But I think that one, what helped me more than anything is to realize I can't do this on my own.

I've gotta have help. And I've, I've always been a big one for mentors and to, uh, get coaching my whole life, because I knew that, you know, the worst thing, the, the death mill for [00:45:00] success is thinking, you know, everything. So, you know, we wanna make sure that, uh, and that my dad ingrained that in my brain. So I'm always looking for who's that next person I'm gonna learn from grow from how can we work together?

How can we make a synergy that we both win? And we remain friends forever. You know, I never wanna do a deal where I have to avoid a conference or avoid a city maybe because I, I did something that wasn't there. I mean, not all business transactions are gonna be successful, but you need to at least go into with the intention that everybody's gonna win.

And everybody understands the risk and then together. And I think that's what I've done better than most, because we've always created that win-win scenario. Even back when I first started and I started working with Parker university, that was one of the first ones I went to because you had the biggest groups.

So, you know, that's where I went because I, I thought I'm gonna go get chiropractor. So who are those people? So you go to the big dogs and you get them to help you. And even at the time when they didn't know who I was, I got support. You know, that's the way it works. [00:46:00] Well, thank you P uh, Patrick, I know you got a very busy schedule.

I appreciate you making the time to come to this life, uh, event. And, uh, I just want you to know, I love you. I appreciate you and your family. And, uh, thank you so much for trusting in us to be able to continue to support your growth, uh, and especially continue to enjoy life. And every time that we get together, You know, Justin, I just get so excited because, you know, as you can hear, these are the people that I get to hang out every single week with.

I mean, every single week I get conversations and we get together physically three times a year, we have the opportunities to get together online and, and converse with each other. Uh, and one of the things that I am the most proud of this group is not necessarily the knowledge and the skill and the experience that I bring.

And then of course I have all my ultra successful, uh, inner circle friends, uh, that, that have accomplished so much success to come and pour on them, but it's [00:47:00] actually themselves. And, you know, for almost four years, I did not ever have an inner circle speak. You know, at our event, they were always the biggest names out there.

Dr. Phil and TD Jakes and Les brown and Jack Campfield and Dr. De martini, all the people that we've talked about in the last couple of days, those have always been my speaker. But about a year ago, we were having a meeting and one of the individuals, uh, that are inner circle said, you know what? We come here three times a year to the most beautiful resorts at a fraction of the price.

You know, I mean our price right now at the four seasons, which we're gonna be in Miami is actually one third of what they're retailing it on the website. So, you know, we are very conscientious to try to keep the experience the highest level, but also be conscientious, not to be crazy with our expenditures because that's a responsible leader.

But one of the things that I realized is the fact that when they mention that. [00:48:00] They said they wanted to hear from each other. There was so much success in that room and say, yeah, we'd love to hear from this one and that one, but wouldn't it be great to hear from somebody like Dr. Porter, somebody like Dr.

RA has been such a great business. Somebody like Aldo that has been taking Amazon to a whole new level over the last seven years, somebody like pier that has revolutionized the health, the mental health industry in the United States and the world, you know, and so many other inner circles that we have, and that's what we started doing.

So now I take a few inner circles, especially the ones that have actually created a lot of successes, the last meeting, and I haven't come and share what they're doing. So that way everybody can benefit from that success. And that has actually bonded the community even more. And what's interesting now is that those big names, they come to hear them speak instead of the opposite.

And that is really something that for me, has really created an environment unlike [00:49:00] any other out there when it comes to mentoring or mastermind, uh, because it's really a community where you can be yourself, where you can actually share your biggest dreams and nobody's gonna laugh at you. They're gonna actually embrace it.

They're gonna actually tell you, you're probably not thinking big enough or in an environment where you can actually listen to such high level thinking that stops all the pettiness and all the excuses that keeps so many people from not succeeding. I already said that the eight figure mindset is gonna have at least nine out of 10 people that are gonna talk you out of that idea.

You gotta surround yourself with people that are gonna embrace and support and encourage that idea. And that's what I think we created with our inner circle pro program. Absolutely. And, and, and in not only encourage and embrace, which is wonderful to be supported because, you know, we are kind of the 1% crazies that are entrepreneurs and, and, and, you know, with our hair on fire and, you know, risk takers and willing to push through, but [00:50:00] also give you ideas.

I mean, really, that's the, that's the, the whole point of a mastermind. If you look at my, my pin here, it's a little thing that says, think and grow rich. And that's the original Napoleon hill book in 1937, which was the original masterminds with, with Henry Ford and, uh, you know, the Rockefellers and, and everybody that got together.

And they, they, they not only encouraged each other, which is so important to have support like Patrick was saying, you know, you know, some, we can't. Do it all on willpower. We have to have some people lift us up. And as you can feel this energy over the last, uh, three days, you know, that, that vibration, you know, vibrating at a different level.

And we talked about vibrations with brain tap with Patrick that was, you know, in sleeping with deltas and, and betas. And, and again, so not only having the vibration, but also literally coming and being open and vulnerable and sharing what my issues are. And then having three other people in the group that are like, well, I remember when I [00:51:00] had that problem, this is what I actually did to solve it.

Right. Where else are you gonna get that? And, and for those of us that, that, that have had business partnerships in the past, uh, fail, right? And, and sometimes they do it. It can get messy and ugly and there. It's just not, uh, the most beautiful experience, but when you join a mastermind, when you find the right family, the right community, you, you, you basically get to take on 75 or a hundred business partners without having to split equity.

Right. And yes, you can do these things called joint ventures or a JV where you do like a 50 50 split, whether it's an, an affiliate program or, Hey, how about you market my product or service to your list? And I'll Mar market my pro your product or service to my list, or I'll get on your podcast. You get on my podcast and these synergistic relationships start to happen.

And like Patrick was saying, you know, you can find those business, you know, maybe you do find a business [00:52:00] partnership out of it, but at the very. You have someone that can, that, that can give you an idea or just that one nugget look, one idea can, can, can change your business. One relationship, one handshake, you know, it, you are always just one, you know, thing, 1, 1, 1 nugget, one relationship away from, from scaling, like crazy.

You know, I was on a, another call yesterday and, and, uh, you know, I I'm in the marketing world. As you can tell here, He had, he knew he needed to publish every day on Instagram and he knew it. And, and those short videos on YouTube and TikTok, and he just finally, after being in, in, in the mastermind for five years, he said, finally, I'm gonna do it.

And after three months of doing it, seeing nothing, he exploded. His business exploded. He's getting over a thousand leads a day from Instagram and all the short videos. And it took him five years of being in a mastermind to finally implement it. But he took what the action and he had the support and he did it.

And the idea worked. And [00:53:00] that's what it happens is when you get yourself in the room with other people that are succeeding, that are pushing the envelopes and, and you're all trying to help each other cuz as rising tides, lift all. It's just a beautiful experience. So I'm so excited that we gotta spend all this time.

And I know we've been talking about this Miami mastermind and I'm telling you I've been to the inner circle. I've been to these events, Dr. Fabb. Absolutely. I've never seen anyone go at more nice places and better environments than that. So I'd love just to share a little bit with the audience. What's this Miami event all about.

I know you talked about reserving maybe five spots for people that are watching this right now. And if it's before September 8th, uh, we'll, we'll have a, a PLA a link for you to go to, to talk to Dr. Fab, but, um, you know, Dr. Fab, tell us a little bit about this Miami event. I know it's gonna have a lot to do with scale.

Well, you know, it's interesting because, uh, as we were launching this, uh, this [00:54:00] particular challenge, I realized that since we're talking about scaling our businesses, why not bring some of the most amazing people that I know the inner circle members that I know that can actually bring the bones effective event in scaling your business.

And yes, we have many people in that room that are already at eight figures. Some of our nines that there's some that are 10, uh, but there's also an opportunity to be able to remind ourselves and get ideas, you know, and be able to mistake fine tune what we're doing. Because one of the biggest challenges, like recently I had a friend of mine that was saying, uh, I asked a question, why do you like working with me?

If you're so successful? Why would you need somebody like me? And this is what they said, Justin. The reason I like working with you is because it is harder to sustain a successful, successful business than it is to grow a new business. Think about it for a minute. It is harder to SU [00:55:00] sustain a successful business.

When you are already at eight figures, it is much harder. So you gotta work harder because you gotta be thinking clear, making sure that none of those systems are broken, that we haven't gotten so complacent that we have, uh, stopped doing the things that gots there in the first place. That all of a sudden we thinking that everybody in the world, it knows about us.

When in reality, there is a whole bunch of people out there that have no idea what your product or services may be. So this is what we created. So this event in particular, we're calling a scaling your business, your health, and your. And I brought some of the biggest names out there to be able to come and share with you how to do that, how to be able to biohack, you know, your health in a way like never before the latest technologies, the really principles, what is really working to keep your health at the most amazing level of performance.

And then we did the same with wealth. You know, we're dealing [00:56:00] with tremendous changes right now, where businesses are being solved and bought. And how do you exit your business properly? How do you protect your assets? How do you try to find a way to minimize your taxation and still give your due back, but not over give what is not needed?

And then also in investments, we got one of the greatest individuals in investments coming in and sharing how to read this market. What is coming down the pipe? What do you do with your investments right now? Do you pull out, do you stay in, do you double down? I mean, these are the things that we don't know what we don't know, but all of us are impacted by it.

And when it comes to your health, we have some amazing individuals that are gonna share with you how to upgrade that to the level of no other way. And then your business. I mean, I'm bringing you people that have actually created the biggest businesses out there to share the best ki, uh, scaling behaviors and mindsets.

So you don't hear it just from [00:57:00] me. I'm gonna give you, I'm gonna kick off the whole event with that. In fact, my whole, uh, my whole presentation is about a, the science of scaling. I wanna break it down for you that you can really understand that scaling is something that anyone can do. You just have to understand it.

You just have to understand what it is that you're doing. Then you put that formula into your business and then you know exactly the areas that you need to work on in order to take that business to not only seven or eight figures to, but whatever you choose to do. So. This events are exciting, uh, on Thursday is a day for the inner circle.

So they get to mastermind and workshop together for the morning session, and then they get to do an activity and a lunch. So this time we're going on a yacht and everybody's getting together and we're just networking with those high level individuals. And they don't, uh, Friday and Saturday, I have my regular mentees that come in another 50 or so that are [00:58:00] gonna be coming in and they're gonna be enjoying the rest of the weekend.

And what's beautiful about that is that the, the, the inner circles, you know, are there because the other ones look at them as, Hey, I wanna buy that product. I wanna buy that thing. And, and the collaborations, you know, the collaborations that happen is to me, the thing that everybody has mentioned, uh, that spoke today, the networking that happens in this event is beyond anything I've ever experienced.

But I'm gonna tell you just in the secret, the secret is nobody's there to sell anything to you. Everybody's there is to actually understand what you do and see if there's a fit to collaborate together. If there's a fit to work together, if there's a fit for you to benefit from my technology or my product or my service.

And can you benefit from what I have, nobody's there to sell. But it's interesting because I hear, when they tell me, I said, oh, I just did a deal with somebody that's worth millions of dollars. Thanks for introducing me and letting me be part of that [00:59:00] circle. You know, to me, those things just happen organically.

When you set the foundation to be here for, to be of service for everybody here. I don't attract people that go there to take something out of that group. I don't let them in. I get invited to a lot of those masterminds out there. That is one pitch. After another pitch, after another pitch, I don't wanna be a part of that.

I wanna get to know people for who they are, who they're being, what impact do they wanna create in the world? Can we align together and have a bigger impact together? Those are the people that I'm bringing in the room. Those are the people that I'm hoping that you will want to be a part. Absolutely. Well, it's so exciting.

And, and, and he, there is an opportunity. Look, there are a couple spots that are still left in the inner circle. And, uh, I know Dr. Fab has a hard limit because he wants to make sure he delivers value and he keeps the right people in the community. But after you've been watching this and you feel a tug in your heart, and you're like, this sounds like my tribe.

This sounds like my vibe. [01:00:00] This sounds like my people. Uh, we are gonna put here in the chat right now that, uh, you just head over to www.doctor fab. Inner circle.com. That's Dr. Fab inner circle.com and here's what Dr. Fab's willing. And, and, and it's an amazing, amazing gift that he's willing to do. He's gonna let you get 15 minutes of his time, which if you do, the math is somewhere around $12,500 for 15 minutes, cuz that's what he charges to speak $50,000.

So if you go to Dr. Fab inner circle.com and you can book a free 15 minute consultation with Dr. Fab, and you can tell him about your business, you can tell him about what your dreams are about where you are, where you want to be, and even pick his brain, uh, about what can help make your business. That one thing.

And of course, it's all. The community, as we've talked about on here, as you've heard today from [01:01:00] these people, we can't do it alone. Willpower alone won't allow us. We don't have the, the, the capacity to, to do, to know everything. We all have our blind spots. In fact, I was watching the movie thinking grow rich yesterday, and they had, uh, Henry Ford was on trial.

The Chicago Tribune said that he was a fool. Like he was a lucky fool that was able to build this, this mass, this massive company Ford, uh, with the combustible engine. And they put him on trial. And they were asking him and they were peppering him with questions and his answers was, look, I don't know who the secretary of state was for James Madison, but I know that I have a row of buttons on my phone that I can push any one of 'em and I can call anybody that's in my mastermind with Napoleon hill and I can have Titans of experts of whatever that specific thing is.

And I can have an answer in 10 seconds, and that is the power of a mastermind to be in the right room with the right people in the right industry that have the right connections that have the right mentality that have [01:02:00] the right insights that can propel your business to eight figures and beyond. So all you gotta do is head over to Dr.

Fab inner circle.com. Click on the 15 minute. Talk with Dr. Fab, tell him why you think you would be the right fit for this community. Tell him, you know, where you are, where you wanna be and, and if it's a fit. Great. You know what I mean? Wonderful. And then he'll tell you more, there's an event coming up September 8th, but there's an event three times a year.

So if you're watching this on a replay or an Encore presentation, go to Dr. Fab, inter circle.com. Sign up for the 15. Meet with Dr. Fab. You know, like I said, tell him why you think you'll be a perfect fit for the inner circle. And I promise you if your heart is telling you what to do, trust your instincts, take action.

As we've talked about, no thought, just do, and you'll be able to be a part of this amazing, uh, beautiful community. I'm so blessed to have been able to, to be a part of this, to met Dr. Fab, to, to take this out [01:03:00] to the masses, you know, where, and, and like I said, and, and it might be when, if you're watching this on an Encore presentation, it might be too late.

It might have already been full and, and, and will, there will be a waiting list, you know, because sometimes waiting lists might take a year or two, and I know like green bay pack or football tickets, you gotta wait 20 years sometimes. I encourage you. If your heart's telling you to take action, trust your heart.

Go to Dr. FAAB inner circle.com. Set up a 50 minute appointment with Dr. FAAB and, uh, let's, let's really take massive action and scale that business, that mission that you've been wanting to do, uh, to take it to the next level. So that is the, the, the call to action, as they say, Dr. Fab, any final comments? I know you gotta run out to, to hop on a plane, to go help some more inner circle members out there on the east coast, but any final comments before we wrap up?

Well, first of all, I wanna say, thank you, Justin. Thank you for, uh, allowing us to have this time. Thank you for moderating this [01:04:00] challenge so well, and being able to recap some of the lessons that you're getting, and also share from your heart, your experiences within being part of this inner circle, and more importantly, being able to, uh, network with all these amazing people that you've gotten to know, and you're gonna be seeing in Miami real soon.

For those of you that are listening, I'm gonna leave you with these final thoughts. And it's one of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein and Albert Einstein said you can solve the problems of today with the same level of thinking that created them. You can solve the problems of today with the same level of thinking that created them.

I want you to understand that I read that quote many years ago and it may be recognized. And it led me to the work of Napoleon hill and many others that everything begins with your thinking. So this challenge is really to stimulate your thinking and to inspire you to think differently. Because you cannot achieve a different outcome with the [01:05:00] same level of thinking that got you there in the first place, you're gonna have to upgrade your thinking.

So if you're ready to change that thinking if you're ready and say, you know what, I'm only at a six figure business. Great, welcome. I wanna work with you because I wanna show you the principles, the science behind getting into a seven figure business. And if you're a seven figure business, Hey great.

Let's talk about becoming a nine figure business. If you're a nine figure business, great. Let's go into 10 because the principles are the same. All we're gonna do is we're gonna be able to allow you to do two things. Number one, put that formula into action in your business. Be able to test it and be able to recognize am I doing everything I need to be doing to be able to be an, a figure business?

That's number one. Number two, you're gonna be able to network with other people like you or other people that are in a business that already reach a higher level. So that way they can become your mentors, your friends, [01:06:00] individuals, that you can bounce ideas. I mean, Dr. Raj mentioned, you know, he has so many inner circle state in his house.

Well, it is one of the most beautiful houses in New Jersey. And he's got so much space. Like he's always welcoming all of the, anybody that goes to New York or New Jersey is gonna end up spending at least one night with him because he's such a great host with his beautiful wife. They take care of you and they just wanna nurture you.

But you know, how great is that, that you get to actually create new friendships and upgrade your friendships to the level of people that you want to become. Like, remember what I said in the beginning? Uh, You'll become the sum of the five people you surround yourself with. Now, remember that inner circle is gonna be more than five people, right.

But it's gonna be in people that are gonna influence you. People that are gonna push you to become the better version of yourself. And that's really what I wanna leave you with. If you wanna upgrade your mind, if you wanna solve the problems and the challenges you're facing, you gotta change your thinking.

So [01:07:00] give yourself an opportunity if you want. And you feel inspired that this resonates with you and that you feel that this may be a good fit. Let's have a 15 minute call. And that way we can explore to see if it. If it's not that's okay. I promise you there's gonna be some great value in those 15 minutes, because I don't do anything that doesn't create value.

That is my principle. That's how I've been able to achieve the success that I have because I realized that my greatest worth is when I'm bringing value to other people, to other entities, to other companies. And that's what I've dedicated this last six years to be able to build this amazing inner circle group, because I want to help you.

So I hope that this inspire you. I hope that you are excited. I hope that you take an action step and be decisive like Bob Proctor toss. I hope that you will start writing all your goals and make sure every single day you're thinking bigger and bigger and do not settle for the goal goals of last year.

You deserve more than that. And if your self esteem. [01:08:00] It's a little bit fragmented and maybe you're not attracted because you don't feel worthy. Just gimme a little time with you. I'm gonna let you realize that you have everything you need right inside of you. It's not about a, a matter of adding more into your life.

It's a matter of getting rid of the things that are actually keeping you from showing up. And that's what the mentorship at the inner circle is all. Well, that's incredible. And I would go run and signed up, but I'm already signed up. So I encourage you to get out there, head to Dr. Fab inner circle.com.

And don't forget the two incredible bonuses just for signing up. We're gonna send you access to get the thousand dollars. How do I get on TV secrets from Dr. Fab and all of his amazing connections and insights of how you can actually get on TV and get on those programs and tell the world about your mission and your business and your passion.

And also we're gonna be sending over the, the, the studies that we talked about with fasting and, and Dr. Fab has incredible resources that he can [01:09:00] send over to you to really take control of your health because without your health, All the wealth in the world means nothing. And you're gonna need that energy and you're gonna need that health to accomplish eight, nine figures and beyond.

So again, I want to thank Dr. Fab and all the panelists and all the guests and everybody that joined us. I wanna thank you for showing up. You took action. You made a decision. You're here watching right now, and that means you you're. You're an action taker. You have a calling you're doing more than 99% of the world.

You're actually taking action. Now it's time to take massive action. Head on over to Dr. Fab inner circle.com and get signed up for a 15 minute consultation with Dr. Fab. Tell 'em about your met passion. Tell 'em about where you wanna be and tell 'em why you think you'd be a perfect fit in the Dr. Fab inner circle.

And hopefully if you're watching this before the Miami trip, we'll see in Miami on a yacht. So again, thanks everybody. Thank you, Dr. Fab, and, , take massive action. Trust your instincts, listen to your heart. And we're [01:10:00] so excited. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you everybody. Thank you. And we will hopefully see you in Miami or San Diego.

Carlsbad is the next one. So take care of everybody.